At what level can I safely assume I’ve learned all Kanji included in the JLPT N5?
Level 16 according to the chart section.
Get rekt leebo
The stats site lists level 10 as where 95% of the N5 kanji are covered, but you’ll get most of them in the first 5 levels or so.
I guess I have to leave the site now. You are the Leebo now.
Can I get the link to your older profile picture with the boy on it?
I can’t search right now, but it’s Naota from FLCL if you search.
I’ll search for it after I get home from my job as an ALT.
also @Leebo, I’ve always wondered why your title is James Craburn. Got time for a story?
For a minute, I thought leebo was talking to leebo… I thought he was switching his icon each time and replying to himself, and that there was a lag in updating the icon for previously posted comments. And in that brief moment, I thought he’d gone insane. Then I read the usernames and convo.
There’s this: but I’m curious about the deets lol
Took me a second to figure out why you called me James, haha. That’s actually my “sect name”, which I guess are now called “titles” on the new forums. It used to say “Sect James Craburn” on the old WaniKani forums. Back then, the people who run the site would occasionally bestow original sect names on people, and I made a snarky comment about sect names and they gave me this one.
It’s not that exciting. I made this post
And then I had that sect name.
It’s worth pointing out that you only need ~50% to pass, which is level 3
Pretty good, huh? Actually fooled a couple people from the profile picture lol.
And I haven’t even used that picture in like 4 months.
Also you think people would notice the whole level 35, blue circle thingy. Apparently profile picture is all you need. Actually…this gives me an idea…
… VanillaKoichi. You truly are evil…
Is WK finally getting 1000 more kanji and 15000 more words?
Yes, we are even discussing making a 7 season WaniKani anime adaptation where I voice all of the characters. Stay tuned.
where I voice all of the characters. Stay tuned.
We don’t want that. Give us the rest of the team. You go back into teaching how to say sh*t to 日本人.
Yeah, you got me with it earlier today.