📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2023 ☃❄

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First week is over! I haven’t been reading as much Japanese this week because I started reading an English book for a change, and it turns out that it’s very addictive and takes up quite a bit of my time :flushed:

But the book is part of a bigger plot and it will all make sense in the end

Last year I read a bit of the Japanese translation of one of my all-time favourite books, “The Pillars of the Earth” by Ken Follett (in Japanese: 大聖堂). I had read that book in German shortly after it was published (i.e. in 1990 or so), and then I went out of touch with reading in general for quite some time. Now coming back to it, I discovered that the book had been turned into a series - the original “The Pillars of the Earth” is set in 12th century England, the sequel “World without End” is set in 14th century, and the 3rd volume “A Column of Fire” is set in 16th century England. As it happens, I’m also reading a Japanese pirate series which is also set in 16th century England and which is very tightly intervowen with the history of that time. So I figured I’d like to read that 3rd volume, but although the books are spaced apart quite widely, of course there are connections between them, and so I figured I’d want to read the 2nd volume first. (In principle I should have reread the first volume first, but given it’s Japanese and the translator does not hold back on vocab, I did not want to wait that long. So I’m basically winging the back references from the bit I’ve read so far and from my almost non-existent memory of the book from reading it back then.) Which wouldn’t be so much of an issue if the book didn’t have a whooping 1200 pages :sweat_smile:

Anyways, now I’m reading the 2nd volume, and it even starts to work out as I planned as I already found some historical information in it that I first learned from the pirate series :grin: So I’m ever more eager to dive into the 3rd volume…

Also, despite me already being equipped with plenty of reading, the Compulsive Readers club struck again! I think this was the quickest book club formation in history, with @omk3 posting a book review video on Friday morning in which the book was featured as #1 and strong recommendation, us chatting about the cover art and the intended target audience throughout the day, and finally deciding to start a club in the evening :crazy_face: and, needless to say, starting to read the next morning. (And so far the book did not disappoint!)


Plans for the week:

  • Continue this week’s ユージニア and start next week’s on the weekend
  • Read this week’s 半落ち
  • Read chapter 14 of 1Q84
  • Read a chapter per day (or more?) of チュベローズ
  • Finish “World without End”