📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

4月8日 - Day 8

I didn’t post since Day 2, but I managed to read every day, mostly 博士の愛した数式 and I got to 27% of the book! I’m getting more and more attracted to the story and have to hold myself back from reading too much and neglecting responsibilities. :sweat_smile:

  1. Math-related:
    桁 - digit
    掛ける - to multiply (ex.110掛ける2は220)
    引く - to subtract (ex.10引く8は2)
    分数 - fraction
    友愛数 - amicable numbers
    偶数 - even number <=> 奇数 - odd number

  2. Other:
    レモンを絞る - to squeeze a lemon
    知恵を絞る (I just noticed that I’d highlighted the phrase with the same verb :flushed:) - to rack one’s brain
    恐れが潜んでいる - fear is lurking
    初対面 - first meeting

On Day 5 I read an article on yahoo news: 4年のブランクを経てカムバックした「BIGBANG」、新曲「春夏秋冬」は人々に受け入れられるか?, from which I might add the vocab later.