📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

Summary Post

Day 3: April 3rd
What did I read?: ふしぎ駄菓子屋銭天堂 Vol 2
How much did I read?: 5 pages
How long did it take me?: 38 min

As usual, our customer of the chapter found exactly the thing he was wanting in Zenitendou…now how will this go bad hahaha xD

Lots of fun expressions and cool words today!
  • 食い入るように (くいいるように) - with intense concentration; eagerly; intently; devouringly
  • さぐる - to feel around for; to fumble for; to grope for; to search for; to look for (can also mean to explore (parts unknown); to enjoy (natural beauty) - I love that)
  • 上まわる (うわまわる) - to exceed (esp. figures: profits, unemployment rate, etc.); to surpass; to be more than; to be better than
  • 変幻自在 (へんげんじざい) - phantasmagoric; protean; shape-shifting; kaleidoscopic; capable of ever-changing appearance (what a neat word)
  • しのび歩き (しのびありき) - I absolutely read this is “walking around like a ninja” without looking it up and that is essentially what it means :joy: Per Jisho: travelling incognito (traveling) or quiet steps; creeping around​
  • ルパン - shoplifting; shoplifter
  • がぶり - emphatically (bite, gulp, chew, etc.)​
  • もっちり - springy (texture); puffy
  • きびすを返す (きびすをかえす) - to turn on one’s heel; to turn back; to return
  • にんまり - with a complacent smile; with a smile of satisfaction
  • こおどり - dancing or jumping for joy
  • 鼻をあかす (はなをあかす) - to outwit; to get the better of; to overcome a superior opponent and leave him speechless
  • 胸がすく (むねがすく) - to feel relieved; to feel satisfied; to feel refreshed

Oh do I :joy:
They’re almost all light かわいい shark manga though hahaha, idk if that’s exactly what you were looking for, but I will say that I really enjoyed サメーズ -サメとアザラシ-, which is a 4-koma manga about…some sharks and a seal :joy: It’s very funny and I love the illustrations (there are two other サメーズ books by the same author, but those are a bit more picture-bookish in style). In the last challenge, I read おでかけ子ザメ, which is a manga that centers on the cutest baby shark in the history of the world and his tiny adventures and the friends he makes along the way (very little text, though, so good for enjoyment of cuteness but not very intensive for reading practice :joy:). I also read a manga called 海のどうぶつが可愛すぎて! which was a bit more like “facts about various sea creatures told in manga form” the sea creatures were really cute though, the title did not lie :joy: I liked that one a lot as well, and would definitely recommend if non-fiction sea creature manga is of interest to you ^^
Man, I am really overusing the :joy: emoji lately, like what is that