๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ“š Read every day challenge - Spring 2023 ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒผ

:seedling: :blossom: ๏ผ•ๆœˆ๏ผ’๏ผ—ๆ—ฅ :blossom: :seedling: (Home Post Link)

Long work day, v tired :sleeping:


  • aDoBJG ใใ ใ•ใ„, ๅ›, ใใ‚‰ใ„, ใใ‚Œใ‚‹ - did 4 because the first few felt like real freebies
  • ๆ–ฐๅฎŒๅ…จใƒžใ‚นใ‚ฟใƒผ pg 90 โ†’ 92 - tired + test practice = not very fun
  • ใฏใกใ‚…ใญใƒŸใ‚ฏใฎๆ—ฅๅธธ ใƒใ‚ฎใฎ๏ผ‘๏ผ™ - luka is here! As more characters are introduced, Itโ€™s becoming kinda clear that a lot of them have their own speech styles, which actually makes this kind of a challenge sometimes. Meiko and Kaito are kinda normal, but one character is terminally online in 2010, one character is a ๅค–ๅ›ฝไบบ who speaks with a lot of funky ็‰‡่จ€, thereโ€™s one character who ends all their speech with ใใพ and makes a lot of bear puns, one character uses ้–ข่ฅฟๅผ, and our new character is an ใŠๅฌขๆง˜ (just in time to get some practice for ๆกœ่˜ญ :laughing:). Thereโ€™s very little narrative importance to anything since itโ€™s 4ใ‚ณใƒž, so itโ€™s kind of a low stakes way to get some dialect practice

I also placed some manga orders! I figured iโ€™d use the nausicaa club as an excuse to cross that off my list and get a few other series that iโ€™ve been eyeing for a while. Do I have room? Absolutely not! I think Iโ€™m going to try to finish some of the things Iโ€™m not super attached to keeping and then try to sell those to make some space


27/05/2023 :fairy:t5: Home Post Link

I had around 20 chapters to finish ใ‚ณใƒŠใฎๅคงๅ†’้™บ, but I could only read 10. Maybe Iโ€™ll read the rest today!


28th may

home post

have now finished ็ง(ใ‚ใŸใ—)ใฎๆญฃ(ใŸใ )ใ—ใ„ใŠๅ…„(ใซใ„)ใกใ‚ƒใ‚“ vol 1, and enjoyed it! saw the twist coming from a mile away, but thatโ€™s alright. will continue this at some point, but might watch the drama first.


:raccoon: :seedling: :cherry_blossom: The Reading Meadow :cherry_blossom: :seedling: :raccoon:

May 28th
ๆ–ฐๆ›ธๅคช้–ฃ่จ˜ progress: 43.39% // Volume V: 83.71% :canoe:

Todayโ€™s Bonus Colours

่œใฎ่Šฑ่‰ฒใชใฎใฏใชใ„ใ‚ - Brassicaceae Flower Colour
(่œใฎ่Šฑ is the name for the flowers of the plants in the Brassicaceae family, which contains things like rapeseed, cabbage, broccoli, turnips and radish. This colour refers to the bright yellow colour that the flowers of Brassicaceae generally have.)

้ป„่˜—ใใฏใ  - Amur Corktree
(Specifically the bright yellow colour of the inner bark of the amur corktree.)

Words found in a tree stump

ๅฎฟ็—พใ€Œใ—ใ‚…ใใ‚ใ€ใƒผ Chronic disease

Words Found Under the Bark
็™ฝ่œใ€Œใฏใใ•ใ„ใ€ใƒผ Napa Cabbage
ๆœงๆœˆๅคœใ€ŒใŠใผใ‚ใคใใ‚ˆใ€ใƒผ Misty, moonlit night
ๅฅ่ƒƒใ€Œใ‘ใ„ใ€ใƒผ Strengthening the stomach; strong stomach
ๆ•ด่…ธใ€Œใ›ใ„ใกใ‚‡ใ†ใ€ใƒผ Medicine for internal disorders
ๅ†™็ตŒใ€Œใ—ใ‚ƒใใ‚‡ใ†ใ€ใƒผ Hand-copied sutras; sutra transcription

Character Name List

Probably some spoilers, but this is a historic novel, so can spoilers really exist for things that have (for the most part) actually happened :thinking:

Volume I: 1535 - 1555

ๆ—ฅๅ‰ใ€Œใฒใ‚ˆใ—ใ€- Hideyoshi (as child)
Nicknames: ็Œฟใ€Œใ•ใ‚‹ใ€/ ้‡ๅฃฒใ‚Šใ€Œใฏใ‚Šใ†ใ‚Šใ€
Name serving Nobunaga: ๆœจไธ‹ ่—คๅ‰้ƒŽใ€Œใใฎใ—ใŸ ใจใ†ใใกใ‚ใ†ใ€

ๆœจไธ‹ๅผฅๅณ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใใฎใ—ใŸ ใ‚„ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€- Father
โ€“ โ€“ ไน™่‹ฅใ€ŒใŠใจใ‚ใ‹ใ€- Old friend (serves under ็น”็”ฐ)
็ญ‘้˜ฟๅผฅใ€Œใกใใ‚ใฟใ€ใƒผ Step-father
ๅคงๆ”ฟๆ‰€ใ€ŒใŠใŠใพใ‚“ใฉใ“ใ‚ใ€// also ใŠๅฅˆๅŠ ใ€ŒใŠใชใ‹ใ€ใƒผ Mother
ใŠใคใฟ - Older sister
ๅฐ็ซนใ€Œใ“ใกใใ€- Baby brother
ๅŠ ่—คๆธ…ๆญฃใ€Œใ‹ใจใ† ใใ‚ˆใพใ•ใ€// also ๅผพๆญฃใ€Œใ ใ‚“ใ˜ใ‚‡ใ†ใ€- Ojisan (only distantly related (before marriage))
โ€“ Married to: ใŠใˆใค (sister of ใŠๅฅˆๅŠ )

Friends & Acquaintances
ไป็Ž‹ใ€ŒใซใŠใ†ใ€- Big kid friend
ๆ–ผ็ฆใ€ŒใŠใตใใ€(Nickname - full name: ็ฆๅคช้ƒŽใ€ŒใตใใŸใ‚ใ€) // ๆฅŠๆ™ฏ็ฆใ€Œใ‚ˆใ†ใ‘ใ„ใตใใ€(Chinese name/birth name) - Timid kid friend (older than Hideyoshi)
โ€“ ไบ”้ƒŽๅคงๅคซ ใ€Œใ”ใ‚ ใ ใ‚†ใ†ใ€// ็ฅฅ็‘žใ€Œใ—ใ‚‡ใ†ใšใ„ใ€(Chinese name) - Father
โ€“ ๆขจ็ดใ€Œใ‚Šใใ‚“ใ€- Mother
ๆจๆฌก้ƒŽใ€Œใ™ใฆใ˜ใ‚ใ†ใ€- Previous servant to ไบ”้ƒŽ, later the adoptive father of ๆ–ผ็ฆ, and owner of a tea ware shop - and employer of, and master to, Hideyoshi

Hachisuka Clan
่œ‚้ ˆ่ณ€ๅฐๅ…ญใ€Œใฏใกใ™ใ‹ ใ“ใ‚ใใ€(also ๆญฃๅ‹ ใ€Œใพใ•ใ‹ใคใ€) - Head of the Hachisuka clan
โ€“ ไธƒๅ†…ใ€Œใชใชใ„ใ€- Younger brother
โ€“ Married to ๆพๆณขใ€Œใพใคใชใฟใ€
โ€“ โ€“ ไบ€ไธ€ใ€Œใ‹ใ‚ใ„ใกใ€- Son

็จฒ็”ฐๅคง็‚ŠๅŠฉใ€Œใ„ใชใ  ใŠใŠใ„ใฎใ™ใ‘]
้’ๅฑฑๆ–ฐไธƒใ€Œใ‚ใŠใ‚„ใพ ใ—ใ‚“ใ—ใกใ€
้•ทไบ•ๅŠไน‹ไธžใ€ŒใชใŒใ„ ใฏใ‚“ใฎใ˜ใ‚‡ใ†ใ€
ๆพๅŽŸๅ†…ๅŒ ใ€Œใพใคใฐใ‚‰ ใŸใใฟใ€

ๅ›ฝๅ‰ใ€Œใใซใ‚ˆใ—ใ€- Gunsmith/blacksmith
ๆธก่พบๅคฉ่”ตใ€Œใ‚ใŸใชใน ใฆใ‚“ใžใ†ใ€- Deserter - Nobushi (Nephew to Koroku)
้›ฃๆณขๅ†…่จ˜ใ€Œใชใ‚“ใฐ ใชใ„ใใ€- Spy disguised as a Komuso
ไป็”ฐๅฝฆๅใ€ŒใซใฃใŸ ใฒใ“ใ˜ใ‚…ใ†ใ€- Subordinate

(่œ‚้ ˆ่ณ€ๆญฃๅˆฉใ€Œใฏใกใ™ใ‹ ใพใ•ใจใ—ใ€- previous head of the Hachisuka clan)

Saito Clan
((questionable) Alliance with the Hachisuka clan)
ๆ–Ž่—ค ้“ไธ‰ใ€Œใ•ใ„ใจใ† ใฉใ†ใ•ใ‚“ใ€- Head of the Saito clan
โ€“ ๆ–Ž่—ค็พฉ้พใ€Œใ•ใ„ใจใ† ใ‚ˆใ—ใŸใคใ€(also: ้ซ˜ๆ”ฟใ€ŒใŸใ‹ใพใ•ใ€) - Son

ๆ˜Žๆ™บ ๅ…‰็ง€ใ€Œใ‚ใ‘ใก ใฟใคใฒใงใ€(common name: ๅๅ…ต่ก›ใ€Œใ˜ใ‚…ใ†ในใ„ใ€) - serves under Dosan
โ€“ ๅˆๅธ‚ใ€ŒใพใŸใ„ใกใ€- Underling / foot soldier

ๅ €็”ฐ ้“็ฉบใ€ŒใปใฃใŸ ใฉใ†ใใ†ใ€- Chief retainer
ๅผฅๅนณๆฒปๅ…‰ๆ˜ฅใ€Œใ‚„ใธใ„ใ˜ ใฟใคใฏใ‚‰ใ€- Retainer (cousin to Jyubei)
โ€“ ๆ˜Žๆ™บๅ…‰ๅฎ‰ใ€Œใ‚ใ‘ใก ใฟใคใ‚„ใ™ใ€- Father
ๆ˜ฅๆ—ฅไธนๅพŒใ€Œใ‹ใ™ใŒ ใŸใ‚“ใ”ใ€- Military commander

Oda Clan
็น”็”ฐ ไฟก้•ทใ€ŒใŠใ  ใฎใถใชใŒใ€- Leader of the Oda clan (Married to the daughter of Saito Dosan)
โ€“ ๅฏๆœˆใ€Œใ†ใฅใใ€- Nobunagaโ€™s faithful, old horse :horse:
โ€“ ็น”็”ฐไฟก็ง€ใ€ŒใŠใ  ใฎใถใฒใงใ€- Father and previous leader of the Oda clan
โ€“ โ€“ ็น”็”ฐไธŽไธ‰้ƒŽใ€ŒใŠใ  ใ‚ˆใ•ใถใ‚ใ†ใ€- Younger brother
โ€“ โ€“ ็น”็”ฐไฟก่กŒใ€ŒใŠใ  ใฎใถใ‹ใคใ€(Other name: ไฟกๆˆใ€Œใฎใถใชใ‚Šใ€) - Son (half-brother to Nobunaga (different mother))

