📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

Summary Post

Day 17: April 17th
What did I read?: ふしぎ駄菓子屋銭天堂 Vol 2
How much did I read?: 26 pages
How long did it take me?: 1 hour 40 min

Finished the book! :tada: This last chapter was kind of sweet, even though I have mixed feelings on the whole “he only teased/bullied her because he liked her!” thing, in general. But it was in elementary school, and the fact that he essentially built his entire life after that around potentially being able to make it up to her in some way sort of…cancels it out xD What can I say, I’m very much a sucker for that kind of thing :3

Unrelated to that, can we talk about how her first guest from the hospitality tea was freaking Santa Claus :joy: How random

I remember the first Zenitendou book feeling much more difficult than this one did, so that was a nice reminder that I am in fact learning something lol

Good words
  • 大のにがて - dread; horror; hatred
  • ままならない - unable to do (as one wishes); able to do only with great effort; almost impossible to do; beyond one’s control; not always turning out as one wishes; not going the way one wants it to​
  • おおばんぶるまい - lavish feast; splendid banquet
  • 迫力満点 (はくりょくまんてん) - full impact; packing a punch​
  • 福々しい (ふくぶくしい) - (plump and) happy-looking
  • オドオド - timidly; nervously; hesitantly; trembling (with fear)
  • 品ぞろえ (しなぞろえ) - assortment; product lineup
  • 勝負服 (しょうぶふく) - one’s best clothes (esp. for women), normally put aside for important meetings, dates, etc.​
  • ぬけがら - cast-off skin (snake, insect, etc.)
  • 目がない - being extremely fond of; having a weakness for; being a sucker for
  • まずありえない - very improbable; vanishingly unlikely; only with a miracle
  • うでをふるう - to exercise one’s talent; to display one’s ability​
  • 目もくれない - indifferent; paying no attention; taking no notice
  • 虫メガネ (むしめがね) - magnifying glass (this word makes me laugh)

Also @sycamore

Happy birthday!

Nagisa brought you a cake and Haru…brought you a fish, apparently :joy: