📚📚 Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 🏖 ☀

:sunflower: DAYS 6 - 8 :sunflower:

I finished chapter 12 of 海辺のカフカ - Kafka on the Shore :beach_umbrella: (Advanced Book Club)

It’s been so nice being home!! I’m so pleased with myself because while I haven’t been on social media, I have been remembering to pick up my book :sparkles:

Chapter 12 took me a little longer to read. I wish I could blame it on my being on vacation… but I know it’s because of my inability to focus through pages of keigo and big words. The only way out is through, right? Haha

@Greti33 I know how you feel :sob: Look forward to better times ahead! 応援しております!