📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall/Autumn 2021 🍁🍂🦝

:fallen_leaf: :raccoon: :waxing_crescent_moon: :: TANUKIDATE 20211009 :: :waxing_crescent_moon: :raccoon: :fallen_leaf:

Day XXXIX: この音とまれ! pg. 23-31 & 10月9日:塾の日 :books:

8 pages today of この音とまれ!, currently 31 pages in and these two have done nothing but shout at each other, calm down guys :rofl:

And read today’s 記念日, which is cram school day!
Surprise (!!), it’s another pun: [10 (じゅ) と 9 (く) ] - じゅく —> 塾

There’s a comic with this one, which I struggled to read because it was so small, then I found the link to the bigger version. Which has job details and is basically a giant ad for going to cram school (and to become cram school teacher).

~ New Words! ~
強制的 (きょうせいてき) - Forced / Compulsory
トラック - Truck, putting this here because it’s also Trucking Day and my New Words list was looking a bit lonely.