📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post

Day 11: January 11th

Time spent: 30 min
Today’s color: 天藍 (てんらん) - a deep azure blue

This is officially my favorite color. It reminds me of Lake Tazawa, my absolute favorite place on Earth. The little opening descriptor sentence reminds me of it, too: 蒼天の静寂に内なる心の声を聴く :blue_heart:

To illustrate this color, I have some photos of my own today xD Here is Lake Tazawa~

And here’s a photo I took flying from Hokkaido to Narita (it’s the ocean and the sky, but they look pretty much one and the same)

Now I will stop sharing my old vacation photos and post some words I learned
  • 蒼天 (そうてん) - blue sky; azure sky
  • 内なる (うちなる) - inner (self, voice, man, etc.); internal (conflict, tension, competition, etc.); interior
  • 天藍石 (てんらんせき) - lazulite
  • きらびやか - gorgeous; gaudy; dazzling; gay; resplendent​ (I really love this word)
  • 勝るとも劣らぬ (まさるともおとらぬ) - not at all inferior to; compare favorably (with); being even better than; rivalling; surpassing

まいにち暦生活 日本の暮らしを楽しむ365のコツ
Time spent: 11 min

Today is 鏡開き (かがみびらき) - the day when you cut and eat the 鏡餅 (かがみもち), which is a New Year offering of two mochi sitting on top of each other topped with a bitter orange. Apparently you don’t actually cut it though, you just smash it with a wooden mallet until it breaks into pieces.

@Zakarius :eyes: haha

What else did I read?
囀る鳥は羽ばたかない Vol 1
Amount read: 9 pages
Time spent: 25 min