📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post :bookmark:

February 13

本好きの下剋上 8
Progress: 90% → 100%

Finished volume 8 of Honzuki light novel series :partying_face: That was fun, from the prologue all the way to the end. Definitely felt like I was reading faster today.

I started this book three weeks ago, hoping I could balance the other books I was reading as well, but I kinda got stuck in the Saikawa&Moe book while Kagami no Kojou felt a bit heavy thematically for me. I’ll definitely get back to both of those.

Though I’m a biiiit behind in one of the book clubs (three weeks behind? :durtle_durtverted_lvl1:), I’m happy that I spent time on Honzuki too. Enjoyed it a lot :durtle_noice: