📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2023 ☃❄

:books: :snowflake: softlyraining’s snowy book stack :snowboarder: :open_book:

January 6th

:orange_square: ラストで君は「まさか!」と言う 冬の物語 (40% → 48%)

Okay, so, I glanced at the timer while I read the first story, and I was on the second page when it said roughly 1 minute and 45 seconds had passed…I honestly don’t think I could read 8 pages in 3 minutes in English, let alone Japanese! I also felt myself rushing, though after maybe 5 pages in just decided to read normally. My total reading time for this story (花を抱いた人) was 14 minutes and 48 seconds. The story itself was fine; I don’t really have anything positive or negative to say about it.

The second story (抜け道), which was also 8 pages long, took me 20 minutes and 57 seconds to read. :tired_face: This one had a lot of vocabulary that I didn’t understand, and I’m not even entirely sure I’m clear on what the premise was. Granted, I generally don’t look up words when reading from this book. I guess it’s nice that my method’s worked out pretty well up until this story, at least.