Race to Your Goal! December 2020 JLPT

Yep, it’s on the 0/0 page :grin:

I would normally accept and post it the day after tomorrow, but I levelled up today and currently have 130 lessons (kanji and vocab). I think it’s probably too much :sweat_smile:
That being said I want to see yours!


I thought it might be, well done!

Meanwhile I am just getting home (23:20) but I will sit down at my laptop and do a bunch tonight!

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Famous last words :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Very true, I’m doing MIA right now, I didn’t give up on Japanese, so I’m still learning kanji, just a different way.

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Friends, I am not dead, but I am trying to get my apprentices down to 100 before I continue on with lessons.

It’s not much, but I am still studying every day! :v:
And that’s good enough for everything going on in my life right now.


Oh sorry! I didn’t realize that you were behind! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to rub salt in the wound. Don’t worry about set-backs, just keep on doing reviews if possible and continue with lessons if you find that you have some free time. I really recommend to never do lessons when you haven’t finished your reviews. That is an easy way to throttle yourself when things get too much.

Even if you can only do 20 reviews a day, it’s still better to do that then doing none at all! You can get back on track!


Sorry that’s not what I meant. No hard feelings though! What I meant was that I’m not doing WaniKani anymore, I’ve decided to do a different approach to learning kanji :slight_smile: but I might come back in half a year or so. At the moment though I’m using a different way of learning.

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Leveled up a few days ago. Probably my slowest since picking up WK again. Advantage to that I was able to clean up the guru pile a lot.


Just hit 30, halfway(?) there!


Just curious: what have you decided to do instead?

Signed-up, fastest speed to 60 is saying 1st Oct 2020, so I have some wriggle room (but not much). I will do my best to get as close to 60 as I can. Let’s do this, BOOM!


I’m doing the mass immersion approach. So I’m doing rrtk instead, so learning 1000 most common kanji without readings, and then learn their readings through vocab and build an intuitive knowledge of how they are read in vocab.


just to clarify, he means Remembering The Kanji (RTK), a book, old but good.
The Mass Immersion Approach is about surrounding yourself with native japanese all the time and absorbing it, and just learning how to write the Kanji beforehand, then learning readings and vocabulary in context (by experience).
see massimmersionapproach.com
This video of the creator of MIA (Mass Immersion) compares RTK and Wanikani, though as i wrote in my lengthy critique comment, i think his critique of WK is superficial.
Why "Remembering the Kanji" is The Best Way to Learn Kanji - YouTube
If you can study full-time, Remembering the Kanji is faster than WK. And if you want to learn handwriting, RTK is probably the way to go. But if not, i think they are equally valid methods. WK was inspired by RTK after all. And you need an iron motivation to finish RTK, it gives you no incentive whatsoever.


Ah thank you. I watched the video and read your review. I’ve never used RtK, but the way he described it sounds like exactly what WK does for you, just more slow paced.

As someone who has made his career from self-studying, I firmly believe in the idea of “slow and steady wins the race” type of mentality. I actually like that WaniKani artificially limits the amount you study and how often to do it and I believe in the long term, this will help me retain more kanji. (In fact, it already has compared to the years of studying I did a decade ago!). Now that’s not to say RtK can not achieve the same thing, I’m sure it does and has for many learners, but I’m just personally not a fan of cramming everything in a short time even if I had the time to do so. After all, what’s the point of “learning” all the Joyo kanji in 3 months if it doesn’t stick as opposed to learning them well over time and remembering them over your life.


Yeah, i agree. Wanikani already gives you more than enough to do.
Also, the vocabulary really helps.

Haven’t heard a lot of people complaining about low review and lesson counts past the first few levels, rather the opposite :smiley:

I mean, you can make RTK stick if you keep up the SRS reviews (e.g. in Anki), but still, learning the readings and vocabulary only after learning to write 2000 Kanji sounds like a pain to me.
If i could study full-time for 3 months and wanted to learn handwriting ASAP, i’d consider RTK. Otherwise, i prefer WK.
I actually have the book in my shelf, but i never got motivated for it, it’s quite daunting.
A friend of mine learned about 600 Kanji with RTK, then quit. He’s doing WK now too :smiley:

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This is what I’m doing. A lot of people who do MIA burnout in the first stages because they try to do too much too quick without really understanding the process. A lot of them blindly follow the process and think it is the magical way to learn Japanese really fast. Oops, it isn’t, it’s just another approach to learn Japanese and they stop learning because it doesn’t go the way they thought it would go. So for me, I’m learning 30ish kanji a day until I finish their Anki deck (still continuing the reviews) which is the 1000 most common kanji.

MIA suggests learning the 1000 most common Kanji and not doing all 2000. Also, after you learn that, they suggest beginning sentence mining; however, if you don’t have a solid grasp on vocab you’d need to do that first (which they suggest following an N5 vocab book that gives all vocab in context).

Interesting, sounds better. Though in the video i posted above, he suggests doing RTK 1+3 first (RTK3 adds 1000 more Kanji).
As i said, i don’t think RTK and MIA are bad, it’s just a very specific way to learn, and basically requires a large amount of free time.
If you can learn 30 kanji a day, that’s great! :slight_smile:

やったー! Level 9 in 8 days 1 hours.
Soon I can join the above level 10 leaderboard and I’m pretty confident I’ll get there before the end of the year.


I just ordered 4 books to help me through N3 and N2. Cost me more money than I was initially willing to spend, but it will probably benefit me a lot.
Also, as Lifetime for Wanikani is approaching, this month is going to be the most expensive month so far.
Luckily I have a slow but steady income that I can use to pay for it, plus Christmas bonus is still coming.

As for the race to 60, I’m going to use this week to catch up on my backlog, and jump back into the race when I feel confident again. Probably wait until the new year, stress free and all. If I have lifetime, the pace doesn’t matter that much anymore. I just want level 30 by July, and level 60 by July 2021. Doable I’d say.


Well, I am now 1/3 of the way through, level-wise! It feels good but these last couple of levels have been dragging as the burns start to come in. My retention has been fairly good but I suppose the pace could be quicker.
I have to admit I am weary of these levels because it is where I burned out before I reset. :pensive: