📚📚 Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 🏖 ☀

5-7th July (Days 5-7) :sunny: :cat2:

Home post :books:

I thought I’d do a very quick, brief update today. I’ve been slowly progressing through 海辺のカフカ these past days, reading it page by page. I was left feeling quite tired (emotionally and physically) after my presentation on Tuesday - I have tripped up a few times (I am an incredibly anxious individual), and I have no clue what the examiners thought of my work. Also, there was a man who came up to my poster twice, but never initiated conversation. He just kind of stood at the side, staring at my poster and listening in on a chat I had with someone about my work. And at some point he started shaking his head in disapproval? I think? He looked dissatisfied. I genuinely don’t know what to make of it… So ye, I’ve been recovering ever since - and reading just a little to stay consistent.


Thanks so much! :3

Ah can’t wait to get into the more exciting stuff. Chapter 5 has been a little slow :sweat_smile: