📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall/Autumn 2021 🍁🍂🦝

Summary post

Day 20: September 20
What did I read?: 夜は猫といっしょ Vol 1
How much did I read?: 8 pages
How long did it take me?: 11 min

I admit
Today was very much a “check the box, keep the streak” day :rofl:
I worked for 11 hours straight todayyy and the rest of the week is not looking terribly promising. I did not realize how long this work thing was going to take and now I’m slightly panicking even though the deadline is a week away. It’s fine, I’m fine, we’re fine. Everything is fine

This chapter, though, is about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Why does this cat look so squishy :sob: I want to squish him~

And play with his little earsss


Good words:
就寝 (しゅうしん) - going to bed; retiring (for the night) (what an appropriate word for this moment)
整頓 (せいとん) - orderliness; put in order; tidying up; arranging neatly

I don’t know, cute things just find me D:
I legit can’t remember how I even found this one lol, I think it was a suggestion on Amazon when I was buying the tanuki manga maybe? I bought them both at the same time. Most of my non-book club reads come from me seeing pretty covers in the “related items” on Amazon xD

( •̀ㅁ•́;)
protect the tanuki