Post your J-CAT score!

Right. Now, I remember you talking about studying for 10 years somewhere. I didn’t know you passed the N1 2 years ago, though! Are you aiming for something higher?


Random question…is your baachan an oreore baachan too?

Edit: Oreore sounds like the telephone scam. I meant to say, does she say ore instead of watashi too?

That reminds me of an oyajigyagu



Except for that, I don’t really know what you mean. Do you mean that she uses 俺 to talk about herself?

There’s no way around this without adobe flash player is there?


Yup! But I remember you mentioning that you live near the sumo stable. If that’s where your 実家 is located then you probably have a 上品 ばあちゃん. So far, the only “ore” baachans I’ve encountered are from Chiba and Ibaraki.

That’s not my 実家.
実家 is in the middle of nowhere (Tochigi), so quite limited in terms of job opportunities.
But anyway, no, I don’t think she does. In fact, I can’t recall a single time she used the first person :confused: sooo maybe? But probably not.


I really thought I was going to do massiveley worse than that, and ti felt so difficult allt he way through!!

Pre intermediate sounds like a really accomplished place to be for me right now :slight_smile:


Listening: 48
Vocabulary: 35
Grammar: 43
Reading: 39
Total: 165

I am so stoked with this!! After the listening, I was feeling really unsure about myself, but apparently I did the best on it? This puts me in Intermediate, which was really all I wanted from this test. (I’m gonna try and use it to justify skipping into a higher language class during my study abroad. :yum:)



This just confirm how weak my reading is… I really need practice on that…

Does somebody know how to check when it’s possible to re-take the test ?


You can take it again after half a year


Alternatively, you can always register with a different email address, and attempt it again whenever you feel like it… but I don’t think there’s any point to it.

I agree, especially considering you don’t have the answers afterward. This is a really great tool to check where you currently stand and measure your progress. Six months sound about right. Aiming for 250 next time !

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I’m happy with my score, but I think I could have done better on the reading section. I attempted to read and fully comprehend the passage when reading the answer choices and skimming it might have been more effective. I’m aiming for 300 next time :slight_smile:



I’m also aiming for 300 next time. Let’s 頑張ろう :smile:
I’m not doing much in that direction, buuuut, anyway…


I just signed up to take it again. Last time I took it was in november, but I figure whats the harm in taking it a couple months before the whole 6 month biz. I just gotta try and beat your score before you take it again and improve. Probably not going to happen, but might as well. Maybe I improved 60 points in 3 months or so. Who knows.

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Haha. As we say in French, “c’est tout le mal que je te souhaite” (It’s all the bad things I wish happens to you)

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Heck. Well, as we say in arabic الله أكبر (god is the greatest)

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Oh, great, I tried to register before but never got that registration mail. Now I tried to do it again and it says I can only take the test every 6 months. But I never took it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Ah, that happened to me too.

It means they actually registered you and sent you an email.
That email probably got in spam and was deleted.
I think there’s an option to ask them to resend the email with your password.

Edit: nevermind, I can’t find it on the website :confused:
You can still send them an email directly, though.

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Wow, I just took it. And I feel like I did abysmally (even if I guess I’m intermediate).


Which is of course why I’m sharing my score here, for everyone to see. Motivate myself to do better in 6 months. :muscle: