Oh I don’t think you need to cover each sentence separately, that would take you a lot of time. Next time I come across the ~て form, I’ll list which one it is from the 12 provided and you could tell me if I’m right or wrong. What I find incredible is that you’ve managed to distill those 12 functions into two. It’s great that you’ve managed to do that as they seem very different one from another.
I’ll claim #1 (from Episode 4):
The first line is the time:
1:20 in the morning
Then comes the name of the 75 years old man:
金子(I can’t find how to make the next character to appear although I’ve identified it in my dictionary)夫(75歳)『の』
what follows is the possessive 『の』is 容体 which means “condition” and then the 『が』subject particle. So the condition of the old man is the subject of the sentence.
I just saw all of this vocabulary so it’s still fresh in my memory. 急変 is a する verb which mean “sudden change”. We also saw 心臓 before and it means “the heart”. What follows is a second が which might be a second subject particle, not sure.
Finally, 停止 is a する verb and it means “coming to a stop”.
At 1:20 in the morning, (old man’s name)(75 years old)'s condition took a sudden turn as his heart stopped beating.