📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

Summary post :bookmark:

April 12th :seedling:

・薬屋のひとりごと (19% → 22%)

Finished chapter nine. Thoughts: Very influenced by Chinese culture. Baozi, would eat :chopsticks:

(Spoiler I guess but also word of the day) Maomao reveals she’s a strong drinker from having tried various medicines and concoctions with lots of alcohol. Was described with the word 酒豪(しゅごう) which means “heavy drinker” BUT the furigana was actually ざる, which can mean "draining basket, sieve, strainer "… So Maomao when she’s drinking is basically like pouring alcohol through a strainer. Just thought that was hilarious.