📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂


Jay Rubin’s Making Sense of Japanese (previously Gone Fishin’) arrived today, and it’s smaller than I thought. I thought it would be your usual textbook size, but it’s a Japanese-style “hardcover” book, just printed left to right rather than right to left, so it’s the same size as a regular manga, whatever page size that is. You could not tell that from the product image on Amazon at all. Anyways, I’m looking forward to starting that one.

I read a whole 58 pages of 明日をくれた君 today, finishing ch 4 and starting on ch 5, and leaving off on page 233. I’m gonna cry. I want to keep reading, I only have 34 pages left, but I have work tomorrow morning and also I’m tired, so I don’t wanna stay up 'til who knows when.

Oh man.

It’s ironic that Midzuki wants to be close to someone who doesn’t see her for who she is (Kaito), but then the two people who do, she either wants nothing to do with (Sugiura) or ends up driving away (Ritsu). Well, there’s Satou-kun, but he’s not physically in her life.

Midzuki might possibly be developing a crush on Sugiura-kun. They’d be cute tbh

Satou Yamato shows up at the school gates one day after school. Midzuki and Sugiura see him from the library window. Sugiura’s justifiably wary, but Midzuki doesn’t care and goes to see what he wants—if he is indeed there for her—but by the time he gets out there, he’s gone. Sure, his reasons for being there coulda been innocent, but… Especially with the suspiciousness before with him knowing her full name somehow despite them never having interacted and going to different schools… hm.

Satou-kun has her number somehow. He calls her cell phone at night a week later from a public phone. That’s not creepy at all, though of course she doesn’t think so. When she asks him how he knows her number, she just gets dial tone; either he hung up or his time was up, but either way she doesn’t find out. Yeah my estimation of him has gone down. Anyway, he said he would leave her one last letter.


You like the wrong person.

Oh, yeah, that Satou Yamato is a creep. We run into him again when Midzuki’s waiting at the park by the station for Ritsu after club activities Sunday evening. He’s approached Ritsu and grabbed her arm when she tried to get away (“何で俺のこと拒むんだ? 俺はこんなに優しくしてるのに.” はい??), claiming to be her friend just because he talked to Midzuki once. Okay, and how does he know Ritsu too? ストーカーか? Seems like my and Sugiura-kun’s bad feeling about him when he showed up at the school gates was absolutely right.

Hm… Ritsu remembers him now, vaguely. Like with Midzuki, he approached her once on the train when she was unwell to ask if she was all right. Still, for him to hound her and grab her when he sees her out and about—alone—and act all familiar just because he talked to and “was nice to her” once… that’s creepy. That’s alarm bells, right there. That’s the difference between a “nice guy” and a nice person.

Annnd, he knows Ritsu has a boyfriend. And we still don’t know how he knows either of their names. He said he won’t appear in front of them again, but I don’t trust like that.

We get the first letter that’s not between Midzuki and Satou-kun: an apology letter (wherein she also confesses that she likes sweets-making and embroidery and the like) which she gives to Ritsu after Satou Yamato leaves. She said and did some things that she regretted recently, and she wanted to write a letter since she wasn’t sure she could apologize properly face-to-face. Ritsu has some things she wants to apologize for too, and she forgives her easily and they make up.

美月って意外に隠すの下手だよね? 美月が可愛いものが好きなんて、最初に話しかけてくれたときからわかってたよ?

We saw that before, too, when Ritsu, knowing Midzuki’s decorative strap (which she has too in a different color to match) broke recently, invites her out shopping for a new one. One of the things Midzuki regrets saying is accusing her of just choosing something she herself likes, but Ritsu chose the straps knowing they’re the kind of thing Midzuki likes. Her childhood friend may think cute things don’t suit her, but her best friend has known from the beginning that she likes cute things and has never once thought it odd.

Ritsu describes Satou-kun as Midzuki’s savior when she tells her about him, and I’m inclined to believe that Midzuki’s "好き"という気持ち toward him are just those toward a savior. Of course, I don’t know how much of that is just me wanting Midzuki/Sugiura to happen. I went into this ready for Midzuki to slowly develop feelings for Satou-kun over the course of their exchanges and then they’d meet and it’d continue from there. But then Sugiura showed up. And the chances that Satou-kun is him under an alias are nil.

Oh my god





If Kozakura-sensei ends this pretending like these two aren’t love interests, I’m gonna be so mad.

He has long eyelashes and she notices this—is captivated by them, in fact. I am losing my entire goddamn mind.

