📚📚 Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 🏖 ☀

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I didn’t realize it was already that time. I’ll be here as always, posting as much as my inconsistently ache-y hands allow. Things have really ground to a halt recently from an excessive amount of stress, so I haven’t quite finished Summer Pockets like I could have, but this will be the challenge where it finally happens and I’m released from this many month long reading project (I mean I’ve liked it but it sure has been a long time). My reading per day is lower than it used to be right now but, after the week or so break to refresh, I’m still reading daily.

Plus, in a few weeks, my visual novel club begins! Come vote if you’re interested; it’s the last day for it! It’s looking like we’re reading ルーパーズ, unless there’s a last minute swing.