Retainers (Under Nobuhide rule):
ๅนณๆ‰‹ ๆ”ฟ็ง€ใ€Œใฒใ‚‰ใฆ ใพใ•ใฒใงใ€
โ€“ ไบ”้ƒŽๅทฆ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใ”ใ‚ใ†ใ–ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€(nickname: ไบ”้ƒŽๅทฆใ€Œใ”ใ‚ใ†ใ–ใ€) - First son
โ€“ ็›ฃ็‰ฉใ€Œใ‘ใ‚“ใ‚‚ใคใ€- Second son
โ€“ ็”šๅทฆ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใ˜ใ‚“ใ–ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€- Third son
โ€“ ้›จๅฎฎๅ‹˜่งฃ็”ฑใ€Œใ‚ใ‚ใฟใ‚„ ใ‹ใ’ใ‚†ใ€- Servant
ๆž— ็ง€่ฒžใ€Œใฏใ‚„ใ— ใฒใงใ•ใ ใ€(common name: ๆ–ฐไบ”้ƒŽใ€Œใ—ใ‚“ใ”ใ‚ใ€/ nickname: ไฝๆธกใ€Œใ•ใฉใ†ใ€) (served under Nobunaga too)
โ€“ ็พŽไฝœๅฎˆใ€Œใฟใพใ•ใ‹ใฎใ‹ใฟใ€- Younger brother
้’ๅฑฑ ไฟกๆ˜Œใ€Œใ‚ใŠใ‚„ใพ ใฎใถใพใ•ใ€(common name: ไธŽไธ‰ๅณ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใ‚ˆใใ†ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€)
ๅ†…่—ค ๅ‹ไป‹ใ€Œใชใ„ใจใ† ใ—ใ‚‡ใ†ใ™ใ‘ / ใ‹ใคใ™ใ‘ใ€

Retainers (Under Nobunaga rule):
ๆŸด็”ฐๅ‹ๅฎถใ€Œใ—ใฐใŸ ใ‹ใคใ„ใˆใ€(Nickname: ๆจฉๅ…ญใ€Œใ”ใ‚“ใ‚ใใ€)

ๅธ‚ๅทๅคงไป‹ใ€Œใ„ใกใ‹ใ‚ ใ ใ„ใ™ใ‘ใ€- Archery master/instructor
ๅนณ็”ฐไธ‰ไฝใ€Œใฒใ‚‰ใŸ ใ•ใ‚“ใฟใ€- Master of military strategy
ๆต…้‡Žๅˆๅณ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใ‚ใ•ใฎ ใพใŸใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€- Military commander
โ€“ ๅฏงๅญใ€Œใญใญใ€- Daughter
ใŒใ‚“ใพใ - Former worker/servant, friend of Hideyoshi

Shiba Clan
ๆ–ฏๆณข็พฉ็ตฑใ€Œใ—ใฐ ใ‚ˆใ—ใ‚€ใญใ€- Head of the Shiba clan, at Kiyosu castle
โ€“ ๆ–ฏๆณข็พฉ้Š€ใ€Œใ—ใฐ ใ‚ˆใ—ใ‹ใญใ€- Son

Imagawa Clan
ไปŠๅท็พฉๅ…ƒใ€Œใ„ใพใŒใ‚ ใ‚ˆใ—ใ‚‚ใจใ€- Daimyo

ๆพไธ‹ไน‹็ถฑใ€Œใพใคใ—ใŸ ใ‚†ใใคใชใ€(common name: ๅŠ ๅ…ต่ก›ใ€Œใ‹ใธใ„ใ€)
้ฃฏๅฐพ่ฑŠๅ‰ใ€Œใ„ใฎใŠ ใถใœใ‚“ใ€
ๅคš่ณ€่ƒฝๅ…ซ้ƒŽใ€ŒใŸใŒใฎใ† ใฏใ—ใ‚ใ†ใ€(nickname: ่ƒฝๅ…ซใ€Œใฎใ†ใฏใกใ€)

Takeda Clan
ๅคช้ƒŽ็พฉไฟกใ€ŒใŸใ‘ใ  ใ‚ˆใ—ใฎใถใ€- Commander
(Married to the daughter of Imagawa Yoshimoto to tie the clans)

ไธŠๆณ‰ ไฟก็ถฑใ€Œใ‹ใฟใ„ใšใฟ ใฎใถใคใชใ€(also: ไธŠๆณ‰ ไผŠๅ‹ขๅฎˆใ€Œใ‹ใฟใ„ใšใฟ ใ„ใ›ใฎใ‹ใฟใ€) - Founder of the ๆ–ฐ้™ฐๆตใ€Œใ—ใ‚“ใ‹ใ’ใ‚Šใ‚…ใ†ใ€school of Kenjutsu
โ€“ ็–‹็”ฐๅฐไผฏใ€ŒใฒใใŸ ใ—ใ‚‡ใ†ใฏใใ€- Disciple
โ€“ ็ฅžๅพŒไบ”ๅ…ญ้ƒŽใ€Œใ‹ใ‚“ใ” ใ”ใ‚ใใ‚ใ†ใ€- Disciple

ๅกšๅŽŸ ๅœไผใ€Œใคใ‹ใฏใ‚‰ ใผใใงใ‚“ใ€- Kensei; legendary swordsman

Historical People
  • ้˜ฟๅ€ไปฒ้บปๅ‘‚ใ€Œใ‚ใน ใฎ ใชใ‹ใพใ‚ใ€ใƒผ Japanese scholar & poet (700s)

  • ็™ฝๆฅฝๅคฉใ€Œใฏใ ใใ‚‡ใ„ใ€ใƒผ Chinese poet (Bai Juyi / Bo Juyi) also known as: ็™ฝๆฅฝๅคฉใ€Œใฏใ ใ‚‰ใใฆใ‚“ใ€in Japan. (Late 700s)

  • ้“ๅ…ƒใ€Œใฉใ†ใ’ใ‚“ใ€(or ้“ๅ…ƒ็ฆ…ๅธซใ€Œใฉใ†ใ’ใ‚“ ใœใ‚“ใ˜ใ€ใƒผ Japanese Buddhist Priest, writer & poet (also known as ๆ „่ฅฟ็ฆ…ๅธซใ€Œใˆใ„ใ•ใ„ ใœใ‚“ใ˜ใ€) (Early / mid 1200s)

  • ็ฉบๆตทใ€Œใใ†ใ‹ใ„ใ€ใƒผ The one and only Kukai or Kobo Daishi - a Buddhist monk. Posthumously given the title of: ๅผ˜ๆณ•ๅคงๅธซใ€Œใ“ใ†ใผใ† ใ ใ„ใ—ใ€born as: ไฝไผฏ ็œž้ญšใ€Œใ•ใˆใ ใฎ ใพใŠใ€(late 700s / early 800s)

  • ๆบ้ ผๆ”ฟใ€Œใฟใชใ‚‚ใจ ใฎ ใ‚ˆใ‚Šใพใ•ใ€ใƒผ Prominent poet and warrior (1100s)

  • ๅนณ ้‡็››ใ€ŒใŸใ„ใ‚‰ ใฎ ใ—ใ’ใ‚‚ใ‚Šใ€ใƒผ Military commander and court noble, claimed to be an ancestor of Oda Nobunaga (Mid-1100s)

  • ๆก“ๆญฆ๏ผˆๅคฉ็š‡๏ผ‰ใ€Œใ‹ใ‚“ใ‚€๏ผˆใฆใ‚“ใฎใ†๏ผ‰ใ€ใƒผ 50th Emperor of Japan, claimed to be an ancestor of Taira no Shigemori, thus ancestor to Oda Nobunaga (Mid-Late 700s)

Volume II: 1555 - 1562

Oda Clan
็น”็”ฐ ไฟก้•ทใ€ŒใŠใ  ใฎใถใชใŒใ€- Head of the Oda clan
โ€“ ็น”็”ฐ ไฟกๅบƒใ€ŒใŠใ  ใฎใถใฒใ‚ใ€- Older brother
โ€“ ็น”็”ฐ ไฟก่กŒใ€ŒใŠใ  ใฎใถใ‚†ใใ€(also: ไฟกๅ‹ใ€Œใฎใถใ‹ใคใ€) - Younger brother
โ€“ ็น”็”ฐ ใŠๅธ‚ใ€ŒใŠใ  ใŠใ„ใกใ€- Younger sister

ๆœจไธ‹ ่—คๅ‰้ƒŽใ€Œใใฎใ—ใŸ ใจใ†ใใกใ‚ใ†ใ€- Hideyoshi (Married to Nene)
โ€“ ๆœจ่‚ก ๆจฉไธ‰ใ€ŒใใพใŸ ใ”ใ‚“ใžใ†ใ€(Nickname: ใ”ใ‚“ใž) - Servant

Military Commanders
ๆต…้‡Ž ๅˆๅณ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใ‚ใ•ใฎ ใพใŸใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€
โ€“ ใ“ใฒ - Wife
โ€“ ๅฏงๅญใ€Œใญใญใ€- Oldest Daughter (Married to Hideyoshi)
โ€“ ใŠใ‚„ๅฑ‹ใ€ŒใŠใ‚„ใ‚„ใ€- Youngest Daughter
ๆŸด็”ฐ ๅ‹ๅฎถใ€Œใ—ใฐใŸ ใ‹ใคใ„ใˆใ€(nickname: ๆจฉๅ…ญใ€Œใ”ใ‚“ใ‚ใใ€)
ๆฑ ็”ฐ ๆ’่ˆˆใ€Œใ„ใ‘ใ  ใคใญใŠใใ€(Common name: ๅ‹ไธ‰้ƒŽใ€Œใ‹ใคใ•ใถใ‚ใ†ใ€)
ๆž— ็ง€่ฒžใ€Œใฏใ‚„ใ— ใฒใงใ•ใ ใ€
ไฝไน…้–“ ็››้‡ใ€Œใ•ใใพ ใ‚‚ใ‚Šใ—ใ’ใ€(also know as: ๅคงๅญฆใ€Œใ ใ„ใŒใใ€)
ๅฑฑๅฃ ๅฎˆๅญใ€Œใ‚„ใพใใก ใ‚‚ใ‚ŠใŸใ‹ใ€(also known as: ๆตท่€ไธžใ€Œใˆใณใฎใ˜ใ‚‡ใ†ใ€)
ๆŸ˜ๆค ๅ‹้ก•ใ€Œใคใ’ ใจใ‚‚ใ‚ใใ€(also known as: ็Ž„่•ƒใ€Œใ’ใ‚“ใฐใ€)
ๆขถๅท ไธ€็ง€ใ€Œใ‹ใ˜ใ‹ใ‚ ใ‹ใšใฒใงใ€
ไฝไน…้–“ ไฟก่พฐใ€Œใ•ใใพ ใฎใถใจใใ€
ไฝใ€… ๆ”ฟๆฌกใ€Œใ•ใฃใ• ใพใ•ใคใใ€
ๅฒฉๅฎค ้‡ไผ‘ใ€Œใ„ใ‚ใ‚€ใ‚ ใ—ใ’ใ‚„ใ™ใ€
็ฐ—็”ฐ ๆ”ฟ็ถฑใ€Œใ‚„ใชใ  ใพใ•ใคใชใ€(also known as: ๅผฅไบŒๅณ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใ‚„ใ˜ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€)
ๆฏ›ๅˆฉ ่‰ฏๅ‹ใ€Œใ‚‚ใ†ใ‚Š ใ‚ˆใ—ใ‹ใคใ€
ไธญๅท ้‡ๆ”ฟใ€Œใชใ‹ใŒใ‚ ใ—ใ’ใพใ•ใ€

ไฝไน…้–“ ็››ๆ”ฟใ€Œใ•ใใพ ใ‚‚ใ‚Šใพใ•ใ€(nickname: ็Ž„่•ƒใ€Œใ’ใ‚“ใฐใ€)
ๆฃฎ ๅฏๆˆใ€Œใ‚‚ใ‚Š ใ‚ˆใ—ใชใ‚Šใ€(Other name: ไธ‰ๅทฆ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใ•ใ‚“ใ–ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€)
โ€“ ่˜ญไธธใ€Œใ‚‰ใ‚“ใพใ‚‹ใ€- Son
ๆปๅท ไธ€็›Šใ€ŒใŸใใŒใ‚ ใ‹ใšใพใ™ใ€(Common name: ๅฝฆๅณ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใฒใ“ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€)

ๅฑฑๆทต ๅณ่ฟ‘ใ€Œใ‚„ใพใถใก ใ†ใ“ใ‚“ใ€- Magistrate
โ€“ ๅฑฑๆทต ็พฉ้ ใ€Œใ‚„ใพใถใก ใ‚ˆใ—ใจใŠใ€- Father (Chief Vassal)
้“ๅฎถ ๆธ…ๅ้ƒŽใ€Œใฉใ†ใ‘ ใ›ใ„ใ˜ใ‚…ใ†ใ‚ใ†ใ€- Wealthy farmer and lord

ๆˆธ้ƒจ ๆ–ฐๅทฆ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใจใน ใ—ใ‚“ใ–ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€- Castle commander
ๆฐด้‡Ž ๅธฏๅˆ€ใ€Œใฟใšใฎ ใŸใฆใ‚ใใ€- Castle Guard
ๆœ้ƒจ ไธ€ๅฟ ใ€Œใฏใฃใจใ‚Š ใ‹ใšใŸใ ใ€(also called: ๅฐๅนณๅคชใ€Œใ“ใธใ„ใŸใ€) - Samurai

Maeda Clan
Military Commanders
ๅ‰็”ฐ ๅˆฉๅฎถใ€Œใพใˆใ  ใจใ—ใ„ใˆใ€(childhood name: ็Šฌๅƒไปฃใ€Œใ„ใฌใกใ‚ˆใ€)
โ€“ ไฝ่„‡ ่‰ฏไน‹ใ€Œใ•ใ‚ใ ใ‚ˆใ—ใ‚†ใ‘ใ€(also known as: ่—คๅ…ซ้ƒŽใ€Œใจใ†ใฏใกใ‚ใ†ใ€) - Younger brother

Saito Clan
Military Commanders
ๆ–Ž่—ค ็พฉ้พใ€Œใ•ใ„ใจใ† ใ‚ˆใ—ใ•ใคใ€(also: ้ซ˜ๆ”ฟใ€ŒใŸใ‹ใพใ•ใ€)
โ€“ ๅญซๅ››้ƒŽใ€Œใพใ”ใ—ใ‚ใ†ใ€- Brother
โ€“ ๅ–œๅนณๆฌกใ€Œใใธใ„ใ˜ใ€- Brother
โ€“ ๆ–Ž่—ค ้“ไธ‰ใ€Œใ•ใ„ใจใ† ใฉใ†ใ•ใ‚“ใ€- Father

Akechi Clan
Military Commanders
ๆ˜Žๆ™บ ๅ…‰็ง€ใ€Œใ‚ใ‘ใก ใฟใคใฒใงใ€(common name: ๅๅ…ต่ก›ใ€Œใ˜ใ‚…ใ†ในใ„ใ€)
ๆ˜Žๆ™บ ๅ…‰ๅฎ‰ใ€Œใ‚ใ‘ใก ใฟใคใ‚„ใ™ใ€- Also the adoptive father of Jyubei
โ€“ ๆ˜Žๆ™บ ็ง€ๆบ€ใ€Œใ‚ใ‘ใก ใฒใงใฟใคใ€- Son, and retainer to Jyubei

Imagawa Clan
ไปŠๅท ็พฉๅ…ƒใ€Œใ„ใพใŒใ‚ ใ‚ˆใ—ใ‚‚ใจใ€- Daimyo
โ€“ ไปŠๅท ๆฐ็œŸใ€Œใ„ใพใŒใ‚ ใ†ใ˜ใ–ใญใ€- Son, and heir to the Imagawa clan
โ€“ ๅคชๅŽŸ ้›ชๆ–Žใ€ŒใŸใ„ใ’ใ‚“ ใ›ใฃใ•ใ„ใ€- Uncle, military advisor and monk

Military Commanders
ไผŠไธน ๅบท็›ดใ€Œใ„ใŸใฟ ใ‚„ใ™ใชใŠใ€(also known as: ๆจฉ้˜ฟๅผฅใ€Œใ”ใ‚“ใ‚ใฟใ€)
ๅบตๅŽŸ ๅฟ ็ธใ€Œใ„ใฏใ‚‰ ใŸใ ใ‚ˆใ‚Šใ€(also known as: ๅฐ†็›ฃใ€Œใ—ใ‚‡ใ†ใ’ใ‚“ใ€)
ๆ–Ž่—ค ๅˆฉๆพ„ใ€Œใ•ใ„ใจใ† ใจใ—ใšใฟใ€(also known as: ๆŽƒ้ƒจไป‹ใ€Œใ‹ใถใฎใ™ใ‘ใ€)
้–ขๅฃ ๆฐ็ตŒใ€Œใ›ใใใก ใ†ใ˜ใคใญใ€
ๅฏŒๆฐธ ๆฐ็นใ€ŒใจใฟใชใŒ ใ†ใ˜ใ—ใ’ใ€(also known as: ไผฏ่€†ๅฎˆใ€Œใปใ†ใใฎใ‹ใฟใ€)

ๅพณๅท ๅฎถๅบทใ€ŒใจใใŒใ‚ ใ„ใˆใ‚„ใ™ใ€(Childhood name: ็ซนๅƒไปฃใ€ŒใŸใ‘ใกใ‚ˆใ€// Other name: ๅ…ƒๅบทใ€Œใ‚‚ใจใ‚„ใ™ใ€) - Retainer
โ€“ ็ฏ‰ๅฑฑใ€Œใคใใ‚„ใพใ€- Wife
โ€“ ๆฆŠๅŽŸ ๅฟ ๆ”ฟใ€Œใ•ใ‹ใใฐใ‚‰ ใŸใ ใพใ•ใ€- Vassal
โ€“ ็Ÿณๅท ๆ•ฐๆญฃใ€Œใ„ใ—ใ‹ใ‚ ใ‹ใšใพใ•ใ€- Loyal follower
ๆœๆฏ”ๅฅˆ ไธป่จˆใ€Œใ‚ใ•ใฒใช ใ‹ใšใˆใ€- Samurai
ไบ•ไผŠ ็›ด็››ใ€Œใ„ใ„ ใชใŠใ‚‚ใ‚Šใ€- Retainer

Takeda Clan
ๆญฆ็”ฐ ไฟก็Ž„ใ€ŒใŸใ‘ใ  ใ—ใ‚“ใ’ใ‚“ใ€- Daimyo

Asakura Clan
ๆœๅ€‰ ็พฉๆ™ฏใ€Œใ‚ใ•ใใ‚‰ ใ‚ˆใ—ใ‹ใ’ใ€- Daimyo

Sakai Clan
Military Commanders
้…’ไบ• ๆญฃ่ฆชใ€Œใ•ใ‹ใ„ ใพใ•ใกใ‹ใ€(also known as: ไธŽๅ››้ƒŽใ€Œใ‚ˆใ—ใ‚ใ†ใ€)

Matsudaira Clan
Military Commanders
ๆพๅนณ ่ฆชไฟŠใ€Œใพใคใ ใ„ใ‚‰ ใกใ‹ใจใ—ใ€(also known as: ๅทฆ้ฆฌๅŠฉใ€Œใ•ใพใฎใ™ใ‘ใ€)
ๆ‰ๆตฆ ๅ‰่ฒžใ€Œใ™ใŽใ†ใ‚‰ ใ‚ˆใ—ใ•ใ ใ€(also known as: ๅ…ซ้ƒŽไบ”้ƒŽใ€Œใฏใกใ‚ใ†ใ”ใ‚ใ†ใ€)

Miyoshi Clan
ไธ‰ๅฅฝ ้•ทๆ…ถใ€Œใฟใ‚ˆใ— ใชใŒใ‚ˆใ—ใ€- Head of the Miyoshi clan

ๆพๆฐธ ๅผพๆญฃ ไน…็ง€ใ€ŒใพใคใชใŒ ใ ใ‚“ใ˜ใ‚‡ใ† ใฒใ•ใฒใงใ€

Muromachi/Ashikaga Shogunate
่ถณๅˆฉ ็พฉ่ผใ€Œใ‚ใ—ใ‹ใŒ ใ‚ˆใ—ใฆใ‚‹ใ€- 13th Shogun of the Muromachi/Ashikaga Shogunate
็ดฐๅท ๆ™ดๅ…ƒใ€Œใปใใ‹ใ‚ ใฏใ‚‹ใ‚‚ใจใ€- 34th Kanrei of the Muromachi/Ashikaga Shogunate

้ตœๆฎฟ ็”šไธƒใ€Œใ†ใฉ (ใฎ) ใ˜ใ‚“ใ—ใกใ€- Mountain priest (Yamabushi)

Volume III: 1562 - 1570

Oda Clan
็น”็”ฐ ไฟก้•ทใ€ŒใŠใ  ใฎใถใชใŒใ€- Leader of the Oda Clan
โ€“ ็น”็”ฐ ไฟก็ง€ใ€ŒใŠใ  ใฎใถใฒใงใ€- Father (previous leader of the Oda Clan)

ๆœจไธ‹ ่—คๅ‰้ƒŽใ€Œใใฎใ—ใŸ ใจใ†ใใกใ‚ใ†ใ€(Nickname: ็Œฟใ€Œใ•ใ‚‹ใ€) - Hideyoshi
โ€“ ๅฏงๅญใ€Œใญใญใ€- Wife
( โ€“ โ€“ ๆต…้‡Ž ๅˆๅณ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใ‚ใ•ใฎ ใพใŸใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€- Father)
( โ€“ โ€“ ใŠใ‚„ๅฑ‹ใ€ŒใŠใ‚„ใ‚„ใ€- Younger sister)
โ€“ ๆœจ่‚ก ๆจฉไธ‰ใ€ŒใใพใŸ ใ”ใ‚“ใžใ†ใ€(Nickname: ใ”ใ‚“ใž) - Servant
โ€“ ใŠใคใฟ - Older sister

