Re Zero Volume 23 Discussion thread

yeah that’s the thing. In the Original

Past Echidna uses 私 and present one is 僕. Not a use difference but I’m sure he is hinting that they are not the same person. Lots of small hints like that in the Jap version that the english misses.

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Yeah the Echidna in the garden and the one that lived 400 years ago are different according to Tappei. So the newly revived one, I’m pretty sure is the one from 400 years ago. It’s weird because we also know Anastasia’s Echidna is different too, makes you wonder if there is any more that exist

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Echidna in the garden? It was more a tomb.
And yeah how many Echidna can there be. The one that became omega could be any of these of another one.

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By garden I meant the dream citadel where they have the tea party. So that Echidna is different than the dead body you see in the tomb, but that soul turned into Omega anyway.

This is not specifically true. Echidna uses ボク only around specific people, and ワタシ as her default. The circumstances behind the pronoun switches are not fully revealed, but it’s heavily hinted that she uses ボク when she is intrigued by someone, or finds something that is a delight to her.

You can find her using ワタシ in Arc 4, for instance, or in any of her Side Stories that take place in the present day.

Incorrect. The trials Echidna always used ボク, the Echidna in the Ryuzu memories (aka the Echidna who actually lived 400 years ago) always used 私. Do you have a specific case where this is not the case and one of those used the other pronoun (if you can link to a particular piece of text)? That would be a new piece of information to me.

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I don’t have the Light Novels close by hand right now, so instead I will quote the Web Novel:

Check this chapter out. Trial Echidna is very clearly using ワタシ. Also, if you check out Tanpenshuu 6, the story 魔女のアフターティーパーティー 魔女の条件, Omega, who is reincarnated Trial Echidna, uses ワタシ throughout the entire story except in one line.

One example line:


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Isn’t the web novel slightly different than the light novel though?

Edit: I check the light novel and that line is different. No Boku or watashi.

It is different in several plot points yes (at least, arc 4 and before). This particular change either means the author decided to hide this piece of information better, or he actually changed this plot point. Either way, @Penumbra thanks, no idea this happened in the WN. Interesting to think about.

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