📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

Summary post :bookmark:

April 6th :seedling:

・薬屋のひとりごと (7% → 9%)

Yay, finally back on track with this book club. I’m still on week 2, while the book club is currently on week 6, so I have some catching up to do. Finished chapter 3, it was shorter than I expected. Thoughts: I like how we didn’t actually see Maomao do anything, but all clues point to her being the one who left that message behind for 玉葉妃. Will that Jinshi person find her? Let’s find out in the next episode!

I’m having fun with the irregular readings (if we can call them that), mostly for names and social titles. #funwithfurigana. Also lots of vocab that are new to me, haven’t read anything in this genre before (in addition to my vocabulary=lacking in general at the moment).

What to call it? :thinking: Chinese Tang Dynasty-inspired imperial palace kind of setting, especially with all the characters having Chinese names. And historical expressions(?), not necessarily dated, just very relevant to the setting. Like, five different words for “servant”? Check :white_check_mark:

I haven’t decided yet which one it is, but I’m having fun despite/because of the vocab. Probably both :joy: