📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

Day 14 - Calendar

Today I had a bit of time and it turned out I spent all of it reading.
In the morning I read from page 30 to 37 in 魔女の宅急便. Kiki now left home and the adventure is about to start. I still have trouble with the book but it is getting better very slowly.
Later on I decided to continue レイトン教授とふしぎ!なぜ?科学の話2年生. I read question 22 and it was about why iron is magnetic. Maybe I’ll continue reading one per day so that I can finish the book and eventually sell it again.
In the afternoon I also read the three episodes about ジャム屋さん on Satori Reader, which was a quick and easy read.

Also, thanks for all the birthday wishes! :blush: