📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2023 ☃❄

:raccoon: :books: The Tanuki Kotatsu Reading Den :snowflake: :raccoon:

January 1st
新書太閣記 progress: 00.03% // Volume I: 00.38% :page_facing_up:

Happy new year everyone, and happy new reading challenge! :tada:

I’ll be reading (well, attempting at least) 新書太閣記 by 吉川英治 (Taiko by Eiji Yoshikawa)

I only read the preface today which wasn’t very long, I’ll start the story proper tomorrow when I should hopefully have more time.

Words found under the kotatsu

壮年期「そうねんき」ー Prime of life
絢爛「けんらん」ー Gorgeous; brilliant; dazzling; ornate
凡俗「ぼんぞく」ー Mediocrity; the masses
類本「るいほん」ー Similar books
ユーモラス ー Humorous (not what I thought it’d end up meaning :laughing:)
功利主義「こうりしゅぎ」ー Utilitarianism
同型「どうけい」ー Isomorphism; same shape/type/pattern

Character Kanji-Name List
for easy referencing later, because these will take some remembering

Hideyoshi: 豊臣秀吉「とよとみ ひでよし」// 豊太閤「ほうたいこう」