Reading ブラックジャックによろしく manga exercises (p14-and up)

Claiming 4:

☆I’ll be hosting the pictures to translate at the third reply if the thread so we don’t have to look for them all over the thread. I’ve already put episode 3 pictures and episode 4 pictures too.



So regarding the very beginning of the sentence

意識【いしき】consciousness; your father’s consciousness. The 様 denotes appearance, “look like”. Would it therefore be accurate to say:
:speech_balloon:It seems like your father’s consciousness…
…would be the subject as indicated by by が that follows.

The next part:
回復【かいふく】means “restoration” or more appropriate in this context, recovery;
見込み【みこみ】hope, promise or more appropriate in this context, chance;

The last part:
ほぼ: almost;
なくなりました: of the verb either “to die” or “to be lost”;

:speech_balloon:Your father’s chance to recover consciousness was almost gone