Reading ブラックジャックによろしく manga exercises (p14-and up)

Claiming M

M:. 僕も同じだ……
M Interpretation

In hirigana: ぼくもおなじだ……

(Me also)(the same) is

I am the same.

Yay!! A fast one! Now I can read a bunch of yours, too, in my hour. ^^-

Off Topic @Zizka

Étienne, I went to change my Avatar profile picture… To insert a profile picture, Wanikani sent me off-site to set up an account with Gravatar (which I did); who sent me off-site to set up an account with WordPress (which I did). I uploaded my profile pic to Gravatar, and then restarted Wanikani, and I’m still a light blue soccer ball!! WTH!!
Maybe I’ll try updating from this Board directly instead of through my Wanikani account?

EDIT: YES! That was the trick! In preferences up on “me” directly on this board.

Wow!! We can BOOKMARK posts (hopefully of others) so I can bookmark particularly good grammar discussions that I’ll want to refer back to in the future.

PS. Your ‘シャンオンcan you read this?" comment the other day made me smile. I totally had to look up the compound kanji for “proposal”.
Also, I think you’ll find it more Democratic as we do it, because anybody will be able to put the reference letters on that days’ pages, and nobody will have to re-write that top wiki “from scratch”. You’ll have at least 15 more minutes to study!!