Ohhhh… noooo… no, I’m gonna cry. Ch 5 hits you with the feels right off the bat, with our longest letter yet. They saved each other, at least as much as they could be saved. And now we know why Sugiura was involved when he didn’t seem related from a story standpoint. And just how Satou-kun contacted her. 早く読み終わりたい!

I figured out what I needed to do in 逆転裁判 today—talk to Itonokogiri-keiji about Mayoi’s phone. I played through the end of the second day before deciding I needed a break. Dang, this case is long. Also, I did not realize DL6 came up so early. Is that one gonna be the next one? Reiji… Anyway, Reiji/Miles is my favorite character (yes, I do have a type), so I can’t wait 'til we get some character development for him. Even if it does involve a heartbreaking backstory…

Some vocab of note:

素っ気ない (そっけない) [い-adj.] cold; short; curt; blunt
癪に障る (しゃくにさわる) [expression, ラ五] to irritate; to grate on one’s nerves; to aggravate; to be galling
引き立て役 (ひきたてやく) [noun] person who makes someone else appear better; foil
健気 (けなげ) [noun, な-adj.] brave; courageous; heroic; noble; admirable; commendable; praiseworthy; laudable
踵を返す (きびすをかえす) [expression, サ五] to turn on one’s heel; to turn back; to return
釘付け (くぎづけ) [expression, noun, する verb] being stationary; being rooted to the spot; halting; freezing. From the literal meaning of “nailing down.”
間髪容れず (かんはついれず) [expression] immediately; instantly; with nary a pause; without a moment’s delay. Shirabe says that the first part is usually read かんはつ with かんぱつ being irregular, though when it’s a word on its own, the latter is the usual reading, although it also says that 間髪 by itself is an abbreviation of this expression. Goo supports this by listing the reading as かんはつ and saying that かんぱつ is an error (though it doesn’t have an entry for 間髪 on its own). Yet I had to type かんぱつ to get it because the IME wouldn’t accept かんはつ at all. So what do I believe?
噤む (つぐむ) [他マ五] to shut one’s mouth; to hold one’s tongue; to keep silent. I like that you can tell exactly what it means just by looking at it: 口を禁
動かぬ証拠 (うごかぬしょうこ) [expression, noun] irrefutable evidence; smoking gun; solid evidence; incontestable proof; dead giveaway
口走る (くちばしる) [他ラ五] to blurt out; to let slip; to say inadvertently; to come out with (e.g. nonsense). Not quite the same as running one’s mouth in English.
ホの字 [expression, noun] the L-word; being in love. From 惚れる (ほれる), “to fall in love.”
人聞きが悪い (ひとぎきがわるい) [expression, い-adj.] disreputable; scandalous; disgraceful


:phone: Home :wine_glass:

December 28

人間椅子 -

82 - end (187)

Start - 15

Ahhhh, still have to finish 61 and 62 to reach my goal! For reasons, I’m reading 61 on kindle. I hate reading it digitally but the colors are kinda nice.


December 28 :maple_leaf: Home Post

I didn’t get better today lmao, I got distracted doing a bunch of other stuff and just read a little bit of 山猫, nothing too substantial :man_shrugging:


Home Post

Day 49 Progress:
お隣の天使様 五冊 - 10.35% → 18.92%

I think I might start reading something else again, maybe move focus from お隣の天使様 entirely this time. Genuinely feeling pretty allergic to reading given how unpleasant of an experience this is becoming. Maybe I’ll go back to the ぼっち・ざ・ろっく! manga. Wonder if a volume a day could be feasible if I really worked on it?

Word of the Day: 水臭みずくさい - stand-offish, distant. Stinking of water doesn’t seem to convey much of a smell, but maybe you can’t smell anything because they’re so distant, so this word is more fitting than you’d think at first?


December 29th

:snowflake: :evergreen_tree:Home post:evergreen_tree::snowflake:

Card Captor Sakura volume 4 – progress report

Yesterday: Finished chapter 15, continued up to page 61.
Today: Finished chapter 16, continued up to page 131.

