Progress is still on the slower side but I think I’m almost done with the current scene that was lookup heavy and I might have an easier tomorrow once I move on to a more familiar scene.
I finished book :3 It was interesting and, like I’ve mentioned before, not something I usually read. A good mix of solemn, nostalgic, philosophic and comical. (…Not at all related, but makes me think of Frieren? They’re very different, but something is telling me they have something in common. I like Frieren way better tho.) Not a book I’m likely to read again, but I’m glad I did read it. 4/5 stars.
I start new book:
・ 引きこもり令嬢は話のわかる聖獣番 (0% → 3%)
I said I was craving romance, haha. This one seems cute.
…There are 10 volumes?? Σ(・ω・ノ)ノ! oh goodness, another long series
Good vibes with 軌跡. With スピカ I’d set my goal this morning to get through 5 pages, and was feeling a tad tired when I got around to it so lowered the goal to 2 pages. But, like, it was interesting and emotions were unlocked, so, y’know. Yay.
February 3
Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel 2
I am done with all the talking and crossed the point of no return. After a short mission of rescuing some hostages and a quick boss fight against black cat the evil flying castle of darkness appeared. It’s time to climb it. Of course there is still enough to read. There are boss fights and before you fight them you have a chat with them.
Finished Skip and Loafer 1, just a bit harder than I’d like for truly casual reading, I’ll circle back around some time.
Continuing on with The Two of Us are Polar Opposites, still great. Love that we are jumping into other characters a bit more now. Love the way this manga looks, just great vibes everywhere.
Started Case 5 of 逆転裁判. Had great confidence in the initial part with Ema and Lana, then I met two witnesses, one who talked like a cowboy and the other in weird literary terms, that really hurt my brain. Will have to go over the script… and learn a bunch of names.
2月3日 - Read the first chapter of 名探偵コナン V20 to finish off the case that was started in V19, as well as the first half of chapter 8 in カードキャプターさくら V2 for the offshoot book club.
2月4日 - Read two chapters of Major V6. I think I should be able to finish that volume tomorrow.
Started 本好き! Not sure when it’ll end up fitting around other stuff.
ノルウェイの森 is now a really comfortable read. Once you get used to the writing style it flows so easily, and the vocab isn’t that bad either. It does help that I know the English version very well of course. But still it’s just so long… A nice long reading interrupted reading session and I only get 20-odd pages out of it where I’d get through 40 in something less dense… Ah well, I’m enjoying it. Progress being made. I think it’ll end up being ノルウェイの森 (first volume) that gets finished next, and then お探し物 after that while I start off with the rest of ノルウェイの森. Neither of those are getting finished until the latter half of next week at earliest though it looks like at this rate.
Now once again, brain is shot. long day at work. not enough sleep. sleeeeepy
psycho-pass section was so hard oh my god, medical terms left right and centre. how often do you see 一次視覚野 (striate cortext) and 側頭連合野 (temporal association area) and 頭頂連合野 (parietal association area. cortex? no clue). hellish. also started ヒカルが死んだ夏 vol 6, cos i’ve been meaning to get round to it for a while.
today’s nhk article was this one (why the plug sockets at kansai airport are near the ceiling) plus the entries on ~ずにはおかない and ずして and ずとも in aDoAJG because it was the last one! that’s the end of the dictionary!
I’m glad I’m done with the current scene but instead of jumping back into a familiar scene, I forgot that there is still another scene happening in-between more familiar territory because it’s an extra scene featuring the character whose route I’m working on this time.
And unfortunately for me, this scene is the one where said character is about to geek out over give the MC – and the reader – an explanation on several sword types. This is going to be an arduous session tomorrow.
Lots of reading today! One chapter of ふらいんぐうぃっち, a little 焼いてるふたり, a little ひとりぼっちの○○生活 and 2000 characters of Aokana VN. I have found the right level of difficulty for me, around Natively level 20-22, and that means that I can read manga that are challenging but not too hard. So grateful for everything that Natively has to offer!