📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post :bookmark:

January 23

I did it. I started Honzuki 8 :see_no_evil: And I’m loving it, the prologue was hilarious!
Progress: 0% → 12%

This was not according to keikaku, I wanted to read more Saikawa & Moe, but the Honzuki book on my digital bookshelf was staring at me, I couldn’t stop myself from opening the book, and then I got so excited I ended up reading all morning. Hopefully I can balance reading the other books too? :caught_durtling:

[Translator’s note: “keikaku” means “plan”]

Also randomly had the realization that one of the characters has a pretty similar hair style as Kuroo from Haikyuu.