Quite satisfied with today’s progress. :slightly_smiling_face:

Poor Sakura though, not being able to sleep after the spooky story about the test of courage and having to go inside the spooky cave the next day where everything starts getting out of hand with everyone disappearing must have been heart attack inducing for her. :hushed:
It was nice seeing her an Shaolan bond a little bit after he had been very standoffish towards her from the start – he’s also starting to develop feelings for her, getting all flustered. Meanwhile, I’m just sitting here feeling relief because I don’t have to deal with any primary school children having (puppy) crushes and teasing each other relentlessly for having crushes anymore; I don’t envy him one bit. :sweat_smile:

Word or expression of the day:
しょうがない - it is what it is, it can’t be helped, nothing can be done

Honourable mention(s):
洞窟 - (どうくつ) - cavern, cave


:snowflake: :christmas_tree: December 29th :christmas_tree: :snowflake: (Home Post Link)

Trying to do some set-up work for the start of the next challenge. I’d like to time track my study time at least for January, just so I can get a more reasonable estimate of what my study load is like atm (for both grad school things and also for japanese). I can never manage to keep it up long term, but it would give me some peace of mind to have a more up-to-date number :sweat_smile:


  • NHK News Web Easy: 新型コロナウイルス 年末年始をつけること
  • ホリミヤ chapter 42 + おまけ - snuck in another volume by the end of the year! proooobably wont get another one in unless i’m feeling super motivated.
  • マジック・ツリーハウス1 あらすじ - just read the summary and first page to see what the level was going to be like and man. This triggered some deep memories. I read a lot of these books when I was in 1st and 2nd grade and really starting to learn to read on my own (so… somewhere in the ballpark of 20 years ago :face_with_spiral_eyes:), and reading some of these parts in japanese I can vividly remember the way I pictured the settings as a kid. Memory is a crazy powerful thing. Level seems absolutely and comfortably doable, though. When I tried to check these out of the library at my elementary school, the librarian made me count all the words I didn’t know on the first page, and wouldn’t let me check it out if it was over 5 (i never failed, she was merely a fool). And I really only had 2 to look up here, so we’re safe!

Optimistic about being able to read magic treehouse pretty quickly (and hopefully use that to adjust to the physical act of reading pure text vertically and R → L) , so will check out 夜カフェ tomorrow. That’s probably closer to my actual reading level, I’d think. If the NHK easy articles this month were any indication, I’ll adjust to the style pretty quickly and then I will be unstoppable :smiling_imp:

Good Words

うつる ー to spread (of a virus, fire)
消毒「しょうどく」ー disinfection, sterilization (extinguish the poison, nice kanji for it!)
入れ替える「いれかえる」ー to replace
抗原検査「こうげんけんさ」ー antigen test (of all the things in this article to not have a dictionary pop-up, this is one I definitely would’ve expected them to explain lmao)

別居「べっきょ」ー living apart, separate (seems to have tone of not being a good thing, not just merely not physically living together)
えげつない ー dirty, vulgar
早乙女 「さおとめ」ー young girl
派手「はて」ー showy, loud, flashy
沈黙「ちんもく」ー silence, being quiet
狩る「かる」ー to hunt (animals)

押さえる「おさえる」ー to hold in place (めがね)
ながら ー as always
翼竜「よくりゅう」ー pterosaur


:maple_leaf: :jack_o_lantern: :snowflake: :christmas_tree: December 29 :christmas_tree: :snowflake: :jack_o_lantern: :maple_leaf:
Home Post

BU$TAFELLOWS :moneybag:

After like two weeks of holidays and clearing out Kamisama and Orange, I finally got back to Bustafellows. I’m posting early evening, because while I hope I’ll get back to reading more, I won’t count on it. I finished what I’d consider the first scene of chapter one (I don’t count the quick 3-4 screens of intro for all the men). And I also learned that Sylph spent around 7.5 hours on chapter one. Meaning I am significantly behind since chapter 2 starts tomorrow. :scream:

How do I always get myself in these situations? Also 9-nine- starts tomorrow.

And work is about to bury me. :sweat_smile:


I haven’t joined the おいしいごはんが食べられますように thread yet because I’m seeing how far I get today but it’s not yet lunch time and I’m 1/3 finished :flushed:
Truly addictive writing. I might end up finishing this before the new year :sweat_smile:

That sort of educational style irritates me so much. I had an insane vocabulary as a kid due to being a bookworm and I never would have developed it if people were holding me back to my “appropriate” level. I had a giant paper dictionary and determination - what else is needed?


