Partners into Pain Level 11 in April 2019

One month later and I’ve only gone up two levels :sweat_smile: Better than nothing I guess… it’s gotten considerably harder for me to retain items. I think I’ve reached my limit in the number of things I can memorize :sob:

On the bright side, I’ve since hit 1000+ burns!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Only 13 (leveled up today) and still no burns. But hanging in there!


Let’s do our best!! Another month later, and I’ve once again only gone up a level LOL. The grind will be slow but certain…


Since you made this post you’ve made it through five levels! I’ve made it through 1 :sob:

Good work though! I’d planned on being much farther ahead by this point but Golden week, visitors and the resulting 900+ reviews on top of work got the better of me I’m afraid. Finally back on top of things so hopefully I won’t fall too far behind on our journey through pain :grin:

Keep up the good work everyone!

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Ahhh I’ve been falling behind. Birthday weekend and the reviews have piled up again… I have to start setting daily goals or something.

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Just got back (more or less) from five days abroad that I switched Vacation Mode on for, and slowly feeling my way back into this thing. Still working through the big backlog of Level 18 vocab that I have to work through, and presumably I’ll get to the radicals and kanji for this level before long. Presumably.


Oh man, I remember when this was posted right about the time I got to level 11. Finally going to be getting out in ~6 days!


I just recently got to level 11 and I can truly feel the pain. The workload is finally beginning to get intense and I’ve had to start actually pacing myself rather than just doing everything immediately.

Oof, I’ve been stuck at this level for a while now. Going to use the Prioritise Overdue Reviews script for a bit…

Level 15 for 121 days for me! Haven’t been near WaniKani for months! 1857 reviews and I am pretty sure much of what I knew in June is now well and truly gone!

I started this thread in April when I got to Level 11! I passed out in June without going on vacation, so must either drop some levels or do 1857 reviews really quickly!

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