📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post

Day 33: February 2nd

Time spent: 17 min
Today’s color: 砥粉色 (とのこいろ) - a beige-yellow sort of color, I’d say

Named for 砥粉 (とのこ), which Jisho defines as powder made from dried clay used as a polishing powder, filler material, etc. - the book mentions it being like powder that comes off a grindstone when you use it to sharpen stuff (I think is what it was saying :sweat_smile:)

Good words
  • 砥石 (といし) - whetstone; grindstone
  • 粉末 (ふんまつ) - fine powder
  • 下地 (したじ) - undercoat; first coat
  • 研磨 (けんま) - grinding; polishing
  • あらゆる - all; every
  • さかのぼる - to go back (in time, to origin); to date back to; to trace back to; to make retroactive​ (can also mean to go upstream - I like the kanji for this, it’s 遡る)
  • 石器時代 (せっきじだい) - Stone Age

まいにち暦生活 日本の暮らしを楽しむ365のコツ
Time spent: I forgot to time~ probably like 5-10 min

Today’s reading was about 恵方巻 (えほうまき) - a big uncut 巻き寿司 roll that you eat on 節分 to bring you luck.

Some fun words today
  • 丸齧り (まるかじり) - biting into a whole fruit (or in this case, a whole maki xD) - it wasn’t written in kanji but I like them, look at that cronchy kanji in the middle lol
  • 恵方 (えほう) - favorable direction; lucky direction
  • 太巻き (ふとまき) - big fat 巻き寿司 roll (that’s the technical definition xD) As I was writing this, I realized that the phrase “maki roll” is completely redundant lol wow, like this is one of those naan bread/chai tea situations isn’t it :sweat_smile:

What else did I read?
Amount read: 6 pages
Time spent: 31 min

I love this so much already excuse me, but is there really not an orca emoji? Imagine an orca emoji here
You open the manga and you are immediately greeted by the author, whose name is my favorite thing

It’s a mash-up of “Orca” and “Matsuo” (the author’s real name), but it comes out like Matsuoka with an “orca” and you guys probably don’t know this but Matsuoka is already one of my favorite names and orcas are some of my favorite sea creatures so - basically, he’s perfect, I love him already :heart:

Then he hands things over to his orca friends, who are similarly adorable, to introduce us to all the sea creatures. I only got through some of the introductory pages today, but this page made me chuckle

おるかちゃん is over people's nonsense xD

Some good words
  • 利き (きき) - dominance (e.g. of left or right hand)​
  • ヒレ - fin
  • シャチ - orca!
  • 学名 (がくめい) - scientific name (of a species); binomial name; Latin name
  • 知名度 (ちめいど) - degree of familiarity; popularity
  • 王者 (おうじゃ) - king; monarch; ruler; champion
  • 生き残る (いきのこる) - to survive (delightfully logical lol)
  • まずない - seldom; rarely; scarcely​
  • 未知 (みち) - not yet known; unknown; strange​
  • ほうっておく - to leave alone; to leave as is; to ignore; to neglect
  • ぶっちぎり - (establishing a) big lead; (winning by a) huge margin; breaking away (from the field)​