Dec 29, Thu of Extra week of Fall 2022 :maple_leaf:

  • うたわれるもの
Interesting words
  • カタブツ = serious, inflexible person. From 堅物.
  • まつわる = to be related to; to surround. Kanji form is (まつ)わる.
  • (また)ぐ = to cross (e.g. a river). Kanji is for straddling.
  • (もよお)す = to feel a sensation / to hold an event
  • ()(おろ)し = loading and unloading (of a cargo ship). The second Kanji ((おろ)す) seems to be about wholesale.
  • 物流(ぶつりゅう) = distribution of goods
  • 縦断(じゅうだん) = running along the length. Opposite is 横断(おうだん) = cross cutting. Both are On readings of (たて) and (よこ). I can’t recall an On reading of the first, though.
  • 味見(あじみ) = tasting
  • 相伴(しょうばん) = partaking in. ご相伴 in context, probably should be お相伴?
  • 芳醇(ほうじゅん) = thick taste
  • 凱旋(がいせん) = triumphant return
  • 純白(じゅんぱく) = pure white
  • 伝承(でんしょう) = handling down of folklore
  • 重鎮(じゅうちん) = authority; leader
  • 洗練(せんれん) = refining; polishing
  • 荘厳(そうごん) = grand
  • 整然(せいぜん) = orderly; systematic
  • 御伽噺(おとぎばなし) = fairy tale (i.e. it’s not real / child-telling). Has Furigana in context. お(とぎ) is keeping company / nursing. おとぎ(ばなし) is OK too.
  • 光熱費(こうねつひ) = cost of fuel and lighting
  • 丘陵地帯(きゅうりょうちたい) = hilly area
  • 威風堂々(いふうどうどう) = majestic
  • ()()相応(そうおう) = ideal topography = 四神相応(しじんそうおう)(). An ideal topography for the four Taoist gods, with a river in the east, a broad avenue in the west, a basin in the south, and a hill in the north


  • ムキムキ = muscular


  • (Level 34)
    • ジュウ
      • 縦断(じゅうだん),     操縦(そうじゅう)
      • 縦横無尽(じゅうおうむじん)


Although I don’t really know the answer, searching the phrase directly (e.g. in DuckDuckGo), would reveal websites claiming to teach business Japanese. Perhaps I can trust those?



These are from Google 日本語入力 – Google.


December 29th!

I was planning to read the final chapter of Orange today, but thought I’d better finish my bookclub reading first, so I read this weeks ABBC portion of Cells at Work.
It took me 2.5h to claw my way through 14 pages and I’m mentally exhausted now so Orange will have to wait until tomorrow!

(Home Post)


December 29 :heavy_check_mark: :ramen:

おいしいごはんが食べられますように, 71-100%

Fastest Japanese book I’ve read so far! 4 days only. Admittedly it was a short one (162 pages in paperback), but I’m still proud of myself. It was surprisingly hard to put down, and easy to read for an Akutagawa prize winner.

So I unexpectedly finished one more book during 2022, and the count is now as follows:

Title Pages Days
1 佐賀のがばいばあちゃん 237 ~11
2 夜カフェ 192 ~12
3 三毛猫ホームズの推理 368 21
4 告白 320 23
5 夜市 179 10
6 208 23
7 化身 275 29
8 つぐみ 245 17
9 十角館の殺人 512 15
10 秋の牢獄 223 10
11 体育館の殺人 379 12
12 叙述トリック短編集 336 24
13 おいしいごはんが食べられますように 162 4

I don’t particularly like that number :sweat_smile: but I don’t think I can hope to finish another book in the two remaining days of the year, so 13 it is!


Caught up with 2 more book clubs! All manga up to date now.

29/12 38 pages Orange (whole letter plus some), 15 pages Cells at Work (this week’s reading plus couple of pages), 3 pages 夜カフェ


Home post :bookmark: // :maple_leaf::fallen_leaf: Dec 29 :snowman_with_snow::christmas_tree:

・ 本好きの下克上 15 (33% → 70%)

Reading a lot went surprisingly okay! :3 Big part of it is because this book is so great, I can’t praise the author enough. Another part is that I’ve found it very effective to use a pen (or similar item) to trace the sentences as I read them. Or vice versa maybe. Trace the sentence and follow the pen with my eyes. Goes a lot faster since I’m not losing track as much while I’m reading. Just chase the pen with my eyes :writing_hand: :eyes:


Finished it in one day. Holy cow. 100% recommend. What a rollercoaster.

