📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

Summary post :bookmark:

April 1st :cherry_blossom:

・Honzuki no Gekokujou 9 (75% → 77%)

Came back home later than expected so I’m glad I read a bit before getting up this morning. I’m three quarters into the book, hoping I’ll finish it soon so I can continue reading the book club books I’ve started.

Side note: I tried to read as fast as I could for one hour last night, but it only amounted to 6%. Idk what I was expecting but at the very least 10% or something? So yeah, much room for improvement.

(In other numbers: 1% of book is 6.5 phone screen pages with my current settings, and takes me 10 min to read)

Edit: tiny font did not want to compute today
Edit2: first tiny box!
