📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

:tiger2: :books: Homepost - Tigerdate: 20220101 :books: :raccoon:

Tanuki Scroll I: 2022年は寅年! :tiger2:

Since today’s the first day of the new year I thought I’d read about the year of the tiger.

And right off the bat, new kanji! (とら), the same as 虎 but only used for the Zodiac.

This was quite a bit more difficult than what I’m used to so it took me awhile.

☆ Learnings ☆

New Words

「とら」ーTiger (Zodiac only)
干支 「えと」ー Sexagenary cycle; 60-term cycle of 12 zodiac animals combined with 5 elements in the traditional Chinese calendar. [Shamelessly copied from Jisho because that is a rather specific meaning]
壬寅 「みずのえとら」ー Water Tiger (Zodiac). [Was not expecting that reading at all]
古代中国 「こだいちゅうごく」 ー Ancient China
五行 「ごぎょう」 ー The Avatar five elements (in Chinese philosophy: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water)
十干 「じっかん」 ー The 10 calendar signs
十二支 「じゅうにし」 ー 12 signs of the Zodiac
言及 「げんきゅう」 ー Reference / Allusion
結び 「むすび」 ー Ending, Conclusion / Join, union, connecting. [I don’t think the むす reading for 結 is on WaniKani]
イラスト ー Illustration, picture, sketch
キャラクター ー Character, personality
丑寅 「うしとら」 ー Northeast [Archaic Word]. [Also new kanji: (うし) - sign of the ox, which looks like it is only used in Japanese for Zodiac related words]

New Readings

陰陽 「いんよう」ー Cosmic Dual Forces or Yin and Yang. [I only knew of the おんみょう reading]

Forgotten Meanings

もともと 「元々」 ー Originally / from the start
発生 「はっせい」 ー Outbreak / Occurrence / Incidence
本来 「ほんらい」 ー Originally / Primarily. [Woops I forgot what this meant, this is a lv. 5 word]

Bonus Zodiac Names!

Because I think the Zodiac is really cool here’s a list of them:

「ね」 ー Rat :rat:
「うし」 ー Ox :ox:
「とら」 ー Tiger :tiger2:
「う」 ー Rabbit :rabbit2:
「たつ」 ー Dragon :dragon:
「み」 ー Snake :snake:
「うま」 ー Horse :horse:
「ひつじ」 ー Goat :goat:
「さる」 ー Monkey :monkey:
「とり」 ー Rooster :rooster:
「いぬ」 ー Dog :dog2:
「い」 ー Boar :boar:

I’m sorry that they’re not all in line perfectly