📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

:tulip: Day 5 :tulip: :house:
Read: ジャックジャンヌー夏劇ー
Finished: 3 pages
Time: 12 minutes
Read to the next break in the first story. Looks like this short story is split into five parts and I’ve finished the first one, I want to try and read one each time I read this one from now on.

New Vocab

滲む to show through (of feelings, emotions, etc.); to reveal itself​
霞む to become misty; to become hazy​
起用 appointment (to a position, job, etc.); being used for a role; promotion
采配 order; command; direction
不評 bad reputation; disgrace; unpopularity
屈託 worry; care; concern
和らげる to soften; to moderate; to relieve
濁る to become muddy; to become cloudy; to get impure (of a liquid, gas, etc.)
憂愁 melancholy; gloom; grief
歌唱 song; singing

Read: 終遠のヴィルシュ -Error:salvation-
Finished: Chapter 3, Part 18
Time: 23 minutes
Picking this game back up after a couple months and so far it feels a lot easier to read than it did back then. Only have four endings left but since its been a while I’m going back and replaying the parts of the route leading up to them. With this game I can’t really say anything without it becoming a huge spoiler so I won’t say anything more in depth about this one, but hoping to finish it by the end of the challenge.

New Vocab

This one likes using kanji for things that are usually kana.
漂流者 person adrift on the sea; castaway (on an island)
手口 modus operandi; criminal technique; trick
蹲る to crouch; to squat; to cower​
悍ましい disgusting; repulsive
下る to descend; to go down; to come down
経過 progress; development; course (of events)
比喩 simile; metaphor; allegory; parable
出来損ない good-for-nothing; worthless person; flop
掻っ切る to cut; to slit; to slash
豹変 sudden change; complete change
貧弱 poor; meagre; meager; feeble; scanty; shabby; insubstantial
暗所恐怖症 nyctophobia; fear of the dark; scotophobia
以て on (a day, date); at (a time); as of (e.g. today)​
殉じる to sacrifice oneself; to die a martyr
継ぎ接ぎ cobbling together (other people’s writings, thoughts, etc.); gathering