Hey guys! We are starting in one week
I’ve made a Quartet Study Group discord that we can use for conversation practice (also for reading and listening practice, if there is in interest):
The invite expires in 7 days so I’ll post a new one when we start, and just ping me if you are from the future and want an invite too.
Also, if you want, feel free to start reading the first Intro pages of Quartet
See you very soon!!
So excited to start this study groooooup (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜 have joined the discord !
I’m afraid I’m leaving Japan next week to travel through Europe for 2 and a half weeks so - although I’ll keep up to date with the study pages - I most likely won’t be able to join any discord calls for the first couple weeks ! Sorry to be a bit absent at the start but I’ll join when I’m back from travelling! Happy studying
Sounds like a nice vacation, have a great trip! Might be beneficial for your studies to have a little break from Japanese too!
The Study Group will run for a while, I imagine life will get in the way a lot, hopefully the pace can accommodate for that! (I will be myself at a wedding the day the group officially starts, so my own start will be a bit delayed too!)
I’m playing catch up - manic at work! But I have done the readings with my teacher and that 2nd one was pure evil!! about to work on the grammar again as a refresher, then start the writing
… I did not keep up with the study pages hahah My holiday was too busy (a nice thing!) But on the day of my flight to Europe, I
read both readings (the second one was hard!) (pp.4-5)
wrote the answers for the 4 読み物1 questions (p.2) and
started writing answers for the 読み物2 questions but didn’t finish (p.3).
on a different day, I read and began taking notes on pp.6-9.
That’s as far as I’ve got. If I understand correctly, we’re currently on speaking (week 3) so I’m trying to think how best to prioritize the tasks so I can catch up. After work today, I’ll head to a cafe and aim to:
finish taking notes on the grammar points (pp. 8-15)
read the model writing (p. 16)
think about answers for the 3 ‘before writing’ questions (p. 17)
This will leave me with the writing task to do in full. And then the speaking pages. I’m finding the textbook a little tricky to follow so hopefully I’m including all the tasks. I’m hoping once I’m caught up to date I’ll be able to see what other people are doing and feel more confident about what tasks I’m meant to be doing!
Welcome back! Nice that you had a nice trip
I found the writing too hard and didn’t spend that much time on it, but maybe as you’re in Japan it’ll be easier for you?
We had a live session yesterday on discord where we read the dialogs of the talking part together, one person does A and another person does B. It was a really nice exercise. I’m up for doing it again anytime
I’m also lagging behind. My normal offline Japanese class restarted after summer break last week, and it’s getting harder to squeeze that class’s homework, the Quartet exercises and my bookclubs into a normal working week. This week, I did the little writing exercise in the workbook (which I forgot last week) and listened to the first conversation from the speaking section. I think I’m going to skip the longer writing exercise in the textbook, because I can’t for the life of me think of anything to write about. This topic just isn’t for me, I guess. I still remember the conversations quite well from the first time I worked through this chapter last year, so I’m not going to spend much time on them this time, so I should be able to catch up by Saturday.
As we are nearing the end of Chapter 1 per the original schedule, I would like to hear if the pace is fine or if it works better for everyone to give Chapter 1 one more week.
Please vote on the poll with all choices that apply to you, the answers are anonymous
I prefer that we start Chapter 2 on Saturday as planned
I prefer that we have one more week with Chapter 1
Alright, since the result of the poll is 2 votes for one more week for chapter 1, 1 vote for starting chapter 2 as planned and 7 votes for either is fine, we continue this week with chapter 1
Chapter 2 will start in one week. The schedule in the main post is updated.
So since we’re spending another week on chapter 1, I wanted to practice some output with the grammar sooo I’ve written and doodled a little comic for this study group! I hope you guys like it
I asked my coworkers to check all the sentences and they gave the aOK after correcting one mistake which I thought I’d share in case anyone else didn’t know too.
Originally in order to show the second use of らしい (the epitome of X), I had written a sentence in the final panel where the tanuki says “クマちゃんはいつも優しくて仲良しらしい動物です” (I was trying to say something like “Kuma-chan, you’re always nice so you’re the epitome of a good (animal) friend!”). However not only is 仲良し not used this way but also, my coworker said we would only use らしい when talking about something that isn’t in the circle of conversation. So because the tanuki is talking to the bear, the bear is in that circle of conversation so we don’t use らしい.
So I changed and moved the sentence to earlier in the comic where the tanuki is talking about the gold mine. They say “the gold mine is the epitome of a treasure trove!” and because the gold mine is “その場所”, it’s outside the circle. Gotta love mistakes because they help us learn!
How cool!
Impressed by both your Japanese and your drawing skills :o
Thanks for sharing it
I’m ready for Chapter 2 here. I feel like I did okay with reading and listening, but writing and talking is super hard for me - which is no wonder as I never practice. But super inspiring to have talked to people who could express themselves in Japanese thanks to the Discord sessions and to see people’s writing, really having fun doing this as a group!