📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall/Autumn 2021 🍁🍂🦝

Summary post

Day 59: November 2
What did I read?: ハイ☆スピード!
How much did I read?: 4 pages
How long did it take me?: 44 min

The first day of the tournament is here! (It is a two-day affair, apparently, which I did not realize before) The team mood/atmosphere is awkward and lacking in confidence :sweat_smile: Not the best way to start out a competition…

A lol moment and an "ow my heart" moment

The lol moment: when they go to check in for the tournament, the check-in person sees their names written down and starts looking for them on the girl’s list :joy: Poor babes. Girly names, every last one of 'em xD And this person gets all the way down the list of girl’s names before they look up and realize, oh…it’s boys xD After they finally get checked in and head toward the locker rooms, Nagisa blames this incident on Rin’s name (because there was some female animal in the zoo named RinRin apparently?? Nagisa, what are you on :rofl:), but Rin’s like, it’s not just my fault, you have a girly name too, dumb butt xD (I mean, not literally that, but I imagine his tone to be something like that)

The ow my heart moment:
We run into Sousuke(!) in the locker rooms and he has a tiny catch-up with Rin.
…I feel like this thing that he says and my reaction to it is a pretty major spoiler if you haven’t seen the anime already (at least the first season), so I’m gonna blur it too, just in case.
He asks Rin, おやじさんとは会えたのか?
exCUSe me, Sousuke, you cannot just do that
You did not just casually ask Rin that
Sousuke knows about Rin’s pre-meet thing of going to visit his father’s grave :sob: :sob: :sob: I don’t know if I realized that before, that he knew that Rin did that, but if I did, I certainly forgot about it. Rin :cry: My sweet baby angel

Good words - some useful sports ones today

競技場 (きょうぎじょう) - field; sports stadium; arena (in this case, the pool where they’re having the tournament)
屋内 (おくない) - indoor (court, pool, etc.)
口数 (くちかず) - number of words a person speaks​ mouth number lol
不審 (ふしん) - incomplete understanding; doubt; question; distrust; suspicion
気を抜く (きをぬく) - to lose focus; to let one’s mind wander; to relax one’s attention
手近 (てぢか) - near; close by; within reach; handy (I love how literal it is)
切り上げる (きりあげる) - to close (at a certain point); to cut short; to stop early; to finish (at a convenient spot)
見合わせる (みあわせる) - to exchange glances; to look at each other
準決勝 (じゅんけっしょう) - semifinal
決勝 (けっしょう) - finals (in sports) (again, the logic of this word and the previous word is just :ok_hand:)