Race to the Cake 🍰

Just want to note that just reaching lvl 60 won’t be near enough to do what they were discussing. You have to have a decent level of grammar at least, and then it just comes down to practice. You need to keep reading constantly and even then it will take quite a while to get there, but it is achievable. I just got my first non-manga Japanese books yesterday and it’s definitely going to take a while to get through, but definitely much more doable compared to several months ago.


i suggest ebooks
 that way you can highlight words and it’ll show you a translation or definition
problem is sometimes it doesn’t understand if it isn’t in dictionary form

another option is having your phone handy if you are reading a physical book, and use google translate’s camera to look up words, but this can be difficult

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yeah, sure but I recently felt like my grammar was hindering me less than before, since some things like ăšèš€ă„ăŸă—ăŸ were introduced, reading nhk-easy articles became way less of a guessing game. I definetly need to do some more grammar, vocab and reading practice, but reaching @Vanilla’s level always seems like something possible, since he was on a similiar level, as I was (before I stopped doing anything for a whole semester, because I decided to do way to many credits) so he’s not like some ancient being with inifinte japanese knowledge like @Leebo :smiley:

That’s fine. Most advanced words are just suru- words or Yojijukugo anyways, lol.

I’ve heard of that and am trying to set something up. It’s just going to take a while to set up both a way to pay in Japanese and an account that I’m feeling too lazy to do. Also, a lot of books I’m recommended just don’t interest me. The reason why I love chuunibyou and comedy is how out of left field they can be, and thus interesting. Real life is just sort of boring. Even if I read a work and am impressed by its strong language, great framing, and clever story telling I’m still just reading a story about normal life. It feels kinda dull.

Not saying I need over the top chuuni to be interested. Stuff like Sopranos, Breaking Bad, and the new Mission Impossible movie interest me. But that is because they are these complex, unordinary stories about stuff I don’t see in my daily life, which makes it more interesting.

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There’s a huge leap between NHK Easy and visual novels, light novels, etc. I don’t know exactly where you are at with everything, but I just wanted to warn you so you won’t be so surprised if you try to attempt it one day and find you can barely understand anything.
I remember one day thinking I was ready to try the leap into Visual Novels, I was not. They’re a lot harder than I initially thought, and I still have trouble with them, but it’s getting easier each day.


I use floflo.moe which is basically a parser that lists the words in order that you can directly add to an srs system. There are a decent amount of misparses at first, but once you trash them, it gets to be a lot cleaner.

This. Both xyz and I read quite a bit on our journey to level 60 along with studying grammar and thousands of extra words outside of wk.

Nope, not yet. I really only have my eyes set on light novels at the moment, apart from shinsekai yori maybe. The light novel im going through right now has been pretty easy, so I cant really comment on harder stuff.

Yeah, theres people who get to level 60 and wont have any clue whats going on in some visual novels. Being level 60 can only get you so far, so its not necessarily guaranteed that youll be able to read anything once you get there.

Ah yes, I remember my first visual novel and the banging my head against the wall that followed the first scene and every scene after that. The only thing that got me through it was the anime gorls.


Ghiii, good job! :smiley: I just levelled up to level 9, now trying to see how fast I can get to level 10. You’re super fast, I’ll have to keep at it so you won’t overtake me. That’s what I call motivation :hugs:

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Awesome. Congrats.
How do you complete levels in 3 or 4 days? Isn’t 7 days maximum?

I’ll answer that if you don’t mind me

Levels, 26, 46, 47 and 49 onwards are called “fast” levels and can be completed in half the time than the others (i.e. 3d10h)

The reason why this is possible is because there are just not enough radicals to prevent you from getting the 90% kanji gurued in the first wave of reviews

Of course going that fast gets you a ton of lessons and reviews.

But behold that speed he had
 sweet mother of crabigator


Hmmm I see, it’s really hard to mix X with TSU but you gave me a new idea :sunglasses:

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yes, it really is, i wasn’t sure how this would work, but i é ‘ćŒ”ăŁăŸ as ćŒ·ă„ as i could

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Hahahahah cool cool I like these, but with my friends I only do this with english since it’s not my real language

well i thought we are all learning japanese here, so why not use some æ—„æœŹèȘž halfway through our 話


Yesss, one day I will be just like you man hausuas. Maybe when I be at 25? :sweat_smile:

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Looks like my reply is late too
 :eyes: Anyway welcome to our lil’ army :kissing_heart:


Y-you’re my favourite character!


I received cake next to my name!!!
what does this mean?




oooh, i didn’t do any investigating hahaha

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The icon has gone missing T^T
That means we’re too far away from each other to be in the same timezone c’:

But anyway!! Happy cakeday! >////<


thanks, it’s only 7:30 am here, on the 26th
 so i’ve got a whole day of cake :stuck_out_tongue: