Race to Your Goal! December 2020 JLPT

I just leveled up to Level 4. I’m officially a WaniKani subscriber, and if I keep up pace, I’ll finish 60 before December 2020.


For a second there I read your name as ObiWan-Shinobu. Now it’s marginally less perfect, but credit where credit is due, that’s a cool name :rofl:

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I admit ignorance as to who or what Shinobu would be. But shinobi is another name for ninja, so that’s where that came from.


Welcome! Thanks for joining us! It’s great to have you.

@carlostdev thanks for adding them!!

Congratulations on leveling @krysta84, @frayderike, @ObiWan-Shinobi, and @SuperEyeRoller !!


I leveled too.


There’s a character named Shinobu in a manga/anime called Chihayafuru, who is a master karuta player, who may be the reference


@FennelFox Level up - 13! 10 days 13 hours. Word of the level: 着々 (steadily).


@FennelFox Congrats on the level-up :blush: Almost out of “pleasant”


@FennelFox I was referring to a vampire from the anime series monogatari, in fact.

Does the obi have any relationship to Shinobi’s?

P.S Hay fever sucks a**


@FennelFox Leveled up to 44 just now. The average level time says: 54 days, 9 hours. This might still be a bit skewed, given that I didn’t use Wanikani much at all for around 3+ years on level 42. Level 43 took me 31 days, 23 hours, and that was me not using it as diligently as I have been the past week. So I don’t know, lol. I’ll see how long the next level takes.


I had to delete all my cookies because stuff. So now my leaderboard is all gone too :weary:
But I think I’ll add the people around my level and see if I can have a friendly competition with it.

So far, this level is going well. Managed to do all the radicals today and some kanji. Will do the other group of kanji tomorrow and then day after, the rest of the vocabulary. By then the rest of the kanji will unlock too and then some more vocabulary. All going according to keikaku. (can’t be arsed to turn on Japanese font. me be lazy) :laughing:


I started using the leaderboard script for this in the beginning, too. But then I lost track of new people and forgot to add them… That’s why I decided to disable the script again after a few days.
But I like your idea of picking only the people around your own level! I think I might try that and give it another go with the leaderboard :slight_smile:


I pick people I know well or people who wish to compete. Yeah, I couldn’t keep track of everyone in this leader-board. The group has grown too large for that kinda thing.

@krysta84 If you or @frayderike wanna compete, let me know and I’ll add you guys to my board. My recent competition disappeared :eyes:

@FennelFox Belated congrats on that level up a few days back!


I’ve been :eyes: you from the start, so… let’s officially compete! :muscle:t3:


What’s your last two level times? 9d5h, 7d19h. This time will be probably 14/15d. Is there much of a competition?


10d23h and 11d2h, which is according to my plan as I want to go between 10-12 days for each level.


Yes, for that reason the speed on the leaderboard is not your average speed, but the time it took you on your last level. So, 31 days and 23 hours?

Congrats on leveling!

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I’ve seen a few comments that the leaderboard has gotten rather large, so I have split it into two parts. There’s about 56 people on the board, give or take, but I think the most logical division is at level 10. This doesn’t quite split the board in half, but hopefully it’s easier to read now. But let’s take a vote!

  • I prefer one chart
  • I like the board split at level 10
  • Something else would be better (please comment)

0 voters


It’s a natural consequence of such a large group, so I don’t see it as a bad thing really. While I like small leaderboards (and the 10+ category is easier to read now), I somehow think splitting them up is arbitrary, given the huge number of people lvl 1-10 and that you can’t see the leaderboard on one screen without zooming out. I guess I’m ambivalent. My earlier comment was more in reference to the leaderboard script, and that putting 54 people on your personal leaderboard means its too large to be meaningful. However, I think one large leaderboard for the sake of this group may be more practical.

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10-12 days (or even 14) is my comfortable pace as well, though I find I can go a little faster in the summer. I’ll try and maintain a slightly faster speed to make this competitive :stuck_out_tongue: