Claiming U:
Japanese | English |
死神【しにがみ】 | God of death |
歩く【あるく】 | to walk |
In the middle of the night, the god of death walks at the hospital |
Again here there a dictionary form 歩く which I didn’t translate as a progressive but rather as a statement of fact, much like we sometimes use the simple present in English.
Claiming X:
Doctor, it’s terrible!!
Not much to say here, a pretty typical descriptive sentence. 大変【たいへん】means “very, greatly, terribly” with a negative connotation as far as I can tell.
Wake up please doctor!!
Claiming Y:
I’ll get the second part out of the way:
Wake up please!
As for the other one:
金子【きんす】funds; but since it’s followed by さん it’s probably the name of the old man;
急変しました【きゅうへん】sudden change, suru verb past;
There was a sudden change in mister Kinsu’s condition!
Claiming W:
平均して I’m having a bit of trouble with this one. So this is a 〜する verb and 平均 means average. Is it a sequential here as in the “the average is made” and then “in one night”, out if two people, one will die.
On average, in one night, out of two people, one person will die.
Claiming V:
At Eiroku university affiliated hospital, there are 1,100 beds…
This ties in nicely with what follows: there are 1,100 beds and one out of two will die;
Claiming Z:
There is no pulse
This is a simple negative sentence. So the old man is presumably deceased for the moment.