πŸ“šπŸ“š Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 πŸ– β˜€

I guess it depends on whom hospital director wants to hire / availability of the positions; what are they willing to do; and how many shifts, especially outside regular time (where there might be limited number of doctors depending on the hospital size). I am not exactly sure about job description and training.

Aug 11, Thu of Week 7 of Summer :beach_umbrella: 2022

Finished γƒ–γƒ©γƒƒγ‚―γ‚Έγƒ£γƒƒγ‚―γ«γ‚ˆγ‚γ—γ Ch.4 (70%). Recent chapters were about life-death boundary, values and money/costs. Medical products are still riddled with trade names.

I mostly can manage this manga, but reading a package insert of a medical product (from googling more) can be a big deal.

The following chapter sounds interesting. Along the lines of concerning internal meds and pharmacists as well, and I am closer to internists

Actually, I am in a smaller hospital where outside regular time, I am the only doctor in the hospital. Most problematic would be emergency room, where I don’t trust nurses enough. Labor room can be a problem too, but I trust nurses more. (Wards do have some problem, but mostly secondary.) Career-wise, I am shifting towards family medicine, where mostly no emergency, and clients are mostly elderly or having chronic diseases. (Children tend to go to specialized clinics / pediatricians.)

I didn’t really get back into listening yet, although I watched an anime minimally this morning.