Military Commanders
ๆŸด็”ฐ ๅ‹ๅฎถใ€Œใ—ใฐใŸ ใ‹ใคใ„ใˆใ€
ไฝไน…้–“ ไฟก็››ใ€Œใ•ใใพ ใฎใถใ‚‚ใ‚Šใ€
ๆž— ็ง€่ฒžใ€Œใฏใ‚„ใ— ใฒใ ใ•ใ ใ€
ๆปๅท ไธ€็›Šใ€ŒใŸใใŒใ‚ ใ‹ใšใพใ™ใ€
่…ๅฑ‹ ้•ท้ ผใ€Œใ™ใŒใ‚„ ใชใŒใ‚ˆใ‚Šใ€
็น”็”ฐ ๅบƒ่‰ฏใ€ŒใŠใ  ใฒใ‚ใ‚ˆใ—ใ€(cousin to Nobunaga)
ๅ‰็”ฐ ๅˆฉๅฎถใ€Œใพใˆใ  ใจใ—ใ„ใˆใ€(also called: ็Šฌๅƒไปฃใ€Œใ„ใฌใกใ‚ˆใ€)
ๅทๅฃ ๅฎ—ๅ‹ใ€Œใ‹ใ‚ใใก ใ‚€ใญใ‹ใคใ€(Common name: ไน…ๅŠฉใ€Œใใ‚…ใ†ใ™ใ‘ใ€)
ๆ—ฅๆฏ”้‡Ž ๅ…ญๅคงๅคซใ€Œใฒใณใฎ ใ‚ใใ ใ‚†ใ†ใ€
ๆขถ็”ฐ ็›ด็นใ€Œใ‹ใ˜ใŸ ใชใŠใ—ใ’ใ€(also called: ้šผไบบใ€Œใฏใ‚„ใจใ€)
ๆพๅŽŸ ๅ†…ๅŒ ใ€Œใพใคใฐใ‚‰ ใŸใใฟใ€
ๅ €ๅฐพ ๅ‰ๆ™ดใ€Œใปใ‚ŠใŠ ใ‚ˆใ—ใฏใ‚‹ใ€(also called: ่Œ‚ๅŠฉใ€Œใ‚‚ใ™ใ‘ใ€)
โ€“ ๅ €ๅฐพ ๆณฐๆ™ดใ€Œใปใ‚ŠใŠ ใ‚„ใ™ใฏใ‚‹ใ€(also called: ๅ‰ไน…ใ€Œใ‚ˆใ—ใฒใ•ใ€) - Father
ๆฃฎ ๅฏๆˆใ€Œใ‚‚ใ‚Š ใ‚ˆใ—ใชใ‚Šใ€(also called: ไธ‰ๅทฆ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใ•ใ‚“ใ–ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€)
ๆ˜Žๆ™บ ๅ…‰็ง€ใ€Œใ‚ใ‘ใก ใฟใคใฒใงใ€(also known as: ๅๅ…ต่ก›ใ€Œใ˜ใ‚…ใ†ในใ„ใ€)
้ฃฏๅฐพ ๅฐšๆธ…ใ€Œใ„ใ„ใฎใŠ ใฒใ•ใใ‚ˆใ€
ๆฑ ็”ฐ ๆ’่ˆˆใ€Œใ„ใ‘ใ  ใคใญใŠใใ€
่’ฒ็”Ÿ ๆฐ้ƒทใ€ŒใŒใ‚‚ใ† ใ†ใ˜ใ•ใจใ€
่’ๆœจ ๆ‘้‡ใ€Œใ‚ใ‚‰ใ ใ‚€ใ‚‰ใ—ใ’ใ€

Matsudaira Clan โ†’ name change to โ†’ Tokugawa Clan
ๆพๅนณ ๅ…ƒๅบทใ€Œใพใคใ ใ„ใ‚‰ ใ‚‚ใจใ‚„ใ™ใ€(name change: ๅพณๅท ๅฎถๅบทใ€ŒใจใใŒใ‚ ใ„ใˆใ‚„ใ™ใ€) - Leader of the Matsudaira Clan
โ€“ ็ซนๅƒไปฃใ€ŒใŸใ‘ใกใ‚ˆใ€- Eldest son

Military Commanders
็Ÿณๅท ๆ•ฐๆญฃใ€Œใ„ใ—ใ‹ใ‚ ใ‹ใšใพใ•ใ€
้…’ไบ• ๅฟ ๆฌกใ€Œใ•ใ‹ใ„ ใŸใ ใคใใ€

Hachisuka Clan
่œ‚้ ˆ่ณ€ ๆญฃๅ‹ใ€Œใฏใกใ™ใ‹ ใพใ•ใ‹ใคใ€(also called: ๅฐๅ…ญใ€Œใ“ใ‚ใใ€// new name because itโ€™s a new year so why not, letโ€™s have a new name: ๅฝฆๅณ่ก›้–€ ๆญฃๅ‹ใ€Œใฒใ“ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ ใพใ•ใ‹ใค) - Leader of the Hachisuka clan
โ€“ ๆพๆณขใ€Œใพใคใชใฟใ€- Wife
โ€“ ไบ€ไธ€ใ€Œใ‹ใ‚ใ„ใกใ€- Eldest son
โ€“ ๅˆๅ้ƒŽใ€ŒใพใŸใ˜ใ‚…ใ†ใ‚ใ†ใ€- Cousin

ๆธก่พบ ๅคฉ่”ตใ€Œใ‚ใŸใชใน ใฆใ‚“ใžใ†ใ€- Nobushi (Nephew to Koroku)
้•ทไบ• ๅŠไน‹ไธžใ€ŒใชใŒใ„ ใฏใ‚“ใฎใ˜ใ‚‡ใ†ใ€- Retainer

Ujiie Clan
ๆฐๅฎถ ็›ดๅ…ƒใ€Œใ†ใ˜ใ„ใˆ ใชใŠใ‚‚ใจใ€- Military Commander

Takeda Clan
ๆญฆ็”ฐ ็พฉ็ตฑใ€ŒใŸใ‘ใ  ใ‚ˆใ—ใšใฟ ๏ผ ใ‚ˆใ—ใ‚€ใญใ€- Military Commander

Kanbe Clan
ๅฑฑ่ทฏ ๅผพๆญฃใ€Œใ‚„ใพใ˜ ใ ใ‚“ใ˜ใ‚‡ใ†ใ€- Military Commander

Date Clan
ไผŠ้” ๆ”ฟๅฎ—ใ€Œใ ใฆ / ใ„ใ ใฆ ใพใ•ใ‚€ใญใ€(also know as: ็‹ฌ็œผ้พใ€Œใ ใใŒใ‚“ใ‚Šใ‚…ใ†ใ€(one-eyed dragon) - Leader of the Date clan

Miyoshi Clan
ๅๆฒณ ๅญ˜ไฟใ€Œใใ”ใ† ใพใ•ใ‚„ใ™ใ€- Military Commander

Mino Province
ๅคงๆฒข ๆฌก้ƒŽๅทฆ่ก›้–€ใ€ŒใŠใŠใ•ใ‚ ใ˜ใ‚ใ†ใ–ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€(nickname: ่™Žใ€Œใจใ‚‰ใ€) - Lord of Unuma Castle
ๆ–Ž่—ค ้พ่ˆˆใ€Œใ•ใ„ใจใ† ใŸใคใŠใใ€- Daimyo

Military Commanders
ไธ็ ด ๅ…‰ๆฒปใ€Œใตใ‚ ใฟใคใฏใ‚‰ใ€(also called: ๅนณๅ››้ƒŽใ€Œใธใ„ใ—ใ‚ใ†ใ€)
ๅฎ‰่—ค ๅฎšๆฒปใ€Œใ‚ใ‚“ใฉใ† ใ•ใ ใฏใ‚‹ใ€(also called: ็ฏ„ไฟŠใ€Œใฎใ‚Šใจใ—ใ€)
็ซนไธญ ้‡ๆฒปใ€ŒใŸใ‘ใชใ‹ ใ—ใ’ใฏใ‚‹ใ€(also called: ๅŠๅ…ต่ก›ใ€Œใฏใ‚“ในใˆใ€)
โ€“ ็ซนไธญ ๅ–„ๅทฆ่ก›้–€ใ€ŒใŸใ‘ใชใ‹ ใœใ‚“ใ–ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€- Subordinate

Aki Province
็ฆๅณถ ๅธ‚ๆพใ€Œใตใใ—ใพ ใ„ใกใพใคใ€- Son of Hideyoshiโ€™s aunt

Muromachi/Ashikaga Shogunate
็ดฐๅท ่—คๅญใ€Œใปใใ‹ใ‚ ใตใ˜ใŸใ‹ใ€(also known as: ๅนฝๆ–Žใ€Œใ‚†ใ†ใ•ใ„ใ€) - Military Commander
ๆœๅ€‰ ็พฉๆ™ฏใ€Œใ‚ใ•ใใ‚‰ ใ‚ˆใ—ใ‹ใ’ใ€- Military Commander

ๆต็“Šใ€Œใˆใ‘ใ„ใ€- Travelling monk
ๅฐพๅทž ้ขจๅฎขใ€Œใณใ—ใ‚…ใ† ใตใ†ใใ‚ƒใใ€- Mountain Hermit
ๅƒๅˆฉไผ‘ใ€Œใ›ใ‚“ใฎใ‚Šใใ‚…ใ†ใ€- Ultimate tea master
ๆ›ฝๅ‘‚ๅˆฉ ๆ–ฐๅทฆ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใใ†ใ‚Š ใ—ใ‚“ใ–ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€(also know as: ๆ‰ๆœฌใ€Œใ™ใŽใ‚‚ใจใ€) ใƒผ Scabbard maker

Volume IV: 1570 - 1574

Oda Clan
็น”็”ฐ ไฟก้•ทใ€ŒใŠใ  ใฎใถใชใŒใ€(Nickname: ้ญ”็Ž‹ใ€ŒใพใŠใ†ใ€๏ผ‰- Leader of the Oda Clan
โ€“ ใŠๅธ‚ใ€ŒใŠใ„ใกใ€- Younger sister

ๆœจไธ‹ ่—คๅ‰้ƒŽใ€Œใใฎใ—ใŸ ใจใ†ใใกใ‚ใ†ใ€(Nickname: ็Œฟใ€Œใ•ใ‚‹ใ€) - Hideyoshi
โ€“ ๅฏงๅญใ€Œใญใญใ€- Wife

Military Commanders
ๆฑ ็”ฐ ๆ’่ˆˆใ€Œใ„ใ‘ใ  ใคใญใŠใใ€(also known as: ๅ‹ไธ‰้ƒŽใ€Œใ‹ใคใ•ใถใ‚ใ†ใ€)
่œ‚ๅฑ‹ ้ ผ้š†ใ€Œใฏใกใ‚„ ใ‚ˆใ‚ŠใŸใ‹ใ€(also known as: ๅ…ตๅบซใ€Œใฒใ‚‡ใ†ใ”ใ€)
ไฝไน…้–“ ไฟก็››ใ€Œใ•ใใพ ใฎใถใ‚‚ใ‚Šใ€
ๅ‚ไบ• ๆ”ฟๅฐšใ€Œใ•ใ‹ใ„ ใพใ•ใฒใ•ใ€(also known as: ๅณ่ฟ‘ใ€Œใ†ใ“ใ‚“ใ€)
็ซนไธญ ้‡็Ÿฉ ใ€ŒใŸใ‘ใชใ‹ ใ—ใ’ใฎใ‚Šใ€(also known as: ไน…ไฝœใ€Œใใ‚…ใ†ใ•ใใ€) - Younger brother to ้‡ๆฒป
็ซนไธญ ้‡ๆฒปใ€ŒใŸใ‘ใชใ‹ ใ—ใ’ใฏใ‚‹ใ€(also known as: ๅŠๅ…ต่ก›ใ€Œใฏใ‚“ในใ„ใ€) - Older brother to ้‡็Ÿฉ
่œ‚้ ˆ่ณ€ ๆญฃๅ‹ใ€Œใฏใกใ™ใ‹ ใพใ•ใ‹ใคใ€(also known as: ๅฐๅ…ญใ€Œใ“ใ‚ใใ€& ๅฝฆๅณ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใฒใ“ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€)
ๅ €ๅฐพ ๅ‰ๆ™ดใ€Œใปใ‚Šใ„ใŠ ใ‚ˆใ—ใฏใ‚‹ใ€(also known as: ่Œ‚ๅŠฉใ€Œใ‚‚ใ™ใ‘ใ€)
ๆŸด็”ฐ ๅ‹ๅฎถใ€Œใ—ใฐใŸ ใ‹ใคใ„ใˆใ€
ๆฐๅฎถ ็›ดๅ…ƒใ€Œใ†ใ˜ใ„ใˆ ใชใŠใ‚‚ใจใ€(also known as: ใƒˆๅ…จใ€Œใผใใœใ‚“ใ€)
ๅฎ‰่—ค ๅฎˆๅฐฑใ€Œใ‚ใ‚“ใฉใ† ใ‚‚ใ‚Šใชใ‚Šใ€
ๆญฆไบ• ๅค•ๅบตใ€ŒใŸใ‘ใ„ ใ›ใใ‚ใ‚“ใ€
ๆ˜Žๆ™บ ๅ…‰็ง€ใ€Œใ‚ใ‘ใก ใฟใคใฒใงใ€(also known as: ๅๅ…ต่ก›ใ€Œใ˜ใ‚…ใ†ในใ„ใ€)

