📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

:books: :maple_leaf: softlyraining’s spooky book stack :jack_o_lantern: :open_book:

October 11th:
:red_square: 魔女の宅急便 (still not even a percent → .5%, which isn’t nothing)

Naturally, I once again read right before bed. :upside_down_face: If I were to only look at positives, I’d say that hey, I finished Chapter 1. And I mean, I certainly remember when I struggled with it last time. Now, do I just happen to remember the contents of this chapter and can therefore surmise what some of these words mean, or do I actually remember the vocabulary? It’s probably both.

On a different note, the idea mentioned at the end of the chapter that your black cat finds its own mate once you marry: frankly, this sounds like a deal breaker to me. How could I part ways with my furry little companion that I’ve been with since the day I was born? Dating would be nonexistent. “We have chemistry, but what about this little guy who I get to pet and snuggle, and also FREAKING TALK TO?!” Now, if my familiar was the one who proposed the idea because they found someone, well, I would want what’s best for them, even if the end result broke my fragile heart. :pleading_face: Other than that, no contest. :black_cat: