As usual life is being life. Stuff happened / is happening, I’m playing Sims 2 to distract myself. The good news is I fixed the issue where it was crashing constantly. The bad news is my method of “study something every time the game crashes” does not work when the game does not crash
so uh Saturday did not go as I thought it would. Still I have objectively speaking made decent progress both in and outside of studying, even if it hasn’t been everyday.
Just going to have a look and see how far through I get. Will update page numbers when I find one. Gonna attempt to translate.
While my consciousness was fading, I saw something, I think it was a small star.
(Pretty sure you’re supposed to be wearing your helmet, though, it looks cracked. Something here did not go well. Hence the unconsciousness.)
Chapter page. The right girl in on the cover, dunno the left girl, trying to figure out if the spiky thing is a lion or a hedgehog.
“Year 1961, the USSR has the world’s first manned spaceflight.” “Year 1969, the Apollo II, humanities first moon landing.”
“With regards to space history, the [three calamities] are: Apollo I’s fire incient,” “Also, Japan’s-” So, what I’ve got so far is this girl is studying for a history lesson.
“It’s admirable that you’re studying on your way home from the exam.” “KYA!!” I’m going with lion until anyone says otherwise.
“Wait! Idiot Lion! ARGH!” (yes! lion confirmation yay!) “darts” (as in, darting away?) “What a racket that kid is making alone.” “Yeah” (the 何を has thrown me a little. The main thing is that Lion-san is imaginary. Probably.)
“How was it, Chibi-chan? Space school’s first exam?” (Her name is Chibi? That’s adorable. Nvm Lion-san is just calling her short.) “It was difficult but, I only crammed space history.”
“Lion-san’s expected problem is one small thing that also didn’t exit, but” (exit isn’t right, more like the small problem didn’t happen kinda meaning)
“Lion-san, a long time ago you were an astronaut, right?” “I knew it, the test went terribly?” (I’m really struggling to tell who is talking, especially that line where it looks like it switched between them in the same bubble)
“There weren’t things like [terrible] questions” “Because, in those days, it seems Japan’s astronauts were early in their training.”
“Of course, something like Space School didn’t exist.” “In (whose?) my teens, you wouldn’t even think about something like aiming for space.” “People’s livelihoods don’t change, but” “Only space is probably the thing that becomes familiar.”
Calling it here for today. Will need to remember to read more of this before the week ends. Uh, while updating Natively I noticed the blurb. Maybe Lion-san is only partially imaginary.
Overthinking: I read 3 text pages. If I read 3 pages a day, that’s 21 a week and I don’t keep up. I need to read 4/5 a day to keep up with 30 page chapters. Today I read 5 because 2 of the pages didn’t have text on. I am also going to lag in energy as the week goes on, may need to deliberately read more tonight and tomorrow to make up for that…
Little headachey, so not sure I’ll read 5 pages (should’ve been an even numbered goal for reading two at a time), but I’m going to at least read this two. (Maybe read a group of 2 every time my game crashes, I’ll finish the chapter before midnight
“Mostly, if not even that accident, more early” There’s another version of もっとも with kanji as 尤も which I think fits better. “But then, if not for that accident, sooner” (as in, Japan would have advanced space stuff sooner and therefor be further ahead now.)
“Year 2010, Asumi was 1 year old,” “This year, In Japan, Japan’s first 100% domestically produced space exploration rocket the [Lion] was launched.” (Hence Asumi’s liony friend.)
“However, 72 seconds after the launch, the liquid fuel booster exploded in flames.” “The mission control centre with also the rocket’s self-destruct equipment could say push the [Flight suspension system]'s switch without it operating” “The Lion crashed towards an urban area and caused many casualties, this disaster came to happen.”
Paraphrasing, the thingy caught on fire, mission controls “stop” button wasn’t working, people died. (The となった part I think adds nuance that it became to be a thing that happened unintentionally)
“Anyway, are you okay? Shorty?”
“You still haven’t spoken to them? Telling your dad you’ve taken the exam for Tokyo’s Space School.”
“I’m home now”
“Ah, welcome home dad.”
“Tch, that old man.” “Pushing me around until this kind of hour.”