What page count starts to qualify as a book vs short story and how many hours do you have? Cause we could totally sneak another on in with an Aozora + 朗読. :upside_down_face:



I plug my phone into my laptop to download the『明日をくれた君』の朗読 onto it since I hadn’t done that yet and find that literally all the music and audio dramas have disappeared from off my phone, except for one of the songs that I had bought off iTunes. Lovely. So I just re-added all the audio dramas, the 2.43 soundtrack, and Re:coll and left it at that for now. So freaking annoyed. Hm, I think I’m gonna try and see about getting the mini dramas on the 2.43 official site, which are in video form, onto my phone as mp3s too. Oh, speaking of, since the videos are all linked from twitter, I should make sure I have everything downloaded in case the muskrat man-child does actually tank it…

Anyway, I read the last 34 pages of 明日をくれた君に、光のラブレターを. aaaaaaaaaa it was so sad. So good, but so sad. The epilogue cleared some things up, and some things I’d suspected it turns out were true, and it ended on a hopeful if still bittersweet note. Shame this book doesn’t get more attention, it was so good.


December 29 :maple_leaf: Home Post

Today I got back to 13 sentinels and played another section! It was a bit rougher of a read than the others have been just due to the characters involved and how they talk, but I got to meet the famous yakisoba pan man so it’s all worth it :joy: I’m still definitely in the beginning stages meeting all the characters and it’s a great time, but I’m also excited to get back to BU$TAFELLOWS tomorrow :eyes:


:phone: Home :broken_heart:

December 29

人間椅子 -

16 - 100

Oh man, about 250 pages to read in 2 days to meet my goal :cold_sweat: I got plans. Idk where I’m going to find the time for that :scream:


:grin: Oh, if we’re counting short stories I already have 人間椅子 which I’ve left out! :+1: And I could also add manga, or books I started last year and finished this year, or books I started this year but haven’t finished yet. It all gets a bit confusing, but ultimately, it doesn’t matter. I read a lot of good stuff this year, and I plan to read even more good stuff the next, and that’s what’s important! :books: (I still considered starting a 赤川 次郎 just in case I could fly through it, but it’s unfair to me and the book to be so time-focused, so I let it go.)


Home Post

Day 50 Progress:
お隣の天使様 五冊 - 18.92% → 26.19%

I’m still hanging in there!!

Actual decent reading today, maybe the fastest if I’ve ever been. My current goal is to be able to read about 10% of the book (around ~4500 words) in a reasonable time, like 2-3 hours. Then I can try to play a VN or something I actually want to read, lol.

Word of the Day: こしらえる - to make or manufacture. The kanji is making something exist with your fingers. Simple enough!

Hope you enjoy!! I’m not exaggerating when I say 13 Sentinels is probably my favorite piece of science fiction and maybe media in general from the last 2-3 years. When it kicks into high gear, it’s just one crazy nonstop ride to the finish.


:snowflake: :christmas_tree: December 30th :christmas_tree: :snowflake: (Home Post Link)


  • NHK News Web Easy: 中国から日本った 30から新型コロナの検査をする
  • ホリミヤ chapter 43 - harder chapter just because 堀さん gets 宮村君 to switch speaking styles and personalities to be more aggressive as a sorta kink thing? This part has never made a ton of sense to me, but it seems that they don’t really understand the “why” of it either. something something “gap” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ they are both in on it so you do you, lil weirdos
  • 夜カフェ page 7-8 - definitely quite a bit harder than magic treehouse, but once I got past about the first sentence I got into a pretty good flow. Comprehension bumpy, and still slow, but definitely felt short term do-able though!

I was just talking about the ず negative form with someone earlier, and then it came up in two of the things I was reading today, so that was some good timing :sweat_smile:

Good Words

検査「けんさ」ー inspection

妙「みょう」ー strange, weird
怒鳴る「どなる」ー to shout, to yell
盛り上がる「もりあがる」ー to get excited, to rouse
迷う「まよう」ー to hesitate (here 迷わず)
馴れ馴れしい「なれなれしい」ー overly familiar
痴話ゲンカ 「ちわげんか」ー lovers quarrel

深呼吸「しんこきゅう」ー deep breath
思わず「おもわず」ー unconsciously, involuntarily (“without thinking”)
半紙「はんし」ー japanese calligraphy paper


Right? Like, the books are in that library for a reason. They should be relatively readable for kids, it’s not like some first grader is picking up Paradise Lost. Some people get some weird ego trip from having the power to stop kids from doing something that they want to do (and something that’s good too! kids reading is a good thing why are you stopping this!) and it’s the worst.

!!! I’m even more excited to start it now :joy: