Putting it into practice

Sorry. I misunderstood you.

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No problem, it’s probably my own fault, so I edited the post to remove the ambiguity

One of the best things I did for my practice was following Japanese language social media feeds related to my hobbies. It gives you relatively bite sized chunks of text to scan over regularly. Don’t bust out the dictionary and try to translate. Even if you barely understand anything, just recognizing one or two pieces of vocab or kanji reinforces your learning, and its a great triumph the day you realize things are actually starting to make sense, and those days where you can’t be bothered, you didn’t fail a study session you just skipped a post/tweet and there will be a million more opportunities.


ohhh… this one is interesting. i leave a subsciption to a certain Jpop song band which i love, but the kanji used is far for my current level. so the method never really came to mind. will try more.

This sounds a lot how I approached Drama CDs. I never stopped listening when I didn’t get stuff, just kept listening and eventually got the gist of the meaning. Re-listening would get me to identify the problem words and those would become knowledge before I knew it. One step at the time, just learning stuff word for word. ^>^

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