Children (of the Lords/Samurai etc.)
ๅŠ ่—ค ๆธ…ๆญฃใ€Œใ‹ใจใ† ใใ‚ˆใพใ•ใ€
็ฆๅณถ ๆญฃๅ‰‡ใ€Œใตใใ—ใพ ใพใ•ใฎใ‚Šใ€
ๆฃฎ ๆˆๅˆฉใ€Œใ‚‚ใ‚Š ใชใ‚Šใจใ—ใ€(also known as: ่˜ญไธธใ€Œใ‚‰ใ‚“ใพใ‚‹ใ€)

Tokugawa Clan
ๅพณๅท ๅฎถๅบทใ€ŒใจใใŒใ‚ ใ„ใˆใ‚„ใ™ใ€- Leader of the Tokugawa clan

Military Commanders
ๆฆŠๅŽŸ ๅบทๆ”ฟใ€Œใ•ใ‹ใใฐใ‚‰ ใ‚„ใ™ใพใ•ใ€
ๅคงไน…ไฟ ๅฟ ไธ–ใ€ŒใŠใŠใใผ ใŸใ ใ‚ˆใ€
ๆœฌๅคš ๅฟ ๅ‹ใ€Œใปใ‚“ใ  ใŸใ ใ‹ใคใ€(also known as: ๅนณๅ…ซ้ƒŽใ€Œใธใ„ใฏใกใ‚ใ†ใ€)
็Ÿณๅท ๆ•ฐๆญฃใ€Œใ„ใ—ใ‹ใ‚ ใ‹ใšใพใ•ใ€
้ณฅๅฑ… ๅฟ ๅบƒใ€Œใจใ‚Šใ„ ใŸใ ใฒใ‚ใ€
้ซ˜ๆœจ ๅบƒๆญฃใ€ŒใŸใ‹ใŽ ใฒใ‚ใพใ•ใ€

้‡Žไธญ ้‡ๆ”ฟใ€Œใฎใชใ‹ ใ—ใ’ใพใ•ใ€

Takeda Clan
ๆญฆ็”ฐ ไฟก็Ž„ใ€ŒใŸใ‘ใ  ใ—ใ‚“ใ’ใ‚“ใ€- Leader of the Takeda clan

Military Commanders
็ฉดๅฑฑ ไฟกๅ›ใ€Œใ‚ใชใ‚„ใพ ใฎใถใŸใ ใ€(also known as: ๆข…้›ชใ€Œใฐใ„ใ•ใคใ€)
ไป็ง‘ ็››ไฟกใ€Œใซใ—ใช ใ‚‚ใ‚Šใฎใถใ€ (5th son of Takeda Shingen)
ๅฑฑ็œŒ ๆ˜Œๆ™ฏใ€Œใ‚„ใพใŒใŸ ใพใ•ใ‹ใ’ใ€
ๅ†…่—ค ๆ˜Œ่ฑŠใ€Œใชใ„ใจใ† ใพใ•ใจใ‚ˆใ€
ๅฐๅนก ไฟกๅฎšใ€ŒใŠใฐใŸ ใฎใถใ•ใ ใ€
ๅฐๅฑฑ็”ฐ ่™Žๆบ€ใ€ŒใŠใ‚„ใพใ  ใจใ‚‰ใฟใคใ€
้ฆฌๅ ด ไฟกๆ˜ฅใ€Œใฐใฐ ใฎใถใฏใ‚‹ใ€(also known as: ไฟกๆˆฟใ€Œใฎใถใตใ•ใ€)

Azai Clan
ๆต…ไบ• ้•ทๆ”ฟใ€Œใ‚ใ–ใ„ ใชใŒใพใ•ใ€- Leader of the Azai clan
โ€“ ใŠๅธ‚ใฎๆ–นใ€ŒใŠใ„ใกใฎใ‹ใŸใ€- Wife (Nobunagaโ€™s younger sister)
โ€“ ่Œถใ€…ใ€Œใกใ‚ƒใกใ‚ƒใ€- 1st daughter
โ€“ ใŠๅˆใ€ŒใŠใฏใคใ€- 2nd daughter
โ€“ ไธ‡ๅฏฟไธธใ€Œใพใ‚“ใ˜ใ‚…ใพใ‚‹ใ€- 1st son (heir to the Azai clan)

Military Commanders
ๅคง้‡Žๆœจ ็ง€ไฟŠใ€ŒใŠใŠใฎใŽ ใฒใงใจใ—ใ€
ๆจ‹ๅฃ ็›ดๆˆฟใ€Œใฒใใก ใชใŠใตใ•ใ€
็ฃฏ้‡Ž ๅ“กๆ˜Œใ€Œใ„ใใฎ ใ‹ใšใพใ•ใ€(also known as: ไธนๆณขใ€ŒใŸใ‚“ใฐใ€)
้ ่—ค ็›ด็ตŒใ€Œใˆใ‚“ใฉใ† ใชใŠใคใญใ€(also known as: ๅ–œๅทฆ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใใ–ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€)
่—คๆŽ› ๆฐธๅ‹ใ€Œใตใ˜ใ‹ใ‘ ใชใŒใ‹ใคใ€(also known as: ไธ‰ๆฒณๅฎˆใ€Œใฟใ‹ใ‚ใฎใ‹ใฟใ€)

Rokkaku Clan
ๅ…ญ่ง’ ็พฉ่ณขใ€Œใ‚ใฃใ‹ใ ใ‚ˆใ—ใ‹ใŸใ€(also known as: ๆ‰ฟ็ฆŽใ€Œใ˜ใ‚‡ใ†ใฆใ„ใ€) - Leader of the Rokkaku clan

Asakura Clan
ๆœๅ€‰ ๆ™ฏๅฅใ€Œใ‚ใ•ใใ‚‰ ใ‹ใ’ใŸใ‘ใ€- Military Commander

Sassa Clan
ไฝใ€… ๆˆๆ”ฟใ€Œใ•ใฃใ• ใชใ‚Šใพใ•ใ€- Military Commander

Muromachi/Ashikaga Shogunate
่ถณๅˆฉ ็พฉๆ˜ญใ€Œใ‚ใ—ใ‹ใŒ ใ‚ˆใ—ใ‚ใใ€ใƒผ 15th Shogun of the Muromachi/Ashikaga Shogunate

Military Commanders
ๆœๅ€‰ ็พฉๆ™ฏใ€Œใ‚ใ•ใใ‚‰ ใ‚ˆใ—ใ‹ใ’ใ€
็ดฐๅท ่—คๅญใ€Œใปใใ‹ใ‚ ใตใ˜ใŸใ‹ใ€
ๅ’Œ็”ฐ ๆƒŸๆ”ฟใ€Œใ‚ใ  ใ“ใ‚Œใพใ•ใ€

Volume V: 1574 - 15??
(Currently 1578)

Oda Clan
็น”็”ฐ ไฟก้•ทใ€ŒใŠใ  ใฎใถใชใŒใ€(Nickname: ้ญ”็Ž‹ใ€ŒใพใŠใ†ใ€๏ผ‰- Leader of the Oda Clan
โ€“ ็น”็”ฐ ไฟกๅฟ ใ€ŒใŠใ  ใฎใถใŸใ ใ€- 1st Son

Military Commanders
่„‡ๅ‚ ๅฎ‰ๆฒปใ€Œใ‚ใใ–ใ‹ ใ‚„ใ™ใฏใ‚‹ใ€(also known as: ็”šๅ†…ใ€Œใ˜ใ‚“ใชใ„ใ€)
็จฒ่‘‰ ่‰ฏ้€šใ€Œใ„ใชใฐ ใ‚ˆใ—ใฟใกใ€(also known as: ไธ€้‰„ใ€Œใ„ใฆใฃใคใ€)
ๅ‰็”ฐ ๅˆฉๅฎถใ€Œใพใˆใ  ใจใ—ใ„ใˆใ€(also known as: ๅˆๅทฆ่ก›้–€ใ€ŒใพใŸใ–ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€)
็ฆๅฏŒ ็ง€ๅ‹ใ€Œใตใใฟใš ใฒใงใ‹ใคใ€(also known as: ๅนณๅทฆ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใฒใ–ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€)
ไฝใ€… ๆˆๆ”ฟใ€Œใ•ใฃใ• ใชใ‚Šใพใ•ใ€
ๆŸด็”ฐ ๅ‹ๅฎถใ€Œใ—ใฐใŸ ใ‹ใคใ„ใˆใ€(also known as: ๆจฉๅ…ญใ€Œใ”ใ‚“ใ‚ใใ€)
้‡Žใ€…ๆ‘ ๆญฃๆˆใ€Œใฎใฎใ‚€ใ‚‰ ใพใ•ใชใ‚Šใ€(also known as: ไธ‰ๅ้ƒŽใ€Œใ•ใ‚“ใ˜ใ‚…ใ†ใ‚ใ†ใ€)
ไธน็พฝ ้•ท็ง€ใ€Œใซใ‚ ใชใŒใฒใงใ€(also known as: ไบ”้ƒŽๅทฆ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใ”ใ‚ใ†ใ–ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€)
่’ฒ็”Ÿ ๆฐ้ƒทใ€ŒใŒใ‚‚ใ† ใ†ใ˜ใ•ใจใ€
ไฝไน…้–“ ไฟก็››ใ€Œใ•ใใพ ใฎใถใ‚‚ใ‚Šใ€
ๆฑ ็”ฐ ๆ’่ˆˆใ€Œใ„ใ‘ใ  ใคใญใŠใใ€(also known as: ไฟก่ผใ€Œใฎใถใฆใ‚‹ใ€)
ๆปๅท ไธ€็›Šใ€ŒใŸใใŒใ‚ ใ‹ใšใพใ™ ๏ผ ใ„ใกใพใ™ใ€
ๆ˜Žๆ™บ ๅ…‰็ง€ใ€Œใ‚ใ‘ใก ใฟใคใฒใงใˆใ€(also known as: ๅๅ…ต่ก›ใ€Œใ˜ใ‚…ใ†ในใ„ใ€)
ๆญฆไบ• ๅค•่ดใ€ŒใŸใ‘ใ„ ใ›ใใ‚ใ‚“ใ€
ๆพไบ• ๅ‹้–‘ใ€Œใพใคใ„ ใ‚†ใ†ใ‹ใ‚“ใ€
ๅฑฑๅ†… ไธ€่ฑŠใ€Œใ‚„ใพใ†ใก ใ‹ใšใจใ‚ˆใ€
้ป’็”ฐ ๅญ้ซ˜ใ€Œใใ‚ใฉ ใ‚ˆใ—ใŸใ‹]
โ€“ ้ป’็”ฐ ้•ทๆ”ฟใ€Œใใ‚ใ  ใชใŒใพใ•ใ€- Son

ๆœจไธ‹ ่—คๅ‰้ƒŽใ€Œใใฎใ—ใŸ ใจใ†ใใกใ‚ใ†ใ€(Nickname: ็Œฟใ€Œใ•ใ‚‹ใ€) - Toyotomi Hideyoshi / Kinoshita Tลkichirล
โ€“ ๅฏงๅญใ€Œใญใญใ€- Wife
โ€“ โ€“ ๆœจไธ‹ ๅ‰ๅฎšใ€Œใใฎใ—ใŸ ใ‚ˆใ—ใ•ใ ใ€- Younger brother
โ€“ ็พฝๆŸด ็ง€ๅ‹ใ€Œใฏใ—ใฐ ใฒใงใ‹ใคใ€(also: ๆ–ผๆฌกไธธใ€ŒใŠใคใŽใพใ‚‹ใ€) - Adopted son (4th son of Nobunaga)
โ€“ ็พฝๆŸด ็ง€้•ทใ€Œใฏใ—ใฐ ใฒใงใชใŒใ€(also: ๅฐไธ€้ƒŽใ€Œใ“ใกใ‚ใ†ใ€) - Younger brother

Hideyoshiโ€™s Followers
่œ‚้ ˆ่ณ€ ๆญฃๅ‹ ใ€Œใฏใกใ™ใ‹ ใพใ•ใ‹ใคใ€(also known as: ๅฝฆๅณ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใฒใ“ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€)
โ€“ ๅฐๅ…ญ ๅฎถๆ”ฟใ€Œใ“ใ‚ใ ใ„ใˆใพใ•ใ€- Son
็”Ÿ้ง’ ็”šๅŠฉใ€Œใ„ใ“ใพ ใ˜ใ‚“ใ™ใ‘ใ€
ๅŠ ่—ค ไฝœๅ†…ใ€Œใ‹ใจใ† ใ•ใใชใ„ใ€
ๅข—็”ฐ ้•ท็››ใ€Œใพใ—ใŸ ใชใŒใ‚‚ใ‚Šใ€(also known as: ไปๅณ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใซใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€)
ๅคง่ฐท ๅ‰็ถ™ใ€ŒใŠใŠใŸใซ ใ‚ˆใ—ใคใใ€(also known as: ๅนณ้ฆฌใ€Œใธใ„ใพใ€)
ไธ€ๆŸณ ็›ดๆœซใ€Œใฒใจใคใ‚„ใชใŽ ใชใŠใ™ใˆใ€(also known as: ๅธ‚ๅŠฉใ€Œใ„ใกใ™ใ‘ใ€)
ๆœจไธ‹ ๅ‹˜่งฃ็”ฑใ€Œใใฎใ—ใŸ ใ‹ใ’ใ‚†ใ€
ๅฐ่ฅฟ ่กŒ้•ทใ€Œใ“ใซใ— ใ‚†ใใชใŒใ€(also known as: ๅผฅไน้ƒŽใ€Œใ‚„ใใ‚ใ†ใ€)
ๅฑฑๅ†… ไธ€่ฑŠใ€Œใ‚„ใพใ†ใก ใ‹ใคใจใ‚ˆ ๏ผ ใ‹ใšใจใ‚ˆใ€(also known as: ็Œชๅณ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใ„ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€)
็ฆๅณถ ๆญฃๅ‰‡ใ€Œใตใใ—ใพ ใพใ•ใฎใ‚Šใ€(also known as: ๅธ‚ๆพใ€Œใ„ใกใพใคใ€)
ๅŠ ่—ค ๆธ…ๆญฃใ€Œใ‹ใจใ† ใใ‚„ใพใ•ใ€(also known as: ่™Žไน‹ๅŠฉใ€Œใจใ‚‰ใฎใ™ใ‘ใ€)
ไป™็Ÿณ ็ง€ไน…ใ€Œใ›ใ‚“ใ”ใ ใฒใงใฒใ•ใ€(also known as: ๆจฉๅ…ต่ก›ใ€Œใ”ใ‚“ในใˆใ€)
็Ÿณ็”ฐ ไธ‰ๆˆใ€Œใ„ใ—ใ  ใฟใคใชใ‚Šใ€
ๅนณ้‡Ž ้•ทๆณฐใ€Œใฒใ‚‰ใฎ ใชใŒใ‚„ใ™ใ€(also known as: ๆจฉๅนณใ€Œใ”ใ‚“ใบใ„ใ€)
ๅŠ ่—ค ๅ˜‰ๆ˜Žใ€Œใ‹ใจใ† ใ‚ˆใ—ใ‚ใใ‚‰ใ€
็ณŸๅฑ‹ ๆญฆๅ‰‡ใ€Œใ‹ใ™ใ‚„ ใŸใ‘ใฎใ‚Šใ€
็ซนไธญ ้‡ๆฒปใ€ŒใŸใ‘ใชใ‹ ใ—ใ’ใฏใ‚‹ใ€(also known as: ๅŠๅ…ต่ก›ใ€Œใฏใ‚“ในใ„ใ€)

ๅฒก้ƒจ ๅˆๅณ่ก›้–€ใ€ŒใŠใ‹ใน ใพใŸใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€- Master carpenter

Imagawa Clan
ไปŠๅท ๆฐ็œŸใ€Œใ„ใพใŒใ‚ ใ†ใ˜ใ–ใญใ€- Head of the Imagawa clan

Tokugawa Clan
ๅพณๅท ๅฎถๅบทใ€ŒใจใใŒใ‚ ใ„ใˆใ‚„ใ™ใ€- Head of the Tokugawa clan
โ€“ ๆพๅนณ ไฟกๅบทใ€Œใพใคใ ใ„ใ‚‰ ใฎใถใ‚„ใ™ใ€(also: ไธ‰้ƒŽใ€Œใ•ใถใ‚ใ†ใ€) - 1st Son

Military Commanders
่ฟ‘่—ค ๅนณๅ…ญใ€Œใ“ใ‚“ใฉใ† ใฒใ„ใ‚ใใ€
็Ÿณๅท ้‡ๆ”ฟใ€Œใ„ใ—ใ‹ใ‚ ใ—ใ’ใพใ•ใ€(also known as: ๅˆๅ››้ƒŽใ€ŒใพใŸใ—ใ‚ใ†ใ€)
ๆพๅนณ ๅฎถๅฟ ใ€Œใพใคใ ใ„ใ‚‰ ใ„ใˆใŸใ ใ€
ๅฅฅๅนณ ๅฎš่ƒฝใ€ŒใŠใใ ใ„ใ‚‰ ใ•ใ ใ‚ˆใ—ใ€
ๆธก่พบ ๅฎˆ็ถฑใ€Œใ‚ใŸใชใน ใ‚‚ใ‚Šใคใชใ€(also known as: ๅŠ่”ตใ€Œใฏใ‚“ใžใ†ใ€)
้…’ไบ• ๅฟ ๆฌกใ€Œใ•ใ‹ใ„ ใŸใ ใคใใ€
ๆœฌๅคš ๅบƒๅญใ€Œใปใ‚“ใ  ใฒใ‚ใŸใ‹ใ€
ๆพๅนณ ไผŠๅฟ ใ€Œใพใคใ ใ„ใ‚‰ ใ“ใ‚ŒใŸใ ใ€
็Ÿณๅท ๆ•ฐๆญฃใ€Œใ„ใ—ใ‹ใ‚ ใ‹ใšใพใ•ใ€
ๆฆŠๅŽŸ ๅบทๆ”ฟใ€Œใ•ใ‹ใใฐใ‚‰ ใ‚„ใ™ใพใ•ใ€
ๅนณๅฒฉ ่ฆชๅ‰ใ€Œใฒใ‚‰ใ„ใ‚ ใกใ‹ใ‚ˆใ—ใ€
ๆœฌๅคš ๅฟ ๅ‹ใ€Œใปใ‚“ใ  ใŸใ ใ‹ใคใ€(also known as: ๅนณๅ…ซ้ƒŽใ€Œใธใ„ใฏใกใ‚ใ†ใ€)

ๅคง่ณ€ ๅผฅๅ››้ƒŽใ€ŒใŠใŠใŒ ใ‚„ใ—ใ‚ใ†ใ€
ๅฑฑ็”ฐ ๅ…ซ่”ตใ€Œใ‚„ใพใ  ใฏใกใžใ†ใ€
ๅคงๅฒก ๅฟ ็›ธใ€ŒใŠใŠใŠใ‹ ใŸใ ใ™ใ‘ใ€(also known as: ๅฟ ๅณ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใกใ‚…ใ†ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€)

้ณฅๅฑ… ๅผทๅณ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใจใ‚Šใ„ ใ™ใญใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€๏ผ‰

Takeda Clan
ๆญฆ็”ฐ ๅ‹้ ผใ€ŒใŸใ‘ใ  ใ‹ใคใ‚ˆใ‚Šใ€- Head of the Takeda clan

Military Commanders
่ทก้ƒจ ๅ‹่ณ‡ใ€Œใ‚ใจใน ใ‹ใคใ™ใ‘ใ€(also known as: ๅคง็‚Šใ€ŒใŠใŠใ„ใ€)
ๅฑฑ็œŒ ๆ˜Œๆ™ฏใ€Œใ‚„ใพใŒใŸ ใพใ•ใ‹ใ’ใ€
ๆญฆ็”ฐ ไฟกๅป‰ใ€ŒใŸใ‘ใ  ใฎใถใ‹ใฉใ€
็ฉดๅฑฑ ไฟกๅ›ใ€Œใ‚ใชใ‚„ใพ ใฎใถใŸใ ใ€
้ฆฌๅ ด ไฟกๆ˜ฅใ€Œใฐใฐ ใฎใถใฏใ‚‹ใ€(also known as: ็พŽๆฟƒๅฎˆใ€Œใฟใฎใฎใ‹ใฟใ€)
็œŸ็”ฐ ไฟก็ถฑใ€Œใ•ใชใ  ใฎใถใคใชใ€
ๅŽŸ ๆ˜Œ่ƒคใ€Œใฏใ‚‰ ใพใ•ใŸใญใ€(also known as: ้šผไบบไฝใ€Œใฏใ‚„ใจใฎใ™ใ‘ใ€)
ๅœŸๅฑ‹ ๆ˜Œๆฌกใ€Œใคใกใ‚„ ใพใ•ใคใใ€
ๅฐๅนก ไฟก็œŸใ€ŒใŠใฐใŸ ใฎใถใ–ใญใ€(also known as: ไธŠ็ทไป‹ใ€Œใ‹ใšใ•ใฎใ™ใ‘ใ€)
้•ทๅ‚ ่™Žๆˆฟใ€ŒใชใŒใ•ใ‹ ใจใ‚‰ใตใ•ใ€(also known as: ้•ท้–‘ใ€Œใกใ‚‡ใ†ใ‹ใ‚“ใ€)
ๅฐ็ฌ ๅŽŸ ไฟกๅถบใ€ŒใŠใŒใ•ใ‚ใ‚‰ ใฎใถใฟใญใ€(also known as: ๆŽƒ้ƒจใ€Œใ‹ใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€)
็”˜ๅˆฉ ไฟกๅบทใ€Œใ‚ใพใ‚Š ใฎใถใ‚„ใ™ใ€
ๅฐๅฑฑ็”ฐ ไฟก่Œ‚ใ€ŒใŠใ‚„ใพใ  ใฎใถใ—ใ’ใ€
ๅ†…่—ค ๆ˜Œ่ฑŠใ€Œใชใ„ใจใ† ใพใ•ใจใ‚ˆใ€
่…ๆฒผ ๅฎšๅฟ ใ€Œใ™ใŒใฌใพ ใ•ใ ใŸใ ใ€