“Dinner’s ready (nuance: I am informing you because you did not know this.)” “What is it, curry? Today’s the third in a row” (Okay, but have you considered. Curry.)
“I can complain in my/this financial situation” (that doesn’t grammar right) “(noise of pain)”
“Are you okay, dad?” “Ow-ow-ow” “Suddenly, (pain) came to my lower back.”
Also, it’s a lot easier to tell who’s talking now. I guess since Lion-san is in Asumi’s head, technically it’s all just her words, she just pretends some of them come from Lion-san.
“It would be nice to have an electric massager (I can’t figure out what のに is doing here, doesn’t seem to fit an ‘although’ meaning, so I’m ignoring it)” “Stupid talk, where is the money for that.”
“That might be true, but” “That’s just right. Your weight, that is.”
“Asumi’s weight is just right for dad.”
“Wait, are you serious? 鴨川さん?” (I struggle with how I should write names when notemaking, do I put it in Romaji? Do I leave it in kanji? why do I have to make choices?)
“Fiscal year 2024, Tokyo Space School enrolment selection guide.”
“That’s, It’s not that I don’t understand your ‘I want to be an astronaut’ feelings, but”
“I think there will be various difficulties for a girl. Just, you’re even the smallest in the school year, The national (smth complicated) fees are formidable, and The biggest one, from the countryside, how will you commute to Tokyo?”
“There’s a dormitory for candidates. That’s why…”
“鴨川さん, If I’m not mistaken, when you were young you’re mother passed away. Now it’s just you and your dad, right?” (he can make his own friends, don’t hold yourself back for his hypothetical sake)
“鴨川さん, even if you can go to this school, then then your dad will become all on his own.” (NO! Bad teacher. don’t make that her problem. Anyway, language, the と nuance is ‘if this happens then that follows naturally’, the となる is that Asumi can’t just decide to go to this school as it’s out of her control.)
“Did your dad not oppose this or anything?” “Huh, my dad,”
“Especially, nothing” (like, he didn’t really say anything in particular.)
“Good morning”
“Dad isn’t here?”
“Ah, he had an early shift”
“Argh, he’s so messy.”
(I need deep breaths of being slightly triggered by this parentification)
“I knew it. If I weren’t here it’d be no good. This…” (It’s LIES Asumi-chan! He’ll figure something out. I have had your thoughts before, so I know they feel true but they are NOT.)
“My dream: Year 1 Group 1, Kamogawa Asumi.”
(Here is where I actually took a break until the game crashed again, because I am invested and want to read more but also this is tiring.)
“I want to be a rocket driver.” “I want to do this, and then bring everyone to lots of different stars (implied favour to the everyonein question)”
“Mo-ron. With rockets they’re not called Drivers. It’s Pilot.”
“Also, daddy and Lion-san get a special free ticket.” (I like how she didn’t let the other kid’s comment get to her.)
“Thank you for always, daddy!”
“Here, for you!” “Hmm, what’s this?”
“Your father’s dad present!” (D’aw he’s genuinely happy)
“My dad is a bit of a lazybones, but he’s been quite handsome and popular since long ago.” “Of course, this is my (or maybe his?) self-assessment so it’s not at all something that can be relied upon” (went for the 3rd definition gave me for アテ, then noticed the vocab sheet has the アテにはならない phrase as a whole so I’m glad I got that right.)
“When I was smaller, he always wore a business suit. (Because) He was a rocket engineer.”
“But now, he’s untidy and a little insensitive, and he’s always has a tired face and is somewhat unreliable.” (would I be being insensitive if I suggested he see a therapist? He doesn’t sound like he’s doing okay. He should see a professional instead of Asumi being expected to pick up the slack.)
“Shorty, look. First star.”
“That sort of start looks small, but in reality, its tens of times bigger than the sun.”
“Unintentionally, as every day passes, we completely don’t notice its size.” “With our eyes, we can’t make sure, that about of power we don’t understand.”
“That is, people are also together.” (I think the together here is people are the same as the sun, we can’t see what they’re going through, that kind of meaning.)
