Reading ブラックジャックによろしく manga exercises (p14-and up)



斉藤 : だ… だけど… 結局手術はしたじゃないですか

Bu... But... In the end we did the operation, didn't we?
  • 結局 (けっきょく) : in the end, after all (note how a kanji ending in ~つ doing a compong with one starting with a “k” sound ends doing a redoublement: けつ + きょく → けっきょく )

While the idea in the sentence is quite simple (he asks confirmation than the operation has been done actually), the grammar is a bit complex, I don’t fully understand it myself…

There is する in past form; that’s easy.
Then followed by ではない (which surprises me a bit, that should follow a noun);
then again ですか

“operation [topic] do-past is-not is-polite [question]”

I wonder if the ending です is not there for politeness only; so making じゃないです an equivalent of じゃありません.

Shouldn’t a “proper” grammatical sentence be したじゃないですか

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