📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

:books: :maple_leaf: softlyraining’s spooky book stack :jack_o_lantern: :open_book:

October 27th:
:green_square: 名探偵コナン (87% → 100%)

I finished the volume! With several days to spare, too––not too shabby. Overall, I had a fun time reading the origin story of this iconic series. That being said, the solution to the last case: what?!


Let me get this straight: this man, mentally fragile to the point of wanting to end his life, decided not only to frame his ex-girlfriend for murder, but came up with the most convoluted method possible? Some aspects could maybe be explained away; for example, he falls onto the knife, but when Conan and the gang arrive on the scene, he’s on his stomach with the knife jutting out from his back in plain sight. However, I’ll allow for the possibility that he rolled over after the initial fall (though the positioning of the chair versus the body doesn’t really add up). BUT, the most obvious question I have is, how ON EARTH did he get the handle of the knife into an ice cube (without touching it, because only his ex’s fingerprints are on it)? He not only brought his own block of ice, I guess, but knew the EXACT size hole to make so that the knife would perfectly fit?? And then, while he waited, he turned up the thermostat so the bits of ice left over from being smashed would slowly melt away???

With all that being said (meaning my rant), the premise of the story does involve the protagonist drinking a magic de-aging potion, so perhaps I’m setting the bar higher than need be (though in some ways I don’t think I am). What’s most important is that Ran and Conan are cute. If I had more time, maybe I’d try fitting in the second volume while it’s free. I’m not opposed to reading more, especially now that I know the level of ridiculous these cases can reach.