Actually this is a good stopping point. And I’m about 2/3rds through so I don’t need to worry about pace too much. (I may or may not have been worried on seeing how long the chapter is after struggling with Bocchi.)
- Insert thoughts on how dad probably isn’t a bad parent here, seems to be having some mental health problems, but that doesn’t make things her responsibility, the situation is just all a bit shit, make this eloquenter.
So, uh, turned to the next spread and the first thing I’m noticing in the panel on the bottom left for page 21. All that disclaimed I wrote last time I read this saying the dad isn’t a bad parent? Revoked. Now I understand why he was reminding me of my own dad.
page 20
“I’m home.”
“Ah, you’re early today, I’ll start prepping dinner now” (the dad has found her application)
“What’s the meaning of this” (yeah I don’t like how calm he is)
“Stop it already, don’t read letters addressed to me.” “I asked you: what’s the meaning of this.” (yep, do not like do not like.)
“It’s not particularly anything.”
page 21
“Besides, this conversation is enough, let’s go to dinner.” “What’s ‘enough’!?”
“T-that hurts, dad, let me go.” “Speak clearly, Asumi! What is ‘enough’?”
“That’s why, not particulalry, I only took it for a memento” (the exam? that sounds like a lie)
“I just tried it out once. The exam cost, I spent my own pocket money”
(And he decides to be a rational person who calms down and has a conversation with his daughter
I wish.)
page 22
“I’m not asking that!!”
(And it’s over. I’mma take a little break to calm down.)
page 23
(The way this page is spread out, it looks more like Lion noticed her and was doing his own thing before that. Also, she’s reading a guide for a public high school entrance exam? Please don’t give up just because your dad’s an arsehole, Asumi.)
“Shorty… Have you given up on Space School?”
“Lion-san, I… What should I do? I really don’t understand.”
“My dad, ever since that day he won’t talk to me” (it sucks, but if he’s this kind of person it was going to happen sooner or later.)
page 24
“Hey, Shorty. Your dad, isn’t it that he got mad at the thing of you doing what you want and taking that exam?” (awkward English)
“Was not saying anything but, not” (not following this sentence)
“About dad being able to forgive”
“Did not honestly speak about your own dream. Shorty’s condition, wasn’t it?”
(So, not 100% sure I’m reading this right, but it sounds like Lion is telling Asumi it’s her own fault she got slapped because she wasn’t being honest. Really not happy with Lion here.)
page 25
just enjoying the art
pages 26/27
I don’t need to translate these line by line. I think I’ll switch just only doing that for lines I’m struggling with. I have conflicting feelings about the pages themselves.
pages 28/29
I’m a tad confused. I can only assume this series doesn’t consider slapping your kid across their face to be as bad as I do, with how the dad has done a complete 180 here.
Oh I see what this is. “I wouldn’t mind selling all of our belongings and even the land we live on.” Bullshit. This is a manipulation tactic to make Asumi feel bad at what she wants, tell her dad he doesn’t need to sell everything, tell her dad she doesn’t need the money he just gave her, and make her feel like she’s such a horrible person for wanting what she wants that she needs to retract that too. Call his bluff and take the money and LEAVE.
pages 30/31
Him holding onto the ticket is probably supposed to be sweet, but this doesn’t feel sweet to me. If your daughter’s dream is your most important treasure, why’d you slap her for it? I just can’t get over that.
Think the last bubble is saying she passed the exam and is receiving moving house to the Space School dorms.
pages 32/33
Ah, this page is explaining the last one, a little bit anyways. The main point is she’s on her way to the Space School and the little kid who corrected her earlier is also her (but as a bigger kid version).
This kid was suposed to take over the family business, but he does not like the idea of running a firework shop at all.
And they’re HERE!
And I Read It ALL! Time to attempt to conquer anxiety and put some of my thoughts into the thread, I think. goes and does that I’m glad everyone else isn’t happy about the slap I did not want that to be bothering just me.
The G stands for grammar. The red row is listening, green is reading, blue is bonus if I have the energy. And because I handwrote it I’m absolutely counting those kanji as handwriting practice. No I don’t know why I wrote HanaはSaku as a mix of roumaji and a single hiragana.