Uesugi Clan
ไธŠๆ‰ ่ฌ™ไฟกใ€Œใ†ใˆใ™ใŽ ใ‘ใ‚“ใ—ใ‚“ใ€- Head of the Uesugi clan

Mori Clan
ๆฏ›ๅˆฉ ่ผๅ…ƒใ€Œใ‚‚ใ†ใ‚Š ใฆใ‚‹ใ‚‚ใจใ€- Head of the Mori clan
ๅฎ‰ๅ›ฝๅฏบ ๆต็“Šใ€Œใ‚ใ‚“ใ“ใใ˜ ใˆใ‘ใ„ใ€- Military monk

Military Commanders
ๅฐๆ—ฉๅท ้š†ๆ™ฏใ€Œใ“ใฐใ‚„ใ‹ใ‚ ใŸใ‹ใ‹ใ’ใ€
ๅ‰ๅท ๅ…ƒๆ˜ฅใ€Œใใฃใ‹ใ‚ ใ‚‚ใจใฏใ‚‹ใ€
ๆธก่พบ ๅˆๅทฆ่ก›้–€ใ€Œใ‚ใŸใชใน ใพใŸใ–ใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใ€

Kodera Clan
ๅฐๅฏบ ๆ”ฟ่ทใ€Œใ“ใงใ‚‰ ใพใ•ใ‚‚ใจใ€- Head of the Kodera clan

Military Commanders
้ป’็”ฐ ่ท้š†ใ€Œใใ‚ใ  ใ‚‚ใจใŸใ‹ใ€

Amago Clan
Military Commanders
ๅฑฑไธญ ๅนธ็››ใ€Œใ‚„ใพใชใ‹ ใ‚†ใใ‚‚ใ‚Šใ€(also known as: ้นฟไน‹ไป‹ใ€Œใ—ใ‹ใฎใ™ใ‘ใ€)
ๅฐผๅญ ๅ‹ไน…ใ€Œใ‚ใพใ” ใ‹ใคใฒใ•ใ€

Ukita Clan
ๅฎ‡ๅ–œๅคš ็›ดๅฎถใ€Œใ†ใใŸ ใŸใŠใ„ใˆใ€- Head of the Ukita clan

้•ท่ˆน ็ถฑ็›ดใ€ŒใŠใ•ใตใญ ใคใชใชใŠใ€
ๆˆธๅท ้”ๅฎ‰ใ€ŒใจใŒใ‚ ใฟใกใ‚„ใ™ใ€
ๅฒก ่ถŠๅ‰ๅฎˆใ€ŒใŠใ‹ ใˆใกใœใ‚“ใฎใ‹ใฟใ€
่Šฑๆˆฟ ่ท็ง€ใ€Œใฏใชใถใ• ใ‚‚ใจใฒใงใ€


:gem: Home :facepunch:

May 27

29 - 36

ๆกœ่˜ญ้ซ˜ๆ ก(ใŠใ†ใ‚‰ใ‚“ใ“ใ†ใ“ใ†)ใƒ›ใ‚นใƒˆใ‚ฏใƒฉใƒ–
27 - 40

154 - 187 (end)

ไธๅฏ่งฃใชใผใใฎใ™ในใฆใ‚’ 3

Mudad doujin
26 + 26 + 26

Seasons was about ๅฏ(ใ†)ใฎ่Šฑ(ใฏใช), which blooms around this season in the moonlight if I understand correctly.

The doujin are part of a series where Giorno/Haruno becomes a catboy by way of enemy stand. I had the first two volumes already and had given up on finding 3/4, but the artist happened to have some copies available along with the newish 5th volume on Booth! It was a cute read, but made me realize Iโ€™ve forgotten a lot of cat related vocab. I donโ€™t think they get much use outside of cat related works though. It was a really cute series though and it seems with vol 5 that itโ€™s probably the last in the series. Since the last 3 volumes are 26 pages, Iโ€™m going to guess that 1 and 2 are also and count the series as one (short) volume of manga (~130 pages total). Iโ€™ll miss the series, but itโ€™s nice to see it wrapped up and hopefully the author will stay in the fandom. Theyโ€™ve made other JoJo works, but no other mudad I think.

Words found in Cairo, the spaceship, the club, and the coffin
word meaning/notes
ๆœฌ้Ÿณ(ใปใ‚“ใญ) true intention
ใ“ใ–ใ‹ใ—ใ„ clever
ใƒ€ใƒฉใƒ€ใƒฉ dripping
็ด ่ณช(ใใ—ใค) good personality
ใƒŠใƒฏใƒใƒช territory
ๅ–ๅผ•(ใจใ‚Šใฒใ) trade
ๅฎ‰ๅฏง(ใ‚ใ‚“ใญใ„) spoiler peace[/spoiler]
่„…ๅจ(ใใ‚‡ใ†ใ„) threat
้ ‚็‚น(ใกใ‚‡ใ†ใฆใ‚“) apex
ใƒŽใƒชใƒŽใƒช high spirits
่ˆˆๅฅฎ(ใ“ใ†ใตใ‚“)ใ™ใ‚‹ to be excited
่’(ใ‚ใ‚‰)ใฃใฝใ„ wild
็ฉบๆŒฏ(ใ‹ใ‚‰ใถ)ใ‚Š swing and a miss
ใƒใƒฌใ‚‹ to leak (a secret)
็‰ฉ็†็š„(ใถใคใ‚Šใฆใ) physical
็พŽ่ฒŒ(ใณใผใ†) good looks/face
ใพใ™ใพใ™ increasingly/ more and more
ไบบๆŸ„(ใฒใจใŒใ‚‰) personality
ใตใ•ใ‚ใ—ใ„ fitting
็ต†(ใใšใช) bonds
ๆง‹ๅ›ณ(ใ“ใ†ใš) composition (of a painting)
ๅˆใ€…(ใ†ใ„ใ†ใ„)ใ—ใ„ naรฏve, fresh
ๅ…จ่ฒŒ(ใœใ‚“ใผใ†) full picture
ไปŠๅฎต(ใ“ใ‚ˆใ„) tonight



Iโ€™m finding your cute cat pictures a bit difficult while Iโ€™m missing my cat!



No, itโ€™s fine! Iโ€™m just extremely forgetful and have a non-functional sense of time and apparently low object permanence (itโ€™s the ADHD). I try to put all the book club books whose section for that week I havenโ€™t read yet in one stack and move them into another after I have read them, but it doesnโ€™t;;; exactly;;; work when I forget to grab the book in the first place lmao (or forget about the stacks either, for that matter, which also happens sometimes)

Iโ€™m p sure Iโ€™m at least 2 weeks behind on ใ‚ขใ‚ชใฎใƒใ‚ณ too because I keep forgetting about it. Out of sight, out of mind is a very real problem for ADHDers lol


May 28, Sun of Week 9 of Spring Q2 2023 :cherry_blossom:

  • aBoJG/Basic - ใ‹, ใ‹ใฉใ†ใ‹, ใ‹ใ„

  • ใ†ใŸใ‚ใ‚Œใ‚‹ใ‚‚ใฎ

Words of the day
  • ไปŠ(ใ„ใพ)ใ—ๆ–น(ใŒใŸ) = just now
  • ็‹ญ้–“(ใฏใ–ใพ) = a ravine; narrow pass. Has Furigana. Reading-wise, it sounds like ใƒใ‚ตใƒŸ :scissors: (with Dakuten change from ๆŒŸ(ใฏใ•)ใพใ‚‹ to ใฏใ–ใพ).
  • ่พบ้„™(ใธใ‚“ใด) = remote place; hard-to-reach place
  • ไธ–ๆจ(ใ‚ˆใ™)ใฆไบบ(ใณใจ) = recluse
  • ้š ้(ใ„ใ‚“ใจใ‚“) = seclusion from the world. Has Furigana.
  • ็ฎก่ฝ„(ใ‹ใ‚“ใ‹ใค) = jurisdiction; control
  • ๆ‰“็ฎ—(ใ ใ•ใ‚“) = calculating with self-interest
  • ็›ธ็ถš(ใใ†ใžใ) = succession; inheritance
  • ๅฎถ็ฃ(ใ‹ใจใ) = heir; successor
  • ๅพŒ้‡œ(ใ‚ใจใŒใพ) = successor
  • ่ฌ€(ใฏใ‹ใ‚Šใ”ใจ) = plot; stratagem
  • ๅˆค็„ถ(ใฏใ‚“ใœใ‚“) = clear. ๅˆค็„ถ(ใฏใ‚“ใœใ‚“)ใจใ—ใชใ„ = not clear. ๆผ ็„ถ(ใฐใใœใ‚“) is also not clear.
  • ็ขบๅŸท(ใ‹ใใ—ใค) = discord; antagonism; strife; conflict
  • ้ข่ญ˜(ใ‚ใ‚“ใ—ใ) = acquaintance
  • ๅคฑ็ซ(ใ—ใฃใ‹) = accidental fire (not arson)
  • ็ด…่“ฎ(ใใ‚Œใ‚“)ใฎ็‚Ž(ใปใฎใŠ) = bright red flame
  • ๅปƒไบบ(ใฏใ„ใ˜ใ‚“) = a disabled person
  • ๆ˜ๅ€’(ใ“ใ‚“ใจใ†) = faint; swoon
  • ๆธ‡ๆœ›(ใ‹ใคใผใ†) = thirst; craving
  • ๆƒจๆฎบ(ใ–ใ‚“ใ•ใค) = massacre
  • ๅ—šๅ‘ผ(ใ‚ใ‚) = ah. Yeah, no Furigana.
  • ็•ฅ่ฃ…(ใ‚Šใ‚ƒใใใ†) = informal dress
  • ๅฎถๆ—ๅ›ฃ(ใ‹ใžใใ ใ‚“)ใ‚‰ใ‚“ = happy family circle = ๅฎถๆ—ๅ›ฃๆฌ’(ใ‹ใžใใ ใ‚“ใ‚‰ใ‚“)
  • ้ ญๆ‰“(ใ‚ใŸใพใ†)ใก = reaching a maximum limit
  • ๅฃๆทป(ใใกใž)ใˆ = recommending
  • ่‚ฉๆ›ธ(ใ‹ใŸใŒ)ใ = rank; title of oneโ€™s position. Like armyโ€™s general, perhaps.
  • ๆฃŸๆ‰“(ใ‚€ใญใ†)ใก = striking with the back of the sword. Written with ่ƒธ(ใ‚€ใญ)ๆ‰“(ใ†)ใก in context.
  • ้›ฒ่กŒ(ใใ‚‚ใ‚†)ใใŒๆ€ช(ใ‚ใ‚„)ใ—ใ„ = clouds look menacing; things donโ€™t look good
  • ่…ฐ(ใ“ใ—)ใ‚’ไธŠ(ใ‚)ใ’ใ‚‹ = to stand up from sitting; to take action
  • ่ข–(ใใง)ใซใ™ใ‚‹ = to turn cold shoulder to someone
  • ๆ‰‹(ใฆ)ใซ่ฒ (ใŠ)ใˆใชใ„ = to be too much for one to handle
  • ่ฉฑ(ใฏใชใ—)ใซไน—(ใฎ)ใ‚‹ = to accept a proposal

May 28

ๅ‘Š็™ฝ 37% - 40%

Got bogged down with assignments, only read twice this week and now am behind on the book club schedule. :grimacing:


:cherry_blossom: :tulip: :blossom: May 26 :blossom: :tulip: :cherry_blossom:
Home Post

:infinity: Loopers : ALL OF THE LAST CHAPTER!

