Post your J-CAT score!

Just took the test for the first time the other day.
I feel pretty okay about it. Everything is pretty level for the most part. I didn’t totally flunk on anything, but I wasn’t outstanding on anything either. (Would have been nice to at least hit 50’s for everything though. What a tease.)

Kind of barely hit that High Intermediate mark. :raised_hands:
I didn’t do as well as I hoped, but I also didn’t do as bad as I feared.
But those timed grammar and vocabulary questions were murder. 30 seconds is just not enough time to read and comprehend the question, and then answer.

But it’s a great reminder on what I need to work on. My grammar is totally crap, and I need to learn more vocab. AND LISTEEENING my gooooooooooood. I can understand what is being talked about generally, but I just can’t pick up on those small details. I’m hoping that in the next 6 months I can hit 250. But realistically, it’ll probably be somewhere between 225 - 245. lol

Yes, I recognized lots of questions. Though obviously I got to see some more difficult ones because I did better. My guess is they changed nothing in that time frame.

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That’s good to know. When I take it again, I’ll take the new results with a larger grain of salt.

I may just be imagining it, but a lot of the listening questions seemed to hinge on one piece of vocab without which it was almost impossible to answer the question, making them sort of like vocabulary questions in disguise.

I don’t remember having this issue with JLPT, even though my vocab always sucked.

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Eh, sometimes they’re like that, but sometimes they do have a more general comprehension requirement. Like one of the questions was about how long someone slept for. Because they only mention a bunch of times, and never a duration, you have to pick up that the question asked for a duration and then do the math.

Uhm, too soon for this, but I think I will try after advancing a little on my grammar so I can have some fun pushing me into this and, after six month, I can review If I have improved a little.

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Well i’ve finally done my second jcat, this is the one i did on october

and this is the one i did today

It has improved everything but grammar which is a bit weird, since i’ve done a whole MNN and other grammar from october , the grammar section felt really short, so maybe i failed some really easy answers or something?

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Not as bad as I was expecting.

I studied for two years in college classes. However, the entire time was spent on Genki I because our schedule was so infrequent. No idea who thought teaching a foreign language once or twice a week was a good idea for a university course, but whatever.
Spent one semester abroad in Japan. I was severely depressed at the time, though, so I did really poorly in my classes. We covered Genki II in two months.

I have lived in Japan for about a year and a half, and felt like I was progressing a lot for the first six months, but I started dating a Japanese guy and it just…ended really badly, immediately after which my coworkers told me never to use Japanese at work because “it’s not like we can’t understand you in English” like, yeah, that’s totally why I was trying to speak Japanese with you… /s
That really killed any desire to actively study.

I’m signed up to take the N2 in July. We’ll see if I can work hard enough to get to that level. It’s unlikely I will pass.

145, about what I was expecting if that’s towards the upper end of JLPT4 which is where I guess I am around now. Listening is definitely my weakest point and vocab my strongest which was picked up on in the test.

Listening 27
Vocabulary 25
Grammar 35
Reading 9
Total 96

I guessed almost everything after vocabulary… Although I did better than I thought I would! I’m really good at listening in english (not my native language) and I think in japanese too:D Really need to work on my vocabulary though!


I took the test for the first time today. I passed the N3 three years ago but haven’t been studying before I started Wanikani, so I guess I got what I deserved. ^^° I kinda like the balance though!

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I decided to take the test last week. I kept track of the number of questions asked in each category, how many I guessed on, and when I took too long to answer (so it skipped).

Listening: 11 asked, 5 guesses
Vocabulary: 8 asked, 5 guesses, skipped 1
Grammar: 10 asked, 6 guesses
Reading: 9 asked, 3 guesses, skipped 2

Despite keeping track of all that, I don’t really know what to make of it, except that I still have a long way to go. Ah, the uphill battle called “intermediate”…


Well, I retook the test early (I didn’t remember the questions at all though) because I needed to know if I’m making any sort of progress. And yep! First one is 29.04 and the second one is 20.07 Although I don’t feel like that level, especially with vocab, but hey, that’s still nice to seexD And my reading comprehension has improved and that’s the most important thing for me!



I had to read that sentence like 10 times to realize those were dates.


I’m sorry…xD Is it written wrong?

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How did you take it a second time early, did you have to make a new account?

Cos I tried some time ago but it didn’t allow me to :stuck_out_tongue: so I’ll wait a bit.

No, it’s just the Americans write dates with the month first and use the / to separate the month from the day. I’m aware that’s not the same everywhere, but it always throws me off, heh.

I had the same issue… reread it 3-5 times… at first thought it was average scores or something, but looked at the scores again and it didn’t make sense. XD
I’m glad I’m not the only one… ^_^;

If I follow the every six months rule, the next time I could (should) take the J-CAT is in September sometime (near the end). Though, I’m thinking of holding off 'til December if I’m not finished Genki II yet. I need to freaking crack my grammar resources open more often (and consistently)! >_<

I think my next one should be in September too! (at the beginning though) I totally get that feeling, like “c’mon I want to test my progress so far” but if we rush it then there might not be that much progress yet :stuck_out_tongue:

Interestingly, the American way of writing dates always throws me off, cos wherever I have been, Indonesia, Singapore, Germany, it’s always dd/mm.

And let’s not get started on the funny measuring system only used in the US, Liberia and Burma :expressionless:

Yeah, that’s exactly it! (Let’s cheer each other on, then! ^^)

Imperial, do you mean? The UK still uses it too… at least for mph on the highway, for sure! I’ve gotten in the habit of writing my dates YYYY-MM-DD most of the time, though in school I grew up with DD-MM-YYYY, or Friday October 6th, 1991 (as a random made up example).

Metric is so much easier, in most cases.