📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post :bookmark:

February 1

本好きの下剋上 8
Progress: (41% → 43%)

Some words
Word          Reading           Meaning Notes
分かり切る わかりきる “To be evident/obvious”
見繕う みつくろう “To choose (a thing) at one’s own discretion”.
老獪 ろうかい “Cunning, crafty, sly”.
壁の花 かべのはな “Wallflower” There is flower, it’s on the wall => “one too shy to actively join in the party”
大黒柱 だいこくばしら “Central pillar, backbone (e.g. of a family)” It’s funny because I remember this from Vanilla’s video.