Reading ブラックジャックによろしく manga exercises (p14-and up)

Claiming U:


Japanese English
死神【しにがみ】 God of death
歩く【あるく】 to walk
:speech_balloon:In the middle of the night, the god of death walks at the hospital

Again here there a dictionary form 歩く which I didn’t translate as a progressive but rather as a statement of fact, much like we sometimes use the simple present in English.

Claiming X:


:speech_balloon:Doctor, it’s terrible!!
Not much to say here, a pretty typical descriptive sentence. 大変【たいへん】means “very, greatly, terribly” with a negative connotation as far as I can tell.


:speech_balloon:Wake up please doctor!!

Claiming Y:

I’ll get the second part out of the way:


:speech_balloon:Wake up please!

As for the other one:


金子【きんす】funds; but since it’s followed by さん it’s probably the name of the old man;
急変しました【きゅうへん】sudden change, suru verb past;
:speech_balloon:There was a sudden change in mister Kinsu’s condition!

Claiming W:


:thought_balloon:平均して I’m having a bit of trouble with this one. So this is a 〜する verb and 平均 means average. Is it a sequential here as in the “the average is made” and then “in one night”, out if two people, one will die.

:speech_balloon:On average, in one night, out of two people, one person will die.

Claiming V:

:speech_balloon:At Eiroku university affiliated hospital, there are 1,100 beds…
:writing_hand: This ties in nicely with what follows: there are 1,100 beds and one out of two will die;

Claiming Z:


:speech_balloon:There is no pulse
This is a simple negative sentence. So the old man is presumably deceased for the moment.

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