4️⃣ Quartet 1 and 2 Study Group [Quartet 2 ongoing - Chapter 12]

So I’ve had some time to look at the book :slight_smile:
I updated a bit the schedule, switched the order of talking and listening to reflect the way it is presented in the book:

When we start, there will be a thread for each chapter. I’m not sure yet if there should be one thread for each skill too, depends a bit on the participation, so we can see when we get there.

I found a Reddit thread with a lot of links for Quartet: PSA: Official Quartet Website has launched on 25th March. Resources, Errata aka Misprints, and Tips explained. It has the grammar / expression powerpoint slides, writing worksheets, conversation self-check, audio files, errata, and even a whole Anki deck!

I have checked the Audio files linked in the reddit link, and it is the same as those that you can get via the OTO Navi app, so you can just decide if you go the PC route or the Mobile route what’s more convenient for you. (both resources are also mentioned in the book, page 17)

OTO Navi app links and instructions
  • Install the OTO Navi - Sound Navigator app.
    Google play link
    Apple store link
  • Find Quartet in the app and download it
  • Now you have access to the audio content

I haven’t planned time in the schedule to read the first pages of the book but I guess there are relevant too, so I’ll make an unofficial kick-off the week before we start (so August 12th) to invite everybody to read them :slight_smile:

Also it took me a while to find the Supplement Book and I even thought for a moment that it hadn’t been shipped by mistake, but it’s simply well attached to the end of the main book :sweat_smile:

There is also an official app for Quartet Vocab and Kanji. I’m not personally going to use it, since I use WK for kanji, but just in case here are the links:
Google play link
Apple store link

I’m really excited to start, there is really a lot of content in the book, looks like we’ll have to work hard to complete each section in only one week!


Well I have finally done my GENKI review so I’m gonna start on Quartet nice and slowly. Hopefully I’ll have some advice when it starts proper :slight_smile:


Whoops… opening this thread ended up in an impulse purchase from Nipponrama. :sweat_smile: I guess I’ll join you guys when you start!


@pembo Here is the plan I was thinking to proprose for the first chapter:

読む (week 1)

  • 読み物1 ・ 読む前に
  • 読み物1
  • 読み物1 ・ 読んだ後で
  • 読み物2 ・ 読む前に
  • 読み物2
  • 読み物2 ・ 読んだ後で
  • 読みのストラテジー1
  • 読みのストラテジー2
  • 文型・表現ノート
  • Workbook page 9 読み物1
  • Workbook page 11 読み物2

書く (week 2)

  • モデル作文
  • タスク・書く前に
  • タスク・書いてみよう
  • Workbook page 13 基本練習
  • Workbook page 17 まとめの練習

話す (week 3)

  • 会話1・やってみよう
  • 会話1・聞いてみよう
  • 会話1・モデル会話
  • 会話1・練習しよう
  • 会話2・やってみよう
  • 会話2・聞いてみよう
  • 会話2・モデル会話
  • 会話2・練習しよう
  • Workbook page 20 口頭練習

聞く (week 4)

  • 聴解1
  • 聴解2

If you get through Chapter 1, feel free to let me know if the plan makes sense of if there is an order of things that would work better. I’m also unsure if one week is enough for all the reading that there is to do! :o

@eagleflo Awesome! See you there :grin:


Will do! I’ve get a few extra days off this weekend so I’ll to get make a dent in the first chapter as a guinea pig :slight_smile: (I’ve previously done the first few bits of chapter 1 but I parked it, so I don’t really remember it all).


Books arrived! :partying_face:


Perfect! Just one month to go now! :grin:


Wow this looks very interesting, I wonder if I could get the materials on time, I’ll go check online!


According to @WaniTsunami it is possible, I haven’t found where though (but didn’t look super hard). Let me know if you find it, I will add it to the first post

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I ordered from amazon.co.jp around Christmas time and it came really quickly to the UK. (just checked and I ordered it 19th December and it came 28th!)

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Oops, I think misread and thought that it was written “online” and not “on time” :sweat_smile:
Thanks for the tip, will add to the first post!

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It’s Friday and it’s early, I’ll let you off

(well it is for me so I’ll let you borrow that excuse :upside_down_face: )

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Thanks I appreciate!
And at the very least it created some activity in this group which is nice, I’m a bit anxious that because it was created so early everyone will have forgotten about it by the time it goes live :upside_down_face:

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I won’t lie, I forgot about it a few weeks ago. It wasn’t until someone bumped this topic that I reminded (since I’m tracking this thread)

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Exactly what I feared :joy:
Hopefully some people have set the thread to Watching too!


It’s okay :sweat_smile:, I’m actually looking for both versions, it seems that here in China I can get a digital version from a seller, but I don’t know how official that is, my Chinese abilities are almost nonexistent. The other option seems to be importing them from Japan and that would take around a month.


I see! Well we are starting in just under a month and will be on the first chapter for 4 weeks, so I would say you can definitely make it :slight_smile:

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I agree, I’ll place the order now :eyes:


Awesome, welcome to the club soon then :grin:

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I took the TTBJ to check my level for these books and I was placed around N4 for all except kanji which was a N3 level (ty wanikani), I’m not sure if I can begin these books with that level :s is it okay if I struggle a bit more than normal? I don’t wanna drag the group