📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

:tulip: Day 14 :tulip: :house:
Read: ジャックジャンヌー夏劇ー
Finished: 9 pages
Time: 37 minutes
Started the next short story today, so far seems to be about a kanzashi that the characters found in the mountain next to their school, that somehow ended up high in the hollow of an old tree. I’m excited to find out how it got up there. Unfortunately, have an exam on Tuesday so probably shorter posts and less reading time from me for the rest of the week (please tell me to go back to studying if I read a lot in one day :joy:)

New Vocab

老木 (ろうぼく)old tree (meaning is easy to guess but completely forgot that reading of 木)
樹齢 (じゅれい)age of a tree
主体 (しゅたい)main constituent; core; nucleus
団体戦 (だんたいせん)team competition; team game
玉にキズ (たまにきず)fly in the ointment; small flaw in otherwise perfect object; only trouble; only fault​
入道雲 (にゅうどうぐも)cumulonimbus; gigantic columns of clouds (in summer); thunderhead​
いくらか some; (a) little
勾配 (こうばい)slope; incline; gradient; grade; pitch
初代 first generation; founder
祀る (まつる)to deify; to enshrine
思いのほか unexpectedly; surprisingly
語気 (ごき)tone; manner of speaking
ままならない unable to do (as one wishes); able to do only with great effort; almost impossible to do; beyond one’s control; not always turning out as one wishes; not going the way one wants it to​
ひらめく to flash into one’s mind (e.g. an idea); to come to one suddenly​
平たい (ひらたい)flat; even; level; simple
拍子木 (ひょうしぎ)wooden clappers I never knew this was the instrument that makes that clacking sound.