A two day late update, look in the garden thread to learn why I didnโ€™t read nor update yesterday, to say that I read the last chapter of Loopers Friday night (finishing after midnight, but I still call it Friday)!

I finished my first VN overall!!! Depending on if you count the Ace Attorney games as VNs.

But if that doesnโ€™t count, it is definitely my first VN in Japanese!

:tada: :tada: :tada:

I started this VN last July with the VN club, read for maybe a month, then fell off all reading for a while. Picked it up again in November last year and read a few chapters. And then this year, @TobiasW wondered if Iโ€™d like to read the rest of Loopers together, because they were in a similar place as me. So picked it back up in March in conjunction with TobiasW and have been reading it semi-regularly since then. Playing a bit of donโ€™t read for two weeks, and then catch upโ€ฆ xD I did finish it on time with our own proposed schedule even!

I am pretty over the moon. This is definitively the longest thing Iโ€™ve ever read in Japanese. Almost a year in the making, with a couple of a-few-months-long breaks included.


Home post

:basketball: ใ‚ขใ‚ชใฎใƒใ‚ณ (p. 111 - p. 129)
I finished this weeks section (= chapter 4).
Somehow it took me way longer than I thought it would.
I guess, I will write my thoughts on it in the book club thread tomorrow (I hope I wonโ€™t forget). I am too tired now. Just wanted to give a quick update here.
~ 39 minutes


Summary post

Day 58: May 28th
What did I read?: ้›จใจๅ›ใจ Vol 4
How much did I read?: 37 pages
How long did it take me?: 15 min

I had the hardest time choosing something to read today :upside_down_face: Iโ€™m just generally in an โ€œoverwhelmed by choices/decisionsโ€ mood right now and low-key feel like just donating half my bookshelves so I donโ€™t have such a stockpile but at the same time, I feel overwhelmed by the thought of trying to figure out where I can donate them to, soโ€ฆhere they stay, because I donโ€™t want to throw them away, that feels like a crime :upside_down_face: I have entirely too much stuff and I canโ€™t do anything about it right now ugh :confounded:

Anywayโ€ฆI finally just settled on the next volume of tanuki xD Tanuki is too easy for me but that does make it easier to start lol. This volume is already exploding with tanuki cuteness :two_hearts:


Oh nooo, Iโ€™m sorry :frowning_face: Hopefully goofy tanuki pictures are better :bowing_woman:

:tada: Yay, congratulations!! :partying_face:


:bookmark: Home post // May 28 :cherry_blossom: :blossom:

ใƒป่–ฌๅฑ‹ใฎใฒใจใ‚Šใ”ใจ 8 (17% โ†’ 28%)

There were many interesting words:

  • ไธธ่…ฐ(ใพใ‚‹ใ”ใ—) = unarmed, without weapons
  • ๅๅ›(ใ‚ใ„ใใ‚“) = wise ruler, enlightened monarch, benevolent lord
  • ๅ‰่จ€ๆ’คๅ›ž(ใœใ‚“ใ’ใ‚“ใฆใฃใ‹ใ„) = taking back what one just said
  • ็…ฎ(ใซ)ใˆๆนฏ(ใ‚†)ใ‚’้ฃฒ(ใฎ)ใพใ•ใ‚Œใ‚‹ = to be betrayed, to be given a hard time

Shift + enter does that, Iโ€™ve accidentally prematurely posted a post while making tables.

(And I was very confused when people started liking that post, it didnโ€™t have any content and I even edited to add a note which said โ€œI posted early by accident Iโ€™m working on itโ€ and it still got likes when there was nothing to like about it and it didnโ€™t make any sense to me. Gosh, it made me so confused)

Table making is risky business on here.

Wohoo! :star_struck: Congrats on your first VN! :tada: :durtle_noice:


Ooop, thatโ€™s so weird. Why would they set it up that way? Likes for an empty table sounds like youโ€™re so popular that people want to like because they like you though :slight_smile:

I mustโ€™ve been using a different key though because I was ctrl c and entering :thinking:


May 28th!

Today I read Chapter 85 of Shadows House. Just one more chapter left of Volume 6 now!

(Home Post)



ๅœฐ็„ๆฅฝใ‚’่ชญใ‚“ใ ใ—ใƒ™ใƒซใ‚ปใƒซใ‚ฏใ‚‚่ชญใ‚“ใ ใ—่‰ฒใ€…ใ‚ฒใƒผใƒ ใ‚’ใ—ใŸใ—ใ€‚ใกใ‚‡ใฃใจใƒšใƒซใ‚ฝใƒŠใ‚’ใƒ—ใƒฌใ‚คใ—ใŸใ‘ใฉใกใ‚‡ใฃใจใ ใ‘ใ€‚ใ“ใฎใƒใƒฃใƒฌใƒณใ‚ธใฏใ‚‚ใ†ใ™ใ็ต‚ใ‚ใ‚‹ใฎใงๅฌ‰ใ—ใใชใ‚Šใพใ—ใŸใ€‚


28/05/2023 :fairy:t5: Home Post Link

Unfortunately I had to be out the entire day so I coudnโ€™t finish Konaโ€™s adventure liek Iโ€™d planned :skull: But I did read a few more chapters so yay

Thatโ€™s amazing, congratulation!!! :partying_face: :man_dancing:t5:


:gem: Home :facepunch:

May 28

37 - 40

ๆกœ่˜ญ้ซ˜ๆ ก(ใŠใ†ใ‚‰ใ‚“ใ“ใ†ใ“ใ†)ใƒ›ใ‚นใƒˆใ‚ฏใƒฉใƒ–

start - 16

ไธๅฏ่งฃใชใผใใฎใ™ในใฆใ‚’ 3

Seasons was all about garlic.

Iโ€™m glad that I got in some Dracula, I hope I can keep it up and get on track.

I would have read more JoJo but I got really distracted by some character information lol

I just have 1 word for yesterday from JoJo and itโ€™s ้œŠๅœ’(ใ‚Œใ„ใˆใ‚“). Itโ€™s good that I wasnโ€™t drinking something when I read it because my first thought was โ€œGHOST PARK?โ€ because I mostly recognize ้œŠๅœ’(ใ‚Œใ„ใˆใ‚“)'s ้œŠ from ๅนฝ้œŠ(ใ‚†ใ†ใ‚Œใ„). My second thought was cemetery, which was the right translation when I double checked lol. I only stopped at page 16 because I was falling asleep and should have gone to bed at least 10 min before then.

The more I read, the more I wonder, how quickly would I read through JoJo if I stopped doing all my reviews and other reading :sweat_smile:




I had work this morning and then was out all afternoon going to three different HPBs because a) Memorial Day weekend sale, and b) my mother was looking for specific books. I was just browsing (and also had some to sell). So I didnโ€™t have much time, much less energy, to read today.

Half Price Books adventures

The first HPB I stopped at today had these:

All of the ใƒ€ใ‚คใฎๅคงๅ†’้™บ manga from vol 11 onwards, and at only $4.99 each (though with the 20% off sale going on right now, theyโ€™re only $3.99). I hope I donโ€™t regret not buying themโ€ฆ I would have though if theyโ€™d had the first 10!

And there was a single-volume manga that looked goodโ€ฆ but the previous owner had written all over it! I hate people who write in books that arenโ€™t meant to be written in, but that actually saved me this time. I looked it up online upon getting home, and it turns out at least one of the stories in it is a harem. Eurgh.

And at the third, I saw the 4th Kindaichi volume, but it was pink and I didnโ€™t remember the 1st volume being so, so I didnโ€™t touch it. Later, I looked a couple shelfs over at the Chinese section to see if any Japanese books had gotten mixed in thereโ€ฆ I see like a dozen other volumes of Kindaichi. Not only was that vol 4 a random Chinese book in the Japanese section, but the rest of the series was literally right there in the Chinese section. smh

I did pick up another Miyabe Miyuki novel, though: ็ซ่ปŠ, which is apparently one of her most famous detective novels. I bought it at the first I visited and then saw it cheaper at the secondโ€ฆ but it was in worse condition so I ainโ€™t too mad about it lol

I also got ใ„ใฃใฆใใพใใ™ by ๅคงๆฉ‹ๆญฉ, a book from the 80s thatโ€™s described as a picture book for adults (on the top half of each page is an illustration and on the bottom half the story) and sounded funny, and which has no barcode on the back and whose ISBN is in a format Iโ€™ve never seen before, so I had to search for it by title on Bookmeter. I found 4 listings (2 each for 2 different editions), with a grand total of 8 ็™ป้Œฒ between themโ€”9 now, with me. Then at the third HPB, I found the Haikyuu!! anime official guidebook ใ‚ปใ‚คใ‚ทใƒฅใƒณใƒกใ‚คใ‚ซใƒณ and an English book on Japanese myths and legends.

  • a tiny bit of the preview for ๅฏ’ๅ†ทๅ‰็ทšใ‚ณใƒณใƒ€ใ‚ฏใ‚ฟใƒผ, the first volume in the ๅฏŒๅฃซ่ฆ‹ไบŒไธ็›ฎไบค้Ÿฟๆฅฝๅ›ฃใ‚ทใƒชใƒผใ‚บ, before remembering I had gotten sidetracked and switching back to Stepfather Step (the chapter starts with a quote from Beethoven, โ€œ้‹ๅ‘ฝใฏใ‹ใใฎใ”ใจใๆ‰‰ใ‚’ๅฉใ,โ€ and while trying to look it up since I wasnโ€™t sure Iโ€™d heard it before, I discovered this series since a later volume is named after it). I plan on reading more tomorrow, but for tonight Iโ€™m way too tired.
  • 10 pages of ใ‚นใƒ†ใƒƒใƒ—ใƒ•ใ‚กใ‚ถใƒผใƒปใ‚นใƒ†ใƒƒใƒ—, reading part 1 and the beginning of part 2 of ch 4 Helter-Skelter and leaving off on pg 183
Some vocab of note:

ใŒใŸใŒๆฅใ‚‹ [expression, ใใ‚‹ v.] to show oneโ€™s age (e.g. to start creaking at the joints); to wear out (e.g. machinery)


:tulip:May 28:tulip:
|||||Home Post|||||

:video_game:ไบŒใƒŽๅ›ฝ็™ฝใ่–็ฐใฎๅฅณ็Ž‹ใƒปใ‚ตใƒ ใƒฉใฎ็”บ
Progressed the quest a little bit and picked up a lot of side quests.