📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

:books: :maple_leaf: softlyraining’s spooky book stack :jack_o_lantern: :open_book:

October 4th:
:orange_square: とつくにの少女1(50% → 62%)

Folks! I am VERY concerned for this darling child! She foolishly decided to sneak off with an umbrella to look for her aunt because it’s raining and she’s worried for her well being. That’s lovely and all, but UNFORTUNATELY the soldiers see her and this little nugget decides to ask if they can help find her aunt. They are NOT interested in doing that; instead, they try to SHOOT HER WITH AN ARROW! :scream: I suppose earlier in the chapter suggested they’d do just that (and when I say “suggested,” I mean there’s a page with a single large speech bubble that says, “殺せ” all nice and bold and in-your-face).

We also see what せんせ has been working on, and I’m of two minds. It appears to be a letter, though it’s not addressed to anyone in particular. The word 娘 appears, and…does that mean シーヴァ is his actual daughter, or she’s like a daughter to him, so he’s using that word? I’m kind of inclined to say she’s his actual daughter, but I’m open to being completely incorrect.

I would’ve read more, but I’m behind on my homework. :cold_sweat: I might only get to read a little bit tomorrow, but hopefully I’ll finish my work with plenty of reading time to spare. :crossed_fingers: