Reading ブラックジャックによろしく manga exercises (p14-and up)




腹膜透析: 【ふくまくとうせき】peritoneal dialysis;
:bulb: Peritoneal dialysis ( PD ) is a type of dialysis which uses the peritoneum in a person’s abdomenas the membrane through which fluid and dissolved substances are exchanged with the blood.
:thought_balloon:といった: such… as; new expression for me as indicated by the thinking :thought_balloon: icon,
やる: Jonapedia said it was the same as doing but with あげる connotation. So to do and give at the same time is my understanding of it.
:thought_balloon:行う【おこなう】to perform;
I was familiar with this one as in “to go” somewhere but this time it has the different meaning of “to perform”.
なんて can have many meanings but I think the kana version is linked to such as as well.

:speech_balloon:You’ve done the peritoneal dialysis and now you perform such things as
:thinking: I’m missing まで here. The やる at the beginning is also bothering me. I think I don’t quite understand やる just yet to perfection.
Anyhow, this sentence probably links to the next sentence where what to perform will probably be explicitly explained.