Radicals guru'd but no new lesson

Hi folks, I just guru’d “wheat” but I’m not seeing the new kanji “noodles” in my lessons. As far as I remember, as soon as one send the radicals to guru, all the respective kanji show up in the new lessons. Has this been changed?


Hmm well that’s odd! As long as you guru’d wheat then you should unlock all respective kanji with it (As long as you have also guru’d the other radicals that may exist in noodles).
Edit: just saw that noodles contains “face” and “wheat” and it looks like OP is quite a high level and must’ve guru’d “face” already so this must be a bug.

Ignore my post, I still have not guru’d wheat… I guess I had some hallucination… Sorry.


I have reviewed your history with radical “wheat”. It looks like you just recently got it from srs stage 3 to 4, which means its still under Apprentice. You’ll need to answer it correctly in your next review to